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  Jungkook's P.O.V:

     The house is quieter than usual, although this is the same schedule as always. Something seems different and I don't like it one bit. The hall appears scarier than usual as I make my way to the kitchen. But when I get there my heart stopped at what was on a sticky note.

     'Hyungs will be out late, do not wait up.'

     "You are never late" I mumble to the empty room. They never work overtime, they understand the importance of spending time with the people you love. I let out a huff as my stomach starts screaming at me. That same feeling of uneasiness creeps up, I push it down again. Surely two things can not go wrong in a few minutes. I swing open the refrigerator door and I'm wrong again.

   "You didn't even leave me food" I tear up as I look at the microwave. "I'd rather starve!"


    The boys got home hours ago, I stand in front of Yoongi Hyung's door, too hesitant to knock. Why am I even trying? They do not want me around anymore, they would not have lied to me if they did. Letting out a sigh, I place the hand that was reaching out into my pocket and turned around.

    I guess I wasn't discrete enough, the door swung open revealing Jin Hyung "Kook-, what's wrong?"

   "As if you care Hyung, isn't it my bedtime since I am a kid? You can go back to Namjoon Hyung." I know I shouldn't have snapped like this but I can not help it.

   I can feel his frown as he looks at the back of my head "Kook don't be lik-."

  "I'm going to Jung-Hyun's house, don't wait up" I speak over him and change the direction I'm heading. "I'm sure you all won't notice I'm gone."


   "Jungkookie why are you here and not with the Hyungs that spoil you oh so well," Jung-Hyun asked jokingly, his smile giving away his excitement.

   "I'm being avoided at the moment, so why not be a brat for my favorite Hyung" I murmured hugging him tightly.

   "It takes them ignoring you to visit your own family, what type of lunacy is this? If you ever go to jail I'm not going to visit unless I am hungry you ass!" His hands flew all over the place adding to his theatrical performance. "Honestly though, why are they ignoring you; it doesn't sound like them?"

    "I don't know, but something feels like it is clutching my heart. It feels as if pins and needles have pierced my lungs and I know it sounds dramatic but it's like my whole world is being crushed like a paper ball."

    Jung-Hyun nods and sits on the vouch next to me, I don't even know when I sat down "so basically you feel heartbroken?" I nod at the question, he laughs and continues "did you do that thing where you get sarcastic and mean?" I look down and he didn't wait for a verbal answer "go apologize Kookie."


    "You only get sarcastic when you fall for someone, if Bambam ignored you what would you do?"

    "I'd let him be" I mutter.

    "What do you feel when they kiss? Don't answer now you need to think about it" Jung-Hyun said, "now go and apologize, tell them how you feel; you need communication."

    "Can I stay the night, please Jung-Hyun?"


    "You love me. Please Hyung?" I whine holding onto the hem of his shirt.

    "No, I don't love you."


    "Nope, the only reason is that I don't have food so I'm not going to be here."

     "Suddenly you are not my favorite Hyung."

     "By the looks of it, I'm your only hyung" he laughs at my pain. I groan and gig him.


    It's pitch black when I walk through the corridor, carefully making sure not to make a single sound. I step on the floorboards in a memorized pattern, knowing which ones will give me away. "JEON JUNGKOOK!"

    "Shit" I mutter, clearing my throat "yes Hyung." I see Taehyung walk out from behind the front door "well that's not creepy at all."

   "Where were you?" Taehyung's voice booms, "sit the hell down."

    I groan turning on the light in the living room, I look at the only empty seat, but I refuse to give in. "Why do I have to listen to you?" Taehyung growls at this, "no really, why must I tell you all anyth-?"

   "Sit the fuck down Jeon" Yoongi barks, cutting me off in a menacing voice.

    "My legs aren't tired, I'm good" I laugh.

    "JEON JUNGKOOK, NOW!" This time fear struck, I sat down with my eyes facing the floor. I am not ready to see the owner of the voice, I don't think I will ever be ready now.

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