Chapter 43

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Oliver went to work in the club for a little while, while Laurel and Conner went down into the bunker, and they found that Sara was there working out and she was getting ready to train with Nyssa. Laurel would let them work out for a while and then she would get Sara to help teach Conner a few things. She didn't think that he was ready to be working with Nyssa yet, even though she knew it would happen in the future.

"Hey. You two getting ready to work on your sword work?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, I thought I could always be better with the sword. It might even help to have me there in case Ollie needs some help once Ras comes." Sara said.

"I am sure Ollie will take all the help he can get. Do you mind working with Conner some once you are done? I am not really in the condition to where I can do that anymore." Laurel said.

"I would be happy to. I am sure Nyssa could teach him a thing or two as well." Sara said.

"No offense, but I don't think he needs to learn all of the things that Nyssa knows next. I will stick with you, Ollie, Emiko, and Thea for now." Laurel said.

"None taken. I understand where you are coming from. I wouldn't want a child learning from me either." Nyssa said.

"I know he will learn from you one day, just not now." Laurel said and Nyssa nodded in understanding.

"So, you two get to work and I will work with Conner on his endurance. When you are done let me know and I will let him work with you then Sara." Laurel said as the other two women sparred for a while with their swords.

About thirty minutes later Nyssa and Sara were done sparring and Sara came over to see how Conner was doing. "You keep this up, you will be as buff as your dad is within the next year." Sara said.

"We don't need that yet Sara. I know he will be one day, but for now he just needs a little bit of strength." Laurel said.

"I agree. So, what did you have in mind for me to teach Conner today?" Sara asked.

"Just self-defense stuff for now. We will start with the more advanced stuff once he gets older." Laurel said as Sara and Conner got on the mat and started to work on self-defense moves.

Just then the door opened, and Thea walked in and saw that Conner was working on self-defense lessons. "How is my favorite nephew doing?" Thea asked.

"I am your only nephew, Aunt Thea." Conner said.

"Which makes you, my favorite. So, how is your training going?" Thea asked.

"It's going ok. I wish I could be learning more though." Conner said.

"You will learn more as you get better at this. So, I am guessing that Ollie is working at the club tonight. Doesn't that mean you are as well Sara?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to get some sparring in first. I need to get ready soon. Do you think you can take over here?" Sara asked.

"Sure. I will change and I will be right back to help you little man." Thea said as she went to change.

Tommy and Emiko joined them in the bunker not much later because they were going to be going out in the field tonight while Oliver and Sara were working the club. They went to change and then came out to join everyone else.

"Thea, you teaching my nephew the right way to fight?" Emiko asked.

"I am doing what I know. Maybe you want to come over here and tell me if I am missing something." Thea said.

"You aren't missing anything. You and I just have different styles is all." Emiko said.

"I am willing to learn different styles. That will allow me to fool someone if I use a mixture of the styles, won't it?" Conner asked.

"That is right. So, we will let you work with me today, then you can work with Emiko next time." Thea said.

"Sounds good to me." Conner said as he and Thea got back to work.

Just then the computer beeped to tell the team that something was going on out in the city. Everyone was there but Oliver and Sara. That meant that Diggle would be in charge. He got the team together and put Emiko, Thea, and Tommy on one team where he and Roy were on the other.

"What do we have Barbara?" Diggle asked.

"I don't know. It looks like this group just attacked out of nowhere. They are wearing all black with hoods." Barbara said.

"I would help you with this, but it sounds like the League, so I can't be seen going against them yet." Nyssa said.

"Should we get Oliver if this is the League. It is basically a challenge to him?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, and you might want to get Sara as well. I will take care of the club for a little while." Tommy said.

"I will help you with that." Laurel said as she and Tommy went up to get Oliver and Sara.

Minutes later Oliver and Sara were there changing into their suits with the rest of the team. "What would we be looking at here Nyssa?" Oliver asked.

"I think it will just be my father offering you a place in the League right now. If you don't take it, things will most likely get bad sometime soon." Nyssa said.

"Do you think I have a chance at stopping him if I fight him anytime soon?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know Oliver. You might. You are better than I am but so is my father. I would say that overwhelming force would be better." Nyssa said.

"But that won't be tonight because he is just making his offer." Oliver said.

"That is correct. I will train with you some when you get back tonight. I think your best bet will be to fight him with the whole team there. While your team is taking out father's followers, you will fight him, but your team is better than his followers who will be here, therefore when the team is done with the followers, Sara and anyone else can help you. It might not be fair, but it will allow you to win." Nyssa said.

"All that matters to me is protecting this city, no matter what." Oliver said.

"Then you will also need to make sure that all of the members that are here are dead when you are done with them. If not, word will get back to the rest of the League and they will continue to attack your city until either you are dead, or the League is gone." Nyssa said.

"Then we will make sure they all die if it comes to me needing help." Oliver said as he and the team left the bunker.

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