Chapter 15

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Tonight, the team was going to go after the police commissioner and also go after the man that they hear was behind the drug called Vertigo. The police commissioner would be taken down by Sara, Laurel and Emiko, while the Count would be taken down by the Oliver, Roy, and Diggle.

The police commissioner wouldn't be that hard to take down. They had been looking into him for a while and they found out that once he got home, he had no one to guard him. So, they knew there would be no help once the commissioner was at home. The Count was another thing all together. They had no idea where to find him.

Thea actually played a big part in finding where the Count was making his drugs. She used her contacts from her days of using drugs to help out with that. She got in touch with her friend Margo, who set Thea up with her supplier of Vertigo. While Thea was meeting with this guy, the Green Arrow showed up and questioned the guy rather aggressively. That got the team the name of the man who supplier the guy that was passing the drugs out on the street. Once Green Arrow questioned this man they finally found out where the Count was making Vertigo. With any luck he would be there as well so they could take the Count down.

Green Arrow, Spartan, and Arsenal walked into the warehouse and cased the place to see what they were up against. They saw that it was maybe twenty guards in the place and then the people who were actually making the drugs. The first few guards they were able to take out quietly, but then one of the guards saw that they were there, and everyone was alerted to their presence, which was fine because this place was not going to exist after Team Arrow was done with it anyways.

Green Arrow found that there was a man near the back of the room just standing there smiling at them. He assumed that this man was the Count, so he said, "Spartan and Arsenal, you take care of these guys. I am going after the Count."

Spartan and Arsenal both nodded and started taken out the guards. Green Arrow took some out on his way to the Count as well. Once he reached the Count, Green Arrow took out an arrow and fired it at the man and it wrapped him in cords so that he could be taken into custody. When Green Arrow turned around, he saw that there were still some guards left, so he started to help Spartan and Arsenal. Once that was done, they went around the warehouse torching the drugs and destroying all of the computers with any recipes for the drugs. They decided that this was enough for now and that they didn't have to blow the whole building. They would leave the Count and his men for the cops to take care of.

While this was happening, Black Canary, White Canary, and Artemis (Emiko) were breaking into the police commissioner's house. Once they were inside, Artemis went to the commissioner's home office and worked on his computer so that Thea could get everything she needed to show that he was corrupt. While she was doing that Black Canary and White Canary went and found the commissioner was watching the news about the vigilantes taking down the Count.

"Damn, looks like I am going to have to go back into work because of this." The commissioner said.

"No, I don't think you will. You are going to be a little tied up." White Canary said as she belted him in the side of the head, knocking him out instantly. Black and White Canary then worked on tying the man up so that he would be reading when the FBI came to pick him up because they knew that if they turned him over to the police, he would be free by the end of the night because they knew that someone corrupt would get him out of it.

"Speedy. Send the information to the FBI anonymously and get them here as soon as possible." Black Canary said.

"I'm already on it. I will see you all back here." Speedy said.

Soon, everyone was back at the base to see that one the girls had returned the commissioner had already been taken into FBI custody.

"Well, that was a good night. Thea and I are going to work with Nyssa for a little while. All the rest of you are free to go home if you want." Oliver said.

"I could use some training as well. I will just work on my sparring with Sara." Laurel said as the sisters began their training.

Tommy had been working with Nyssa while the teams were gone since it looked like Thea had everything under control with the computers. He was doing well with his training and would probably be ready to go out in the field on a probational basis in a couple of months.

Thea seemed to be taking to the training even better than Tommy. She was becoming an expert with the sword and was hitting all of her targets when she was doing her archery practice. She was lacking in strength, but that would come as she got older. She was picking up the martial arts that she was learning from Nyssa, Oliver, Sara and Laurel really fast as well. While she was not as good as the four of them were, she was very good at it. She just seemed to be a natural at all of it, which is not surprising from what she saw in the videos from the future when she was able to defeat Talia Al Ghul by herself. While she would be on probation, she will be able to go out in the field with the team within the next month.

"Speedy, you are doing well with your training. We will need to get you and Tommy suits made before too long. I want you to meet me at QC tomorrow and we will get you fitted for your suit." Oliver said.

"I will be there. I haven't decided on what color I want to be yet. I was thinking about either blue or yellow. Probably blue though, yellow might be too bright." Thea said.

"You are right about that. I mean even though both Roy and Emiko's suits have some red in them, they are a darker red so that they will blend in more with the darkness. Sara is the only one who is really bright right now. Whichever you choose will be fine." Oliver said.

"Thanks, I will think about it." Thea said.

"What about you Tommy? What color would you want?" Laurel asked as she walked up to the group.

"I was thinking about black." Tommy said.

"That would be cool. Are you looking at a hood or what?" Oliver asked.

"Probably so. I think it would be easier that way." Tommy said.

"I can agree with that. What about you Thea?" Oliver asked.

"I am your protégé, so of course I will have a hood." Thea said.

"I might get you to give your boyfriend some lessons in archery. He is doing fine but could definitely use some work." Oliver said.

"I will work with him on that soon. Just let me get to where I am good enough to be in the field first." Thea said.

"I will and I will work with him until you are ready." Oliver said.

"Ok, Let's go home. I think we have done all that we can for the night." Laurel said and everyone nodded and got ready to go home for the night.

A/N: I am leaning toward a blue suit for Thea and a black one for Tommy. Let me know what you think about these colors or if you think that maybe they should be another color. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading.

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