Chapter 43- Your not allowed to die yet, We need you!

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It's a day after Harper got the call and she is about to leave to go visit Kelly. She is at the airport
"Are you sure your okay watching Aria?" Harper asks
"Positive!" Dawson says
"Okay I need to go, bye Aria mummy loves you so much okay?" Harper says looking at Aria
"Give Kelly our best!" Casey shouts
"I will!" Harper shouts back
After the 3 hour plane ride Harper arrives in Miami.
"It's weird being back here" Harper says to herself quietly
She then makes her way to the hospital and goes up to the ICU. She spots Kelly's room filled with people and she walks over to the door.
"Who are you" a firefighter says
"I'm Harper...Kelly's wife" Harper says
"Oh right! I'm Miranda King, I work on squad 8" King says
"This is Marco, David and Sam. They all work on squad 8 too" Miranda says
"It's nice to meet you all, how is he" Harper asks looking at Kelly
"He keeps drifting in and out of consciousness but doctors say he's stable" Miranda says
"How did it happen?" Harper asks
"He was with me in a wear house fire, the roof caved in and he was under it" Marco says
Harper then sits on the chair next to Kelly
"We will give you a minute" Miranda says as they all walk out the room
"Don't you dare die! You hear me? Me and Aria need you!" Harper says
"The whole of 51 wants you back! You need to take your squad back" Harper says
"It's your squad now" Kelly says
"I didn't know you were awake! You rest save your strength" Harper says holding his hand
"Just in case I don't come home, I love you and Aria so much! Your the best thing that has ever happened to me" Kelly says quietly
"Hey! It's not gonna come to that because your gonna pull through" Harper says
Kelly then falls back asleep and Harper steps out of his room
"He's asleep" Harper says
"We have to get back to shift, you should come" Miranda says
"Okay I guess I will" Harper says
"We can give you a ride" Miranda says
They arrive at the firehouse and Harper feels weird being back. They get out of the truck
"Is that who I think it is" Maya says
"Maya!" It's great to see you" Harper says giving her a hug
"You two know each other?" Miranda and Marco says
"She didn't tell you? She was the PIC here years ago! She worked here for like 6 years" Maya says
"Harper Bailey!" Chief Jones says
"It's Harper Severide now!" Harper says giving him a hug
They all go into the common room and sit down
"So tell us what's been going on" chief Jones says
"Well I moved to Chicago, got stationed at 51 as a paramedic. Met Kelly and married him. And now I have a 1 year old daughter called Aria" Harper says enthusiastically
"Wow! You really have a made a life for yourself" Jones says
"So how long are you staying?" Miranda asks
"I can stay for a few days" Harper says
"How come? I'm sure they can get a paramedic to fill in for longer" chief Jones says
"Umm actually I'm the Luitenent on squad 3" Harper says
"Really! I don't think you would go back to being a firefighter" Jones says
"Neither did I" Harper says enthusiastically
"I should be able to come back in about 3 weeks but I'm not sure, it's really hard finding someone to cover me" Harper says
"We can keep and eye on Kelly for you" Miranda says
"You know he spoke about you everyday" Miranda says
"Oh did he?" Harper says
"Yeah he said you were the best thing that ever happened to him" Miranda says enthusiastically
"He was the best thing that ever happened to me" Harper says
"Harper Bailey! I can't get rid of you can I?" Natalie says
"Natalie Brown!" Harper says giving her a hug
"I've still not forgiven you for giving up my ambo for another one" Natalie says
"Well I'm actually a Luitenent now on squad 3!" Harper says enthusiastically
"Oh she's climbing up the ranks as we know it!" Natalie says
"Only because I had a great mentor!" Harper says nudging Natalies shoulder
"It was lovely catching up with you all but I need to get back to the hospital" Harper says
"Come back and visit us before you leave!" Natalie says as Harper walks out
"I will!" Harper shouts

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