✨Age Regression✨

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⚠ Caution: chapter incorporates age regression as the title states. Age regression is NOT a kink or fetish. Age regression is used as a safe place/coping skill. People who use this slip into the headspace of a child, the age varies for certain people. If you are uncomfortable with this subject skip the chapter or close the book. DO NOT make little space out to be a kink in my book. (If I have another chapter containing age regression I will put a shorter warning so read this.)⚠

Third-person P.O.V:

Jungkook went out with his best friend Bambam, leaving the others in the house. "We need to distance ourselves from kookie you all" Jin says. "Before you all look at me like I told you I'm not cooking anymore listen. If we keep coddling him, we are not giving ourselves room to move on.  I don't think we want to spend the rest of our lives loving someone romantically knowing he will never feel that way."

All the guys sigh, no one dares to talk, seconds pass, then minutes until Namjoon speaks up."How are we going to avoid it?"

"We all have jobs except him, every night we could go on date nights and not come back until late" Taehyung sighs.

They all share glances "this is for our good boys" Hoseok says, trying to convince himself more than the others. Yoongi scoffs getting up.

"Fuck this, we are all going to be miserable! W-we are so o-o-okay with th-this. S-sure not hap-appy but we were f-fine."

"How long are we settling for fine hyung" Jimin whispers, as much as he hates to admit the group wasn't wrong. Tears were gushing down Yoongi's face at a rapid pace. Jungkook is his dongsaeng, he was very sensitive when it came to his dongsaengs.

"F-fine I j-just don't wa-want koo to think we are a-angry."

They all sigh getting ready for this heated conversation.


"Hyungs" Jungkook's voice rang through the seemingly empty house "hello, hyungs? Are you here? Anyone?" Jungkook kicks his shoes off at the front door, placing them on the rack. "That's odd, all their shoes are here."

Jungkook shrugs off the sense of fear that is bound to take over his mind "they are probably sleeping Jungkook" he whispers to himself. "Right?"

A loud laugh echoed in one of the rooms, Jungkook does not know why but his heart drops. "HYUNGS!"

Everything went silent, Jungkook stands at the front, and waits for one of his hyungs to speak up. "Jeon Jungkook, we are trying to sleep" Seokjin pokes his head out the room.

The youngest scoffs quietly, "well then instead of laughing you all should be lying down" sarcasm riddles his tone. He knew his eldest Hyung was fibbing, he just does not understand why.

"Jeon, mind your tongue," Jin says in a weary tone "we are your hyungs."

Jungkook looks away rolling his eyes, he saunters past Jin; hitting his shoulder as he steps into his room. Jungkook slams the door behind him locking it swiftly.

Seokjin walks back into the room next to Jungkooks, "he's upset" Jin murmured. Yoongi's is sleeping so he is just conversing with the others. Hoseok is sat on the window seat with Yoongi's head in his lap, Taehyung and Jimin are laying down on their bed, Namjoon at the foot of the mattress, and Jin was sat between his legs on the hardwood floors.

"Did our lives just become a living hell" Taehyung wails, Jimin nods glaring at the oldest "it's for our good he says" Tae snorts.

"Yoongi-hyung will throw a royal fit" Namjoon criticizes in a hushed voice, Joon and Jin are normally soft-spoken but the others have to adjust their voices. Hoseok refused to speak on the subject because he does not realize when he is loud.

"This is just step one, it will get better," Seokjin mumbles trying to convince himself as well. "Step one to be able to love each other right."

The silence in Jungkook's room is dreadful. The thought of the youngest being upset to the point where he ignores his normal routine is scary. A broken sob rang out, as soon as they heard this their souls shattered.

Jungkook would be lying if he said it hurt more than it should have. He didn't understand why the thought of the couples wanting to be alone demolished his world. Jungkook knew that his hyungs would never abandon him, they loved him...right?

"Why do you care dumbass" Jungkook uttered to himself. He sobbed, head on his knees that were pulled to his chest. He tried to settle his breathing as he rocked back and forth on his bed.

A soft knock sounded through Jungkook's room, "Koo, baby it's Yoonie. Can you open up Koo?"


"Baby why didn't you wake me up as usual?"

"Hyun's nu wuv koo no more,"(Hyungs don't love koo anymore) Jungkook sobbed.

"Baby that's not true, I promise little one! Come give Yoonie hugs or Yoonie will cry and k-"

Yoongi got cut off by the door swinging open, Jungkook jumped into his arms "nu cwy hyunie!"(Don't cry hyungie)


Jungkook woke up to an empty room, he sighed rubbing his eyes. This time the boys were not in the house, they were at work.

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