Chapter 12

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Thea was able to help out and find the information where Patel contacted Deadshot and hired him to take out all of the bidders on the Unidex Industries auction. She sent the information to Quentin and they were able to make the arrest.

Nyssa had started to come in and work with Oliver on fighting with a sword. Thea saw how good she was with a sword in the future, so she was going to focus on fighting with a sword as well as archery. She had always wanted to be like her brother and now she was going to be.

The next night as the team was about to go out on patrol. Sara came in and said, "I have something I need to take care of. If I get back in time, I will meet up with you guys."

"What is it that you have to do that is so important?" Laurel asked.

"You will know soon enough. Now I have to go." Sara said as she left.

Sara was dressed all in black so that no one would know who she was. She pulled down her masked that cover her head so that she looked like she was going to rob a back or something. She walked up behind the woman and grabbed her purse like she was going to steal it. The woman turned around and acted like she was going to fight Sara, but Sara had her gun out and shot the woman in the chest and ran away with her purse, so it looked like it was just a robbery gone wrong.

By the time Sara got back to the lair everyone was back and they all decided to call it a night. When Oliver and Laurel got home, they turned on the television to see if there was anything on the news that they needed to look into, they saw that a woman had been killed and the name got both of their attention. Amanda Waller was dead and there was only one person who could have done it.

"She actually did it. She said when she saw the way that Waller treated you while you were away that she was going to kill her." Laurel said.

"Well, at least she was smart about it and made it look like a robbery gone wrong." Oliver said.

"Can't say that I am sad to see her go though. As long as she was around, she would always have something on me." Oliver said.

"I just hope that the same person gets put in charge that was in the future. She was an ally." Laurel said.

"Who was she?" Oliver asked.

"Lyla Michaels, who is Diggle's ex-wife and soon to be wife again." Laurel said.

"Yeah, that would be nice to have an ally in a government organization." Oliver said.

"Yeah, it would. So, we need to put Conner to bed and then get some sleep ourselves. Maybe tomorrow we can get your mom to come in and tell us who the members of Malcolm's group are so we can start to look at ways to dismantle to organization. If we don't take them all down, they could still go through with the plan." Laurel said.

"I agree. It sounds like you have a good plan. I am glad that you and Sara are around to be my second in command." Oliver said.

"Yeah, Let's get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." Laurel said and they both went to sleep.

Meanwhile, at the residence of Tommy Merlyn, he and Sara were watching the news and Tommy looked at her like he knew that she had done something.

"What is with the look?" Sara asked.

"You did it didn't you? You said that you were going to kill her for what she did to Oliver and now Waller is dead. At least you made it look like a robbery gone wrong though." Tommy said.

"I had to. That woman needed to be gone. She was too dangerous to be left alive." Sara said.

"I didn't say that I disagreed with you. I just thought you were kidding when you said you were going to do it though." Tommy said.

"I don't kid about stuff like that." Sara said.

"Well, hopefully we get an ally out of this like we did in the future." Tommy said.

"That was the hope all along. Now, how about we go and get some sleep. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Oliver is probably going to be looking at a way to take down your dad's organization and make sure that it is completely destroyed once we are done with it." Sara said.

"I hope it is completely destroyed because it can continue on if it is not." Tommy said as they both went to be.

Thea was in the mansion watching television with her mother and they saw the news and they both knew that Sara had killed Waller like she said she was going to when she saw what Waller did to Oliver.

John Diggle was having a date with Lyla and they decided to go to his place for a little while and they turned on the news and saw that Waller had been killed and Lyla said, "Well, I guess my job title just changed. I will most likely be the director of ARGUS tomorrow."

"That's not a bad thing. I think you will do great." Diggle said.

"Thanks Johnny. I had better get home. I think I am going to have a long day tomorrow." Lyla said. She then gave Diggle a kiss and went home.

Roy Harper was watching the news and was amused that Sara had really done what she said she was going to do. He almost had to laugh because of the way the whole thing was framed. The whole robbery gone wrong thing was a touch of genius, and it made it so that no one would suspect it was any of the vigilantes.

Quentin watched the news and shook his head and was glad that this wasn't his shift, or he would be trying to find make sure that this never came back on his daughter because he knew that it was Sara that killed this Waller lady. She had pretty much said that she was going to do it once they saw what had happened to Oliver.

"I wonder where she came up with the idea of framing this as a robbery though. It was a very smart thing to do. Now no one would suspect the vigilantes. I knew I raised smart daughters." Quentin said with a smile. He then turned the television off and went to sleep.

A/N: I thought that this was a good way to get rid of Waller and I remembered that Sara said in The Specter of Oliver Queen that she would like to kill Waller for what she did to Oliver, so here we are. I know it might not be the best chapter, but it was always my plan to get Waller out of there at some point. Hope you enjoyed it.

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