Chapter 60

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Over the next couple of nights the team had been keeping an eye on Chase to see what he was up to while Laurel had been keeping an eye on him at work. She had installed a program on Chase's computer so that she could see everything that the man was up to while he was at work, which was really helping out because it allowed the team to be able to see how far Chase was along in his planning process. It looked like he still had a while to go because he was looking into all of the team to try and find out who everyone was. Of course he already knew who Roy was because he had broken into his house. They also assumed that Chase knew who Oliver was as well, but from the looks of it, he didn't know who many of the other Team Arrow members were.

"So, what do we know about Chase as of right now?" Oliver asked as he walked into the bunker.

"From what we can tell about Chase's internet searches at work, it looks like he doesn't know who all of the team is yet, which means that he will be a while before he makes his move." Laurel said.

"Well, in that case, we need to continue to keep an eye on him. We need to know when he might try to come after one of us. If we know this, we can stop him before he gets too far along with his plans." Oliver said and the team nodded in agreement.

"So, what is the plan for tonight?" Sara asked.

"We need to do our patrols like we normally do. After that, you are free to do as you please." Oliver said and the team nodded, but before they all went to change into their suits Tommy pulled Oliver to the side and they talked for a minute.

"What's up Tommy?" Oliver asked.

"I was hoping that tomorrow night Sara and I could have off." Tommy said.

"I have no problem with that. We all need some time off at some point in time. I am fine with you taking the night off with Sara. Any special reason?" Oliver asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. We just haven't had a date night in a while." Tommy said.

"Yeah, you need to make sure you make time for that every now and then. I try to do the same with Laurel and I think Thea and Roy try to do the same." Oliver said and Tommy nodded as they both went to change into their suits so they could go out on patrol.

. . .

The next night Tommy and Sara were on their date night and they were having fun. Tommy knew that Sara wasn't into doing all of the richy stuff that he does for other girls, so he made the night simple. First, they would go to watch a movie and then they would go out to eat at a place that was nice, but not too nice.

The movie had gone well and they both had fun watching it because it made them laugh because it was an action movie and they could both see that these people had no idea what it was really like to go out and protect a city night after night.

"You know I really liked the movie, but it shows me how much these movie people really know nothing about what it takes to do what we do." Sara said.

"Tell me about it. It was actually almost like a comedy to me because I saw all the stupid things that the actors were doing and it made me laugh." Tommy said.

"I know what you mean. I found myself laughing at the movie a lot as well." Sara said.

"Anyways, I guess it is time to go and get something to eat. I am about to starve." Tommy said.

"You aren't the only one. So, where are we going?" Sara asked.

"You will find out when we get there." Tommy said with a smile as Sara hit him on the arm because she really does hate surprises.

. . .

When they got to the restaurant, which was Russo's, the Italian place that they liked to go to, all Sara could do was smile. She knew that Tommy would really want to go somewhere better than this for their date night, but he knew that Sara didn't really like those places, so he would go to a place that wasn't as nice just to make her happy.

Tommy had been acting weird the whole way from the movie to the restaurant. Sara knew that something was up with him but she couldn't decide what it was. She just assumed that it had something to do with going to eat at this place and not somewhere that was a bit more pricey.

"Tommy, what is up with you? You have been acting weird since we left the movie." Sara said.

"Oh, it's nothing. I have just been thinking." Tommy said.

"Uh huh." Sara said not believing a word of it.

"Well, let's go in and eat. I am hungry." Tommy said and Sara nodded as they got out of the car and went into the restaurant.

Everything went well with the meal and Sara decided that she wanted some dessert as well. Tommy agreed and they shared the piece of cake that was brought out for them. As they were finishing the piece of cake, Tommy was starting to act weird again.

"Ok Merlyn, if you don't stop acting so weird, I am going to have to beat some sense into you." Sara said.

"Sorry. I just have something on my mind." Tommy said.

"Well, out with it. I hate seeing you like this." Sara said and Tommy couldn't help but smile.

"Well, here goes nothing." Tommy said as he got out of his chair and got on one knee. "Sara Lance. I love you with all of my heart and I am hoping that you will make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?"

Sara couldn't believe it. She knew that it would be coming sooner or later, but she didn't know when. "Of course I will marry you Tommy." Sara said as Tommy put the ring on her finger and they kissed.

After they broke the kiss. Tommy paid the bill and the two heroes went back to their apartment and celebrated for most of what was left for the rest of the night.

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