✨ Easily Forgiven ✨

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Jungkook's P.O.V:

        Everyone is gonna be working late today so I decided to run around and get food for them. I'm in my beautiful birthday present, the apple of my eye. I delivered all of theirs except Jimin's, I'm headed over to him now. As I pull into the parking lot, I see him standing against his car, his back is facing me so I decide to scare him.

       I slip out of the car softly closing the door and tiptoeing towards him, I get three feet away from him when I realize he is not alone. A girl turns in his arms and threads her fingers through his hair. I am frozen as she starts to kiss him, he kisses back. "Jimin," my voice comes out like a broken whisper, he doesn't hear me so I try again, this time angry rather than hurt. "PARK JIMIN!"

        It works, he pushes her away and stares at me in shock. "This is what you do at work? After you kiss your boyfriend after you kiss me? YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

        "Ju-Jungkook," Jimin stutters. "It's not-."

        "Don't you dare say it's not what it looks like! You know what Jimin, here's your food. Don't touch me, don't kiss me, don't even look at me. You tell Taehyung, tell that beautiful boy what you do when you are here." I run to my car with blurry eyes, letting out a sob before driving away.

~Time Skip~

      It's 9 pm, I've locked myself in my room. The boys are calling for me once they walk in, I ignore them. "Jungkook! We want hugs," Hoseok Hyung yells. I open the door and walk down.

      "I'm going to my dad's house, don't come over there," I mutter pushing past them. "Need space." I don't let them respond before leaving.

Taehyung's P.O.V:

        "What happened to him," I ask confused. He never leaves without hugs unless he is upset. "Does anyone know?"

        "He saw me cheating," Jimin mumbles. The boys look shocked, I just growl. "I tried to lie about it in his face."

        "You cheated on me? AGAIN!?! What am I doing wrong, huh? FUCKING SPEAK PARK!" I'm gripping his collar as I yell, "you know what? I don't care but you cheated on Gguk!"

       "Get over yourself Kim," Jimin mutters. "You said some hurtful shit to me last night, I wanted an escape. It's not like I did it unprompted!"

       "GET OVER MYSELF! I told you that I didn't trust you in your job. Your boss, that CEO is not professional. I HAVE A REASON TO BE INSECURE! YOU HURT OUR BABY PARK!"

       "I know. I FUCKING KNOW I FUCKED UP! You think I didn't feel horrible knowing that I was the one who caused his tears?" Jimin is crying at this point, "do you seriously think that I don't regret that shit? I know that what I did was disgusting and stupid, and I hate every bone in my body for it Taehyung, but don't you dare. Don't you dare try to pin this all on me, you cheated on me three times, I fucked up twice! I wasn't doing it to get back at you, I was drinking you fucking asshole!"

        I sighed and loosened my grip on his collar, chuckling a bit. "Wow. You are still not over something I did in high school? Grow up Chim, will you apologize to Jungkook, please. I'm not upset about you cheating on me, I just thought you would have the decency to hold Jungkook's heart." Yoongi pulls both of us into a hug.

       "I want you both to go now, go and show each other that you love one another still," Yoongi Hyung muttered. "Your love is unconditional so start acting like it." He lets go and they all walk away.

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