Chapter 37

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While the team was waiting for the Ninth Circle to surface again, they had another night that wasn't busy for them, so the men decided to go out on patrol while the women decided to go out for a girl's night. They had all known Emiko for a while, but they thought that they could get to know her better. Thea and Laurel wouldn't be drinking of course because Thea was too young and Laurel was pregnant, so they had at least one DD.

They didn't have to go far since the bar was just upstairs, that way if something did happen Felicity could come up and get them. The girls had decided to take Barbara with them when they decided on having their night out.

So right now, Laurel, Emiko, and Barbara were sitting at the table that was reserved for the VIPs, while Sara and Thea were out on the floor dancing and having fun.

"So, is it always those two who are out on the floor and everyone else is watching them?" Emiko asked.

"I will get out there everyone in a while, but to answer your question, yes, Sara and Thea are the more outgoing of the group." Laurel said.

"I have to agree with Laurel, those two are the ones who will do just about anything to have fun. The good thing is that Thea doesn't do the drugs anymore like she used to." Barbara said.

"So, did you used to party when you were younger Emiko?" Laurel asked.

"I would go to parties every now and then. I spent most of my time trying to get dad's approval even after he cut mom and I off. I even tried to get him to hire me for a job after I graduated from college, and he wouldn't give me anything. Moira had her hooks too deep in him and he wouldn't go against her." Emiko said.

"She truthfully didn't want us to approach you either, but we told her that we were whether she wanted us to or not, because you deserved to know your family." Laurel said.

"I appreciate that. So, what was everyone like before Oliver got back from the island? I want to know what I would be getting myself into if I had become part of the family back then." Emiko said.

"I will have to leave that one to Laurel because I am new here, but from what I know, it wouldn't have been good." Barbara said.

"Barbara is right for the most part. Before Oliver and Sara went on the Queen's Gambit, Oliver, Thea, and Tommy all thought that they were better than everyone. Sara was right in there with them, not that she thought she was better than everyone, but she would party just as hard as the other three. Thea was too young for that, but she still had the air about her that she was better than everyone. As for me, I tried to be the one to keep Oliver, Tommy, and Sara straight, but it didn't work out most of the time and sometimes I was even in there with them." Laurel said.

"I just can't see you being a part of that. You seem like you always had you're a good head on your shoulders." Emiko said.

"I tried, but you know how kids are. We always get in trouble at some point. I just didn't get in trouble to the extent of the others." Laurel said.

Just then Sara and Thea walked up and heard the end of the conversation. "Yeah, Laurel was like guardian angel. She always took care of us. If she wasn't with us who the hell knows where we would be now." Sara said.

"Probably in jail, although if you were there then we wouldn't have had to worry about what happened with the Gambit." Thea said.

"You are probably right, but if the Gambit never happened, none of us would be who we are today. We are better people because of it." Sara said.

"I guess you have a point there. I guess all of us are better because of it." Thea said.

"It also helps that we found out certain things that helped us all become the people we are now as well." Laurel said.

"Yeah, that helped as well. I am sure I would probably still be getting drunk and high every night if it hadn't been for that." Thea said.

"I think I would have talked you out of all of that sooner or later. If not, I would have made sure that what you were doing wasn't around Conner, so I would have cut you off from visiting him." Laurel said.

"You really would have done that to me?" Thea asked.

"To keep him away from drugs. Yes." Laurel said.

"I can't say that I blame you there. You have to do what is best for your kids, and there is no place for that stuff around kids." Emiko said.

"I guess I can see your point." Thea said.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about that now. Let's go dancing while you still can sis. We know that you won't feel like it soon." Sara said.

"Fine, I will go for one song, but I know that I will look like a fool. I can't dance and the only way I normally get out there is if I am drunk." Laurel said.

"You'll be fine, especially since all of us are going out there. Isn't that right Emiko and Barbara?" Thea asked.

"I will go if Laurel goes." Emiko said.

"I will go and do what I can." Barbara said.

"Then it is settled. Let get out their sis. It will be fun." Sara said.

"I am looking forward to the day that I find something that will make you look bad so that I can use it against you." Laurel said and everyone laughed.

"Not much can do that Laurel. You know that Sara is willing to do just about anything." Thea said.

"Unfortunately, that is true. That is why I haven't been able to find a way to get back at her yet." Laurel said and everyone laughed as they went out on the dance floor and had a fun time for the rest of the night.

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