✨ Bad Guy ✨

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(this is the real chapter of Loving Him)

Jungkook's P.O.V:

        They tell me that they love me, state how I make them all whole. Yet they refuse to touch me, and when they do they are hesitant. "Yes Jungkook that's all you have to say," I whisper to myself. "Hey guys, I don't feel seen or wanted. I'm not sure this is going to work, not to mention we've been like this for over a year and you all still haven't asked me out. I'm just going to go, I'll get an apartment or something, talk to you later." I nod to myself in the mirror, staring at the bags under my eyes that go hand in hand with my baggy clothes.

" I nod to myself in the mirror, staring at the bags under my eyes that go hand in hand with my baggy clothes

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        I let out a sigh before walking to Jimin and Tae's room, knocking softly before letting myself in. When I see them all sprawled out on the floor my rehearsal flew out of the window. "I'm going out," I speak loud enough for them to hear me. "Just wanted to let y'all know so I'm not ambushed with questions if I get back later."
       "What do you mean, if," Namjoon asked, I roll my eyes, not wanting to answer questions "are you implying that you might not come back home tonight?"

       "Probably," I click my tongue trying not to fidget, "maybe I'll hang out with my Hyung or something. Shouldn't matter, see you." I rush out of the room, not wanting to wait for a response. I run down the stairs, slamming the door behind me and hopping on my motorcycle, "what happened to the plan stupid?" After securing the helmet I drive off, 60 mph...70...75...80...95 mph. I swing onto the back road, not slowing down, not caring about the dangers it might cause to my body.

       Are you trying to kill yourself? A voice in my head shouts, it sounds like my mom. Slow down! I ignore it and speed up to 97, shaking my head and making a sharp turn into the back parking lot of a bar. When I get in, I take a seat on a bar stool. "May I please have a soda?"

      "You're in a bar," the bartender quirks his eyebrow up in shock, "and you want soda?"

      "I'm driving home, so yes I would like a soda."

      "Alright then," he chuckles pulling out a can of Sprite. "That's so you know it doesn't have anything in it, what's your name?"

     "Jungkook, what's yours?"

     "My name is Taylor, nice to meet you." I nod with a small smile, "why is a pretty boy dressed up in baggy clothes? I've seen you around here, always wearing something fitted with the same six boys around you or your other friend. Now you are alone?"

     "My other friend's name is Bambam, he couldn't come because he was studying."

     Taylor hums pouring drinks and setting it in front of the three women nearby. "What about the scary ones?"

     I let out a giggle, "they aren't scary Taylor!"

     "I beg to differ, they threatened my coworkers because of their eyes wandering on you."

      "Well those boys," I sigh. "They were in love with me since I was a teen. I don't think they are in love with me anymore."

     "What makes you think that?"

     "I don't know, I've been waiting for them to ask me out for a year and some change."

     "Then don't wait anymore, find yourself someone who wants you."

     I nod with a frown, he lifts my chin with his finger and places a kiss on my lips. Pull away, Jungkook don't do this to us, Taehyung's voice is in my head as the others shouts are heard. That's all it takes for me to push him away, "why did you? Never mind." I slap the money on the counter before storming out. Tears are falling down my face, I wave down a cab, telling them my address as I don't want to drive.

     The cab driver looks at me through the rearview with concern, as I let out ugly sobs. When he finally pulls in, I hand him the money before running towards the door and slamming it open. I try to muffle my sobs by holding my lips together as I close the door, but it didn't work, instead I let out a powerful sob. "Jimin!" I yell out "Hyung Please!" I hear multiple feet running in my direction, Jimin grabs me hoisting me on his hips to carry me and place me on the couch. "I am terrible, Hyung!"

      "Baby," Jimin gasps, "why on earth would you say that?! What's going on with your pretty little head?"

       I let out another sob, burying my face in my hands, "I'm not good, I'm dirty and I don't," a hiccup stops me in the middle.

      "Jeon," Taehyung speaks up. "What happened? You're getting worked up, let us know what happened."

      "You won't love me anymore," I sob, my breathing becoming rapid, "you'll leave me!"

      I feel my hands being pulled off my face, soon Taehyung's eyes pierce mine. He has a small smile on his face as he whispers, "Princess, we will always love you. You are our baby," I can't stop the tears from falling. "The worst thing you could have done that would make us upset is cheat, and we all know that you wouldn't." My hands start to tremble in his as I try to avoid his eyes, "Jungkook? You didn't, right?!"

      An loud sob leaves my mouth as I see Taehyung's horrified expression, he pulls away and backs up. "Jungkook, you didn't cheat," Yoongi's question sounds more like a statement.

      "I didn't want to, I swear!"

       All of them stare at me, Hoseok taking the chance, "get out," he whispers before speaking louder. "How much pain must you cause us?! How much are we supposed to take until we break?! Get the fuck out! Go to that person, go away!"

       I watch as they all walk away, slamming doors behind them. I run out the door, climbing in my car and dialing Nicholas' number. It rings twice before he picks up, "I'm driving home Kookie."

     "Can I come over," I ask between sharp breathes, "please?"

     "Yes kiddo, hey what's wrong? I'm going to stay on the phone with you so I know you're safe."

     "They kicked me out," I cry as I start the car,  "I cheated, the bartender kissed me but I pushed him away. I cheated Nicholas! I'm a bad person!"

      "Darling, you did nothing wrong. You pushed him away, you didn't cheat. I need you to wipe your tears when you hit a red light, if," the sound of his voice cuts out as I hear horns, next my vision goes black. Maybe I'll see mom again. Tell the boys I'm sorry, tell them that I love them. I'm sorry Nicholas. I'm sorry Kunpimook Bhuwakul. I'm Sorry Daddy. I'm sorry Jung-hyun. I'm sorry Taehyung. I'm sorry Jimin. I'm sorry Yoongi. I'm sorry Hoseok. I'm sorry Namjoon. I'm sorry Seokjin. I'm sorry Mommy.

Nicholas's P.O.V:

         I hear a crash, "Jungkook," I say and I get no reply. "JUNGKOOK! DAMNIT JUNGKOOK!!" He doesn't answer, "JEON THIS ISN'T FUNNY, GET UP!" The line goes dead.

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