✨What Do You Want ✨

504 14 8

⚠️Death ⚠️
Jungkook's P.O.V:

I stare at the barrel of the gun as she speaks, "My name is Ava, I'm the secretary. What's your name little boy?"

I whimper before speaking, "Taetae help!" I sob, seeing tears roll down his cheeks.

"Shh baby, we'll be okay. We'll be just fine my love. Can you tell her your name please baby?"

I sob, curling into myself "Jeon Jungkook, can I please go to my Hyungie Ava. Please, I need him," I cry.

"Stay down bitch," she yelled. "You weren't supposed to be here! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE JIMIN DAMNIT! The boss gave me direct orders to kill your boyfriend Kim!"

I whine before she speaks up again, "where does he work Kim? WHERE IS YOUR BOYFRIEND!!?? MY FAMILY IS ON THE LINE, I WILL FIND HIM AND GUT HIM!"

Taehyung goes to speak but my words rush out before I could think, "I am his boyfriend. You don't want Jimin, they broke up a month ago. Your boss wants his boyfriend dead right? Well I'm right here."

"Jungkook! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Taehyung yells, tears pouring from his eyes, "He's lying Ava, your boss would know that."

"Ava, Taehyung is trying to send you to the wrong person. You love your family right," I ask trying my hardest to keep Jimin safe, she nods. "Don't hesitate then.. do what you need. All I ask is that Taehyung doesn't see. I can't have him see you do it," I sob, trying my hardest to control my emotions.

"Ava! DROP THE GUN NOW," Taehyung yells. Frantic knocks are heard at the door.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! I AM TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW TO BACK THE FUCK OFF! CLOSE YOUR EYES," I yell breathlessly, my heart is beating in my ears as I try to clear my tears. "Please Taetae, cover your eyes. I don't want to look." Before I could register it, two gun shots went off. Ava was bleeding out on the floor and I passed out. I love you Tae, I'm so sorry.

No One's P.O.V:

Taehyung let out an ear splitting scream, as he dropped to Jungkook's side. He presses his hands on Jungkook's abdomen, "Gukkie! Gukkie! Jeon Jungkook! ANSWER ME," he screams. "YOU DON'T GET TO DIE YOUNG MAN! YOU DON'T GET OFF THAT EASILY! FUCK YOU! WE JUST GOT YOU BACK AFTER A YEAR! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU MYSELF IF YOU DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES DAMNIT!"

Ava shot herself in the head after shooting Jungkook, that fucking coward. Taehyung removes his left hand and fishes his phone out of his pocket dialing the ambulance, "JEON! I love you, please stay alive we need you asshole." Taehyung is still sobbing when the operator picks up.

"A woman named Ava just shot my boyfriend and then killed herself! He's unconscious, I'm applying pressure to the wound because that's what they do in Grey's Anatomy so I did it! I didn't move him because in Grey's they say not to move them! Please help me, I'm not a fucking doctor!"

"You are doing great sir. Keep applying pressure, make sure he's breathing. If he stops before we get there I need you to do chest compressions, do you know how to do those."

"Yes, yes I do. Please hurry!"

"They are on their way sir," the operator says. Taehyung hangs up and calls the group chat.

"Hello," they all answer giggling, they had reached home already.

"Guys," Taehyung sobs, breaking down.

"Tae why are you crying," Jimin asked worried.

"The secretary Ava came in looking for you Jimin, she said someone had her family and wanted her to kill you to save them. Guys, Jungkook said that Jimin and I broke up and if her boss wanted my boyfriend d-dead she's looking at him. I tried to shut him up but he didn't back down. She shot him Hyungs! HE WON'T LISTEN TO ME! HE'S NOT LISTENING! I'M YELLING AT HIM TO OPEN HIS EYES BUT HE'S NOT FUCKING LISTENING TO ME! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM! WHY IS HE NOT LISTENING HYUNGS, WHY IS HE PLAYING GAMES!?!"

"Baby we are on our way don't hang up," Jimin cries, the boys sobs are heard.

"Taehyung, baby," Yoongi speaks in a soothing voice. His dongsaeng is hurting and he hates that.

"Hyung, I'm sorry! I'm so worthless and I tried I promise I did but he didn't listen Hyung!"

"Taetae, it's not your fault, Jungkook is stubborn bub. He's sleeping for a quick minute, is he breathing bub," Yoongi tries to hold in his cries as Taehyung gives a hum of approval. "That's good baby. Don't worry Hyung is here. Yell at him all you want so he knows he can't leave us behind, don't worry Jungkook will understand bub. Why don't you tell him how I told you I loved you while I was half asleep, I bet you wanted to rub it in his face."

Taehyung gulped, "Jungkook, Gukkie? Yoonie said he loves me this morning. I bet I'm his favorite dongsaeng, I mean sure he loves you romantically but he loves me more I bet. I, I love you Jungkook. Please don't leave me, I won't forgive you! Yeontan and Bella won't either. HOW ARE WE GONNA TERRORIZE JIMIN IF YOU LEAVE YOU SON OF A BITCH?! I hate you, why did you open your fucking mouth?! She would have left, she wouldn't have found Jimin. Why did you do that you selfless fuck? Be selfish for once in your fucking life," he cries out.

"That's right Tae, let it out baby," Yoongi said. Ever since Taehyung's grandma died, he has panic attacks. So Yoongi is trying to keep him talking.

"I hope Jimin beats your ass! I hope he grows taller than you, you stupid fucking bunny!"

"Th-that's rude," Jungkook mutters. Taehyung sobs as Jungkook places a hand on his face, wiping his tears. "I'm alive Hyung, I'm just f-"


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