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No One's P.O.V:

     Once again the waiting room has Jungkook's loved ones, but this time it's different. Jeon Yoo, Jung-hyun, Bambam, and Nicholas refuse to call the boys, leaving only the four of them. Nicholas paces in front of the others, "We should call them," Jung-hyun says, "trust me, I want to kill them myself but Jungkook will only get worse if he wakes up and they aren't there."

     "Too late," Namjoon shouts, all six boys walking up to them. "Why the fuck didn't we get calls from you?!"

      "This is your fault!" Nicholas shouted. "Y'all didn't want to hear him out! Instead you kicked him out while he was panicking!"

       "He fucking cheated! I'm sorry we didn't want to hear him out after that!" Jin shouts back sarcastically.

       "You're not even dating him," Bambam mutters. "None of you are dating him, he was going to break whatever this was off today because he didn't feel like you all were in love with him. My best friend is in surgery so sit your asses down and shut the fuck up or leave." He didn't raise his voice, he was too worried.

       It was a long wait before they were told that they could see the boy, waiting for his eyes to open was nerve-racking. When he did, his eyes landed on his dad, "Daddy?"

       "Yes Baby," the man answered.

        "I saw mommy." Jungkook's eyes flutter shut as he speaks, "she is so beautiful, her eyes are still bright. Dad-" and just like that his monitor starts beeping rapidly.

       Jin slams the help button, in a short span of seconds the staff rush in. "Move! Please! Damnit, there's fluid in his lungs," a staff member yells. "GET AN O.R READY!"

       "What's happening," Bambam whispers, "HEY WHAT'S GOING ON?!"

      "We don't know yet," a surgeon speaks calmly as the others rush him out. "We have to get him into surgery, it might be a complication. When we know more, we will let you know." With that the surgeon runs out.


       Jungkook wakes up the next day, looking at the sleeping bodies around the room. He swings a leg off the bed, grunting lightly before letting the other foot hit the ground. He shuffles towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. "Note to self, driving with hectic emotions is just like driving drunk." A small sob leaves his throat, and then there's a knock at the door. Jungkook clears his throat, "one moment!"

      "You shouldn't be on your feet," Namjoon shouts.

       "Wow," he scuffs, opening the door and pushing past them to sit on the bed. "Funny how you six are worried when I'm surrounded by doctors, but when I wasn't you didn't give a shit. Daddy, please tell them to get out. Cross them off the visitor list, I don't think they really want to see me so let's make it easy."

     Jeon Yoo stands up, motioning for them to exit. The boys hesitate for a moment before leaving one by one, Taehyung pauses by the door. "What did you think? You sat there and told us that you cheated."

     "That doesn't make up for the fact that you sent me out there in tears. Mid panic attack. It doesn't make up for the fact that I don't feel loved, and now you don't have to hide it so please, go."

     Taehyung gulps, "Jungkook," he whispers. "Why didn't you say something? What can we do to show you how much we?" Taehyung cuts off, wiping his own tear away.

      "Go away, just go." Jungkook is crying at this point, "Daddy, please!" Jeon Yoo glares at Taehyung, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him outside before slamming the door.

        "You all have some nerve," Yoo bellows. "That is my child, I don't give a shit about your emotions, he has his own room, you could have went to separate spaces. Instead you sent my baby away, my baby was crying behind the fucking wheel. My baby, no one else's. He could have died! So you all will respect his wishes and leave unless he asks for you back. I will not cross your names off the list because it is only a matter of time before he wants you, but if I see any of you come without his permission, so help me God. YOUR PARENTS WILL BE BURYING YOU ALL! GO THE FUCK AWAY!"

(Sorry for all of the time skips)

    By the looks of it Jungkook's dad was right, the boy was crying in Bambam's lap as Nicholas rubbed his back. They were sat on Bambam's couch. "I want," Jungkook sobs  between his words, "I want my Hyungs! But they don't want me, they didn't need me!"

     "I know baby," Nicholas whispers. "I know. We can get them if you want, even if we don't want them here. If you need them we'll call them baby. Now I need you to tell me what you want Bambam and I to do."

     "Don't," Jungkook whimpers "don't call them. Don't force them to be near me." Jungkook continues to sob. Bambam shakes his head, pulling out his phone and texting the boys.

     It takes a couple of minutes until quick knocks are heard at the door, Nicholas jumps up, quickly letting the boys in. "Baby," Jin says when they all stand in front of him. "Baby, we are right here."

     Jungkook whimpers, gripping Bambam's thigh, "don't call him that," Bambam growls. "We only told you to come over because you need to fix what you did. He hasn't eaten in a week, we've had to force him to drink water, fix my best friend."

     Taehyung reaches for the boy, causing Bambam to hit his hands. "Do you want him to eat or not!" Reluctantly Bambam let's Taehyung pick the boy up, meeting resistance from Jungkook, "stop Ggukie, calm down."

     "Don't tell him to calm down," Jimin scolds.

     Taehyung grabs Jungkook's jaw, forcing Jungkook to look into his eyes. "Baby, stop. Look at me, you need to eat." Jungkook whines as Taehyung continues, "I know, we fucked up baby. Nicholas told us what happened, we are so sorry for not hearing you out. You didn't cheat, even if you did kiss the guy back, we didn't ask you out. I speak for all of us when I say that our love for you should never be in doubt, we are so very sorry if we did anything to make you question it. That's a good baby, calming down for me like the good boy you are."

      Jungkook tightens his hold around Taehyung, "are you hungry baby," tae asked. Jungkook shakes his head, "well can you eat for us baby? Jin Hyung will cook, just for you." Jungkook shakes his head again, "please?" The boy starts sobbing again causing Taehyung to panic, "okay darling, I won't push. How old are you feeling my love, are you slipping?" Jungkook whines, he doesn't hold any fingers up, "oh darling. You're in baby space hm, Hobi can you pass the pink bottle please?"

      Taehyung sits down, placing Jungkook sideways after grabbing the bottle from Hoseok. He slips the nipple of the bottle in the boys mouth, immediately getting a positive response. "When he's done, you all can go away," Nicholas speaks up, gaining sideways looks, "I don't think I stuttered. Drop the looks."

      "You can't be serious," Jin says with a scoff. "You all need to stop acting like we don't know that we fucked up! We get it, alright. But if we leave, he is coming with us."


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