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Third-Person P.O.V:

          "I hope you know that what you did is considered cruel and unusual punishment, I think it's also abuse of power," Namjoon whines as Jungkook takes a left turn.

          "No one told you all to stand there and watch," Jungkook laughs. "You guys could have joined in, technically you aren't fucking me the toy is."

           They all growled as he teased, everyone else was giving him the silent treatment while Joon was whining. "Each couple will have a competition everyday, the winner of this one can't compete in the next one until the last team gets a prize. So it will be 3 then 2 and the final team gets their prize or whatever the last day and it restarts. Sunday there will be no competition. The winners of the competition will determine who I sleep with. This doesn't include little space, everyone gets to sleep with me in little space but that would take the place of Sunday. Bringing up the fact that I need to get a bigger bed for my room."

        All their heads shot up and he spoke again, "I'll wear whatever you want in your rooms, no intercourse allowed though. Everything else is on the table. Today's competition is outfit picking, you all pair up with whoever you want on your team, it doesn't have to be your boyfriend. If they are not your boyfriend do not accidentally touch each other sexually, unless you get permission from your boyfriend's."

       They all started discussing the teams, soon figuring out who they are with. Yoongi was with Jin, Joon was with Jimin, and Tae with Hobi. Jungkook parked the car, "go on, get back here in an hour."

      Two teams ran out of the car racing towards the mall, Jin and Yoongi stayed back. "Would you like to come with us Gguk, we don't want you to be far," Jin asked as Yoongi ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair.

       "I'm okay, I'll wait right here Hyungs, my location is on." They both nodded kissing his temples, Jin slides out and helps Yoongi out of the car, they start to walk to the mall. The boys haven't kissed since Jungkook's birthday, it just hadn't come up.


     The boys come back with bags on their arms, "I only said one outfit each," Jungkook is highly confused.

       "One for the game and the others were just tempting," Taehyung spoke for them.  Jungkook laughs before talking.

       "We'll go home, I'll try the clothes on. The one I pick, I'm wearing tomorrow. Who wants to take me to work with them?"

        "You aren't going to work with Yoongi and I, there's a bunch of perverts," Namjoon spoke.

        "Not with Jimin and I either, our manager likes pretty twinks," Hoseok mumbles causing Jungkook to pluck him.

        "M not a twink bitch."

        They all laugh, "my coworkers don't know boundaries bunny boy," Jin said as well.

        "You're coming with me baby. I don't have a photoshoot planned, they just want me in the office," Taehyung cheered.

         "They knock on your door, right?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, "like they have to?"

          "Yeah, why?"

           "No reason, just a question." They all looked at Jungkook, confusion filling the car until Jimin gets it.

           "You fucking EXHIBITIONIST! Damnit I hate my boss," Jimin whines.

           "What so ever do you mean Hyungie," Jungkook laughs as he quotes Victorious. "I'm a innocent bunny boy I promise."

           Everyone except for Taehyung groans as they all catch the drift, Jimin watches as Tae grows in his pants. "Let's head inside."

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