Chapter 45

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Oliver, Sara, Thea, and Emiko were busy working with Nyssa on their sword fighting skills so that they would be prepared for what they were going to face when they went up against the League of Assassins in a few days. The plan was to take out all of Ras' minions and then if Oliver was having too much trouble with Ras, they would join him. They knew that it wasn't honorable, but the most important thing for them was to keep their city safe. So, they didn't really care about honor right now.

Everything seemed to be going well and they were all learning new things that they could possibly use in the fight that could turn it in their favor. While they were all training, Oliver had another idea that would have to be taken care of in the next couple of days as well.

"Nyssa, do you think you can get in touch with Talia? We might need her here so that we can decide who takes over the League after your father is dead." Oliver said.

"I know where she is and how to get in touch with her, but do you think it is wise to bring her into this?" Nyssa asked.

"It is very important. We can't afford to have her as an enemy in the future if she somehow gets upset that we killed your father." Oliver said.

"You make a good point. I will reach out and tell her to get here as soon as she can. What do you plan to do with the League once you win anyways, Oliver?" Nyssa asked.

"I have some ideas, but I am not exactly sure yet. What would you like to see happen?" Oliver asked.

"As long as I am free once this is over, I could really care less. I always wanted to rule the League, but now that I have been here with you and your team, I know what freedom is like and I don't want to give that up." Nyssa said.

"I am glad to hear you say that, and I bet someone else is as well." Sara said as she turned to Emiko who seemed to be blushing.

"Speaking of relationships, are you and Tommy ever going to get married?" Thea asked Sara.

"I think it will be in the cards at some point but right now everything is just too busy to worry about that. If we do it anytime soon, it will have to be like Ollie and Laurel's wedding, during our off time between big bads. It's the only way that it will work in the near future." Sara said.

"Well, if you need any help decorating or even planning anything, let me know. You know I am good at it." Thea said.

"I will keep that in mind. Anyways, let's get back to training while Nyssa goes and reaches out to Talia." Sara said and the four heroes got back to work.

. . .

Nyssa went to the other side of the bunker and pulled out the satellite phone that Talia had given her when she left the League. She had to keep it from her father so that he didn't know that she kept in touch with Talia. She dialed the number, and someone picked up on the third ring.

"Hello Nyssa, it is good to hear from you." Talia said.

"It is good to hear from you as well. I do have to say that this is not a social call though." Nyssa said.

"What can I do for you then?" Talia asked.

"I have been working with an old student of yours. I am sure you remember Oliver Queen." Nyssa said.

"I do. He was one of my best students. So, what is it that Oliver needs?" Talia asked.

"Father wants Oliver and some of his team to join the League. One of those members of his team is pregnant, so it only leaves one choice. They are going to fight. Oliver wants you here so that after father dies, we can all discuss what to do with the League." Nyssa said.

"This is a very interesting development. I will be in Star City tomorrow night. I might even help with this fight, just to see the end of our father." Talia said.

"I will be joining in as well. It would be good to fight with you again sister." Nyssa said.

"Yes, it would. I will see you tomorrow night Nyssa, and let Oliver know that whatever becomes of the League after this, it will be put to better use then how father has been using it as of late." Talia said.

"I will let him know. I will see you tomorrow sister." Nyssa said and she hung up and went back out to talk to her new friends.

. . .

"So, how did it go?" Oliver asked when he saw Nyssa walking back toward them.

"Everything is good. She will be here by tomorrow night, and she said that no matter what happens with the League it will be put to better use than it has been while father has been in charge." Nyssa said.

"On that we can agree. Do you think she will fight with us as well?" Oliver asked.

"She said she would. I think she is ready to see father's reign end as well. He is not the man he was when he first took the title as Ras, so that means that it is time for him to be done with the League." Nyssa said.

"Sounds good to me. I remember when you were teaching me about the League. The things you were teaching me were the opposite of some of the things that your father was having us do." Sara said.

"I know, but at the time I didn't think there was a chance to remove him from his position, but now I know that is not the truth. With Oliver's help, we can take father down and set the League back on the correct path." Nyssa said.

"That is something to look forward to. I hope that I can help the League in the way that you are hoping that I can Nyssa. I just don't know what the correct course of action will be once we beat your father though." Oliver said.

"We will figure that out when it is time Ollie. We just need to make sure that we win first." Sara said and everyone nodded in agreement as they get back to their training.

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