Chapter 51

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A few weeks later, the team was out in the field and they were coming up against a group of people who looked like they could be in the military except for the mask that all of them were wearing. Of course, most of them knew what was going on because they had seen the future and knew that this meant that Damian Darhk was now in town. They would have to make sure that Oliver knew how to use his tattoo's power so that he could counter Darhk's magic. It would also be good if they could find a way for all of them to get that kind of protection. They would all have to talk about this when they got back to the bunker.

"Ok, so these guys look like they are some sort of military or mercenary outfit. Do you guys know anything about this?" Oliver asked.

"We do. They came with Damian Darhk, who was Ras Al Ghul's most bitter rival. He is very dangerous and can use magic with an Idol that he has." Laurel said.

"I have faced something like this before on the island. I beat it before, I can do it again." Oliver said.

"We know you can, but you also have help from us." Thea said.

"I know. So, what do I need to know about this Damian Darhk?" Oliver asked.

"He is a former member of the League of Assassins. He was Ras' competition for the position of Ras. Ras was supposed to kill him, but he couldn't do it. He also killed me in the other timeline." Laurel said.

"Well, that is not going to happen this time. When I was on the island, this tattoo worked against the idol. Will it work here?" Oliver asked.

"It will. That is how you defeated him last time." Sara said.

"Ok, that is good to know. I am going to call Constantine and see if there is a way to get tattoos for the rest of the team as well. It would work better if I wasn't the only person who could stop Darhk's magic." Oliver said as he left the room to make the call.

. . .

Ten minutes later, Oliver walked back into the bunker and the group could see that he was pleased with the conversation he just had with Constantine. "Let me guess, there is a way for all of us to get tattoos so that we don't have to worry about Darhk's magic." Sara said.

"You are right. Constantine said he would be here in the next couple of days to do the spell for the tattoos. This will make this battle a lot easier when we finally face off against Darhk himself." Oliver said.

"Well that is a relief. So, what do we do now?" Emiko asked.

"We can train some and then call it a night. We need to keep on the top of our game, but we don't need to overdo it." Oliver said as the rest of the team went to train.

. . .

A few days later the team was meeting Constantine in the bunker so that they could get the tattoos that would help them in defeating Darhk, if they ever came into contact with him, without Oliver being around.

"So, is that going to hurt?" Thea asked.

"You might feel a little bit of something, but it won't be too bad Love." Constantine said.

"Good. I never planned on getting a tattoo, at least this one is actually there for a reason though." Thea said.

"Ok, are you ready?" Constantine asked and Thea nodded.

Constantine said his spell and then the tattoo appeared on Thea's side. She looked down and smiled and then said, "Well, that wasn't bad at all. I thought it would be worse." Thea said.

"Who's next?" Constantine asked as the rest of the team came up one by one to get the tattoo.

"You were right Thea, that wasn't bad at all." Roy said as he just finished getting his tattoo.

Soon all of the team was tattooed and wondering how they would use the tattoo when they needed to. They would all need training of some sort.

"I will be back in a few days to train you with the powers that you now have to repel Darhk's magic. I have somewhere that I need to be right now." Constantine said.

"That is fine. Thank you for your help John." Oliver said.

"Not a problem mate. Darhk is dangerous and needs to be stopped. If this helps with that then I am happy to help." Constantine said.

"Ok, so we will see you in a couple of days then." Oliver said and Constantine nodded and then left the bunker.

"That was a weird friend that you have there, Ollie." Laurel said.

"I know, but he has times when he can be helpful." Oliver said.

"I agree with you there, but it seems like he likes to flirt with everyone." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I never knew that part of him. When I met him we were on the island and there weren't many women there so I didn't know that part of him. Sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable." Oliver said.

"He didn't make me uncomfortable. I can't speak for the others though." Laurel said.

"He didn't bother me that bad, but I do think he was a bit creepy." Sara said.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, at least we all have a way to protect ourselves now. So, let's train some and then we can go out for the nightly patrol of the city. Maybe we can find some more of Darhk's men, and possibly question them." Oliver said.

"Sounds good, although I think they will kill themselves before they give us anything." Roy said.

"What makes you say that?" Laurel asked.

"A couple of nights ago I had one of them cornered and he broke one of his teeth and started foaming out of his mouth." Roy said.

"Well, that could complicate things. We will need to find a way around that." Oliver said as he and the team started to train.

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