Chapter 25

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Tommy had been working with Oliver and Nyssa to become the fighter that he needed to be to finally go out in the field with the team and now he was finally ready. He was a great fighter, and his specialty was knife fighting and also throwing knives. He was also good with the sword, but swords really had no use in the field unless you were fighting someone that had one as well. So, that is why he become good with knives along with his hand-to-hand combat.

"Well, I have to say Mr. Merlyn, you are now ready to go into the field with the rest of the team. I will still be here to train you, but you know most everything that I know." Nyssa said.

"Yeah Tommy, you have been doing great with the training and I think it is time to give you this." Oliver said as he went into the back room and came out with a box.

"Is this what I think it is?" Tommy asked.

"It sure is, and it is made to your exact specifications. Burnt Orange and Black with a hood look most everyone else." Oliver said as Tommy was looking at his new suit.

"Man, this is great. So, I get to go out with all of you tonight?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, you do. Go put it on and meet us back out here." Oliver said and Tommy went to change into his suit.

"So, you think he is ready to go out there with us?" Sara asked.

"I have no doubt in my mind. He will always have someone with him in the beginning just to make sure he doesn't get hurt but once we get him used to being out there, he won't need anyone else." Oliver said.

"So, how do I look?" Tommy asked as he walked out in his new suit.

"If this suit didn't take so long to get off, I would take you into the other room and have my way with you right now." Sara said as she looked at Tommy.

"Well, I guess that answers my question. So, I have throwing knives, fighting knives and a sword. Looks like I am ready to go." Tommy said.

"Yes, and what will your codename be?" Laurel asked.

"I was thinking that could use a name that I could change and bring honor to it instead of dishonor. I think I am going to go by the Magician like dad did, but I will use the name for good unlike he did." Tommy said.

"I like it brother. Take something that dear old dad disgraced and turn it into something good." Thea said.

"Yeah, that is the point." Tommy said.

"So, what is the plan for tonight?" Roy asked.

"Well, I thought it would be good to go after someone who might think about causing us problems. We are going after Sabastian Blood tonight." Oliver said.

"It would be good to get him out of the way. Has your friend finished with that vaccine yet Laurel?" Sara asked.

"I am not sure. I will call and ask." Laurel said as she went to make a call. When she got back to the group she said, "It is ready. The only problem is that it is in Central City."

"And what is this that is in Central City?" Diggle asked.

"A cure for the Mirakuru. I found the syringe on the Amazo before I went to find Ollie when I got back to Lian Yu." Sara said.

"Well, we shouldn't need it right now, so I would say that we can get it within the next couple of weeks." Oliver said.

"Sara and I will go and get it. We can visit mom while we are there." Laurel said.

"I like that idea. I haven't seen mom in a while." Sara said.

"Ok, now that is settled, let's get out there and take out Blood." Oliver said and everyone nodded.

They had tracked Blood to the basement of an abandoned building and went in to find him where so kind of skull mask. As they looked around, they saw a lot of people who were tied to chairs and it looked like their eyes were bleeding. These really shocked Oliver because he didn't want to believe that the Mirakuru was still around. He finally got his head back on straight and was able to see things clearly.

"Sebastian Blood, you have failed this city." Green Arrow said.

"I am trying to make this city a better place." Blood said.

"Well, this is not the way. Not with that stuff." Green Arrow said.

"Watch for super soldiers. They pack a punch." Green Arrow said as he went to attack Blood, and of course the man gave up quickly because he was not a fighter.

Once Oliver tied Blood up with an Bola Arrow and called Barbara and said, "Oracle, I need you to send me everything that Sabastian Blood has done wrong in his life." Green Arrow said.

"I unlocked his computer for you. Slip in the jump drive I gave you into the computer and I will do my work." Oracle said.

After ten minutes, Oliver was surprised at what he saw. All of the things that Blood had gotten away with over the years was now coming back to him.

"Looks like Blood killed his own father and had his mother committed to a mental hospital to keep her quiet." "Green Arrow said.

"Looks that way. So, once the flash drive is done, put it near Blood and I will call the police." Barbara said.

Oliver did as he was told, and the team left to go back to the bunker. Once there they turned on the news to see that Blood was already in custody which means they didn't have to deal with him anymore.

"Hey guys. Let's change and go out for a little while. I need to wind down somehow." Tommy said.

"I appreciate the office, but I must go home. Coming Laurel?" Oliver asked and she nodded.

"I am right behind you. See you guys later." Laurel said.

Then the rest of the team, minus Thea, because she was too young, left the bunker to go to the club and have some drinks.

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