✨ New Boy Pt.2✨

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No one's P.O.V:

        "Hey Paul," Jungkook greeted the American secretary, "these men don't need background checks, if they ever come in randomly just send them up please." It takes a while but, Paul takes pictures of the six, not tripping up on his words when he speaks in Korean to Jungkook. "Thank you Paul. You'll be proud of me! I learned how to say something in English!"

       Paul laughs, "what did you learn Jungkook?"

       "Pardon?" Paul looks at Jungkook's huge smile, not wanting to tell the boy that no one really uses that word anymore.

        "That's amazing Jungkook, soon you'll be fluent," he beams ruffling Jungkook's hair, "I see my kids have taught you a lot, they're running around the house asking for banana milk because of you though."

         "It's not my fault they have good taste," Jungkook flips his long hair to the side. "I have to go now, I'll send someone down to relieve you." Jungkook grabs the nearest hand, which happened to be Jimin's, Jimin grabbed Yoongi's, Yoongi grabbed Namjoon's and so on. "where y'all wanna go first," he pulls them into the elevator.

          "To the guy," Taehyung says and Jungkook presses the five with a sigh. "You are so pretty Ggukie." Jungkook let's out a squeak, looking down at his feet, the rest chuckle. "So fucking pretty."

        "I'm going to drop kick you," Jungkook whines when the elevator stops at the floor, "I will punt you! Stop flirting you weirdo!" He pulls the boys out of the lift, cheeks aflame as he mutters profanities.

         "Look at the blushing baby, already so happy to see me," a gruff voice sounds, the male leans on the desk. "Well isn't this a sight? Our soon to be boss with six men by his side, I mean I knew you were a whore baby Jeon but this is too much even for you. Does your precious daddy know about this?"

          "Mike, if you know what is best for you I suggest you stop."

         "Baby Jeon has a voice now," he chuckles causing the rest of the employees to laugh.

          "Y'all are staying overtime, text your wives and children. Since you want to act like juveniles I'm going to treat you like them, consider it detention. Before you ask, yes I can do this and no you are not getting paid since you all don't seem to do your jobs anyway. And if you think you can touch me again, think again Mike."

         "Awe, sweetheart," the man coos tauntingly, "I do what I fucking want."

          "Back the fuck off," Jimin growls, "let's make something clear, if you put your hands on what's ours ever, we will rip you apart. Don't think you are in the clear for the first time either, I should just-."

        Taehyung covers Jimin's mouth, pulling the boy to his chest, "Min, I know you want to kill him but remember you're bite sized. We need you to hit him where it hurts, can't do that if he knows the plan."

         "Well Baby, would love to stay and chit chat," Mike reaches out to touch Jungkook's face, hissing when Seokjin grips his wrist, digging his nails into the man's skin. "The fuck do you think you're doing?"

         "Did you think we were joking? Oh bless your heart dear. We don't play when it comes to him, try us again dear, you won't be able to touch a damn thing. By the way, his dad knows and approves of us, get to work."

           Mike's face pales as he yanks his arm away, seeing blood peek through the small puncture, "remember you're overtime is actually making up for the times you slacked off," Jungkook says with a smile"we can only pay you what you bring to the company. Right now you bring close to nothing."

        The seven head back into the elevator, Jungkook pressing the 12th button, "did you call me bite sized you buffoon?!"

         "Hyung help me," Taehyung whines, "he's punching my kneecaps!"

         "Wow Tae! That's just low," Jin Hyung says trying to keep in his laugh, "Just like Jimin's height." His windshield wiper laugh fills the elevator as everyone but, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok groan.

           "I will fight you!"

           "Fighting you would be animal cruelty," Yoongi mutters with a chuckle.


         The elevator ride was chaotic, as short as it was. It didn't change the fact that they all wore big smiles, even poor Jimin.

~Time Skip~

           An hour passed of them laughing in Jungkook's office, only getting interrupted when Jungkook's phone rings. They tell Jungkook about what they were doing, and how much they missed being able to sit around with him. "Young Jeon," his secretary says over the intercom that only connects to his room.

           "I told you to call me Jungkook, when you say that it sounds like a fanfiction. Lay-lay I thought you were different," Jungkook whines over the speaker.

           "Young Jeon, Sir Jeon is here to see you."

           "Oh, I was just kidding Miss Smyth! Let him in please, thank you!"

          "It's no problem," she says before whispering something so only Jungkook and the boys can hear her, "Lay-lay out."

          "Oh yippee," Jeon Yoo says, sarcasm lacing his voice. "I had an amazing year without you all stealing my baby, I guess my happiness must die." Jungkook cackles at his father's blatant lie, "why are you laughing? I'm not joking!"

          "Just admit that you missed them, daddy."

         Jeon Yoo cracks a smile before clearing his throat, "I missed you all, before you run up and hug me like I'm the only parent you know, listen to me first. I missed the way Jungkook would call me late at night to rant about his day with you all, now when he rants about his day it's not as bright. Sure I missed you all worshipping me, let's face it I'm the best in-law ever! I missed your stupid faces, now give me hugs! Y'all are hanging out with me today, forget this guy!"

        The boys all engulf him in a group hug as Jungkook scoffs, "I told you to tell the truth not disown me!"

        "Screw you!"


       "Screw him too. I don't need y'all, I have six grateful son-in-laws."

       "Dad, I am literally your favorite!"

       "I don't love you," Jeon Yoo says defiantly, not letting go of the boys.

       "Grow up, Dad!"

       "I'm a grown man, you rude fuck!"

       "Let go of them! I swear, who's the son and who's the dad between us?"

      "Go away! I'm enjoying my children's hugs!"

      "Shocker," Jungkook muttered sarcastically, choosing to ignore the rest of the reunion. "Where do I send a faulty dad back?"

       "I heard that!"

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