Chapter 1

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Sara Lance was packing her things as she was thinking about what she was going to say to Ras Al Ghul to hopefully be released from the League. She knew this was the last time she was going to be in this room either way. She would either be released, or she would die. Once she was done packing, she left the room to go to the throne room to see Ras.

"What is it? Why have you come before me?" Ras said.

"I am not able to do what is required of me here anymore. I do want to go back to my home city and bring justice there. I am just not willing to be an assassin anymore." Sara said.

"I see. In my view you were never really meant to be here anyways. It was just for survival that you are here. I release you from your vows. You may return to your former life. I will be keeping an eye on you and if you go against our code you will be brought back her and killed." Ras said.

"Yes master. I will not make that mistake. Thank you." Sara said as she got up from bowing in front of Ras and left the throne room to collect her thing.

When Sara got to her things, she saw Nyssa standing there. "You must be going on a mission for father. Why wasn't I informed? I normally go with you." Nyssa said.

"I am not going on a mission. I have been released from the League and I am going home." Sara said.

"You would leave me?" Nyssa asked.

"I have things that need to be done at home. I will always cherish our time together, but I must go." Sara said.

"Goodbye Sara. I hope we meet again one day." Nyssa said as Sara turned to leave.

"See you around Nyssa." Sara said as she left Nanda Parbat for what she hoped was the last time.

Sara got to the outskirts of the city and found her nephew and a girl she had never met before, but she looked familiar somehow. "So, are you ready to go?" Conner asked.

"Yeah, I am ready to be home for the first time in five years. Where is Mia?" Sara asked.

"Oh, about that. Things have changed. Mia no longer exists now that mom knows the truth. This is Olivia." Conner said.

"It's good to see you Aunt Sara." Olivia said.

"It is good to meet you Olivia." Sara said.

"Ok, get me to Lian Yu so I can save your dad's ass from Kovar." Sara said and the Queen siblings nodded as the entered the waverider.

They were soon at Lian Yu where they dropped Sara off with all of her supplies which she hid. She then went hunting for Kovar's men and ended up taking them all down before going after the helicopter. Once she destroyed that she went to the jail on the island and took out Kovar and the rest of his men before letting Oliver out of his cell.

"I must be imagining things again because I know that you are dead." Oliver said.

"I am not dead Oliver. I will explain things to you later. Now we need to go and meet that boat that is coming here for you." Sara said and Oliver nodded.

They both spread dirt on themselves and Oliver put his long hair and fake beard on. They both looked like they had been on the island for years now. Once they were on the boat Oliver called Moira to let her know that he was alive.

"Hello." Moira said.

"Hey mom. It's Oliver. Sara and I are alive. We will be home in a couple of days. Let the Lances know as well." Oliver said.

"I will let them know and we will meet you at the hospital when you get to the city. I love you my sweet boy." Moira said and Oliver hung up.

"So, where have you been for the last couple of years?" Oliver asked.

"I got picked up by the League of Assassins and I was finally able to get released a couple of days ago and I made my way back here to see if you were still alive and as it turns out you were." Sara said.

"Well, it is good to see you are alive Sara. I am glad that I don't have to tell your family you are dead." Oliver said.

"So, I have heard rumors about how bad things are in Starling right now. I am going to use my skills to make things better. If you have improved any since that last time, I saw you with your archery skills, I could use the help." Sara said.

"Looks like we both had the same thing in mind. I will join you." Oliver said.

"That's good. I will follow your lead since this has been on your mind ever since the Gambit sank." Sara said.

"Thanks." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I think we will need all the help we can get though if things are as bad as they seem." Sara said and Oliver nodded.

"We will see if there are others out there who can help but we need to start right away. We don't have time to recruit as of yet." Oliver said.

"I agree. We can do that later." Sara said, although she knew that the team was mostly ready to go, except for Thea who was going to start training soon.

Once Oliver and Sara were on dry land again, they cleaned up, getting haircut and Oliver shaved, and then they were on a plane to Starling City. Once they arrived, they were immediately taken to the hospital, where they had physicals done so that they would know the extent of the damage done to their bodies. Once that was done, they were allowed to rest in separate rooms while they waited for their families.

Moira entered Oliver's room and she hugged him still having a hard time believing that he was alive. "I have missed you so much. I am so glad that you are alive." Moira said.

"I missed you to mom. I am guessing Speedy is in school." Oliver said.

"Yeah, she wanted to be here, but she also knew that she needed to be at school." Moira said.

"That's good. I am glad she is taking school more seriously than I did." Oliver said.

"She tries. She is doing better than she did in the past." Moira said.

"Well, as long as she is doing good that's all that matters to me." Oliver said.

"There is actually someone else here who wants to see you. Are you up for another guest?" Moira asked.

"Yeah, it must be Tommy. I can't see anyone else coming here after what everyone probably thinks I did with Sara." Oliver said.

"You might be surprised Ollie. I know you would never cheat on me, even though it did look that way in the beginning and I might have believed it for a while. Now I know the truth. I have already talked to Sara and she confirmed that I was right." Laurel said as she walked into the room.

"I will leave you two alone." Moira said as she left the room.

"I will always love you Oliver no matter what. So, I am hoping that we can pick up where we left off before you left on the Gambit." Laurel said.

"I would like that. I know it is going to take me sometime to get used to things, but I will tell you that you are the reason that I am still alive today. The thought of getting back to you made me stronger. I love you Laurel." Oliver said.

"So, how about you move in with me and we can look for a bigger place once everything has settled down." Laurel said.

"I like that idea. So, when do we go home?" Oliver asked.

"Well, you need to be discharged first. Your mom has already made sure that we all are at the mansion for dinner tonight as a welcome back to you and Sara. Depending on how late it is once we are done. We will either go home or spend the night at the mansion." Laurel said.

"Well, it looks like my day is planned for me. So, let's get those papers so I can at least get out of here." Oliver said as Laurel went to get the doctor so that they could leave the hospital and get their lives started again.

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