✨ Princess ✨

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Jungkook's P.O.V:

       It's almost like there's a bunch of weight on top of me...oh wait, that's because there is. Eight grown ass men are weighing me down, not noticing that I am awake as they talk. "I'm sorry that I cuddled Jules, Bambam. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me," I hear Yoongi Hyungs monotone voice, he probably didn't have his coffee. "I'm sorry I don't want to cuddle you Kunpimook Bhuwakul, you are cruel. Everytime you needed Jungkook when he lived with us you'd target me!"

       Bambam groans, "how many times must I tell you that he was usually in there!? Stop holding a grudge! You don't even know Jules he could've fucked Jeon for all you know."

       For the record, he did not. I haven't even seen Frenchie's dick. Before they get rowdy I should intervene, "get off of me, up or you are all out." One by one they get up, it takes a minute but I sit up with a yawn, automatically hearing fussing. "What now?"

      "THAT WAS SO CUTE KOO," Jules squeals, "OH MY GOODNESS!"

         "Baby," I grumble out the nickname, "it is to early for you to be yelling."

        "See guys, you never know," Bambam says, I can hear the smirk in his voice.

         "Bambi, what are you trying to do," I mutter, slipping out of bed, "jealousy isn't a pretty color." I head to the bathroom, turning on the shower, "fuck, I'm going to be late! Jules, in the closet there's a pink bag on a hanger, please bring it out and put it on the bed!"

        "On it," I hear him yell as I hop in the shower. 30 minutes to get clean and dressed, 15 to get to work. I could cut the time down. "Ooo this bag looks expensive!"

        "Want to peak," I hear Bambam ask the guys. Their conversation trails off as I rush, "hurry up Jeon!"

        "I'm done, damn," I mutter as I turn off the water. "Pass me the bag please!" It takes me a few minutes to get dressed but it's worth the reactions I get.

        Jules and Bambam are smirking while the others are just shocked, "wow," Jules let's out a whistle, "look at that sexy mofo!"

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        Jules and Bambam are smirking while the others are just shocked, "wow," Jules let's out a whistle, "look at that sexy mofo!"

       "Hold up," Joon growls, causing me to smile, "is that a body chain Jeon? Are you trying to get us put in jail?!"

       "Would love to entertain the questions," I slip on a pair of shoes while talking to them, "but I really have to go! Kisses, I'll see you soon." I rush out of the house, jumping in my car before speeding off.

Hoseok's P.O.V:

       "We can't call off of work again," I groan, "carpool after work? We all get off around the same time, Tae, you'll drive."

        "He didn't give us kisses," Jimin whines, we all let out sighs of agreement.

        "Bunch of punks, am I right Jules?" Jules and Bambam look at us with disgust as Bambam talks, "talk about love sick puppies."

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