Chapter 29

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A couple of weeks later the team is in the bunker getting ready to go out on patrol when the computers start to make noise to show that something was going on in the city.

"What have you got Barbara?" Oliver asked.

"Looks like someone is stealing sedatives from the Starling General. Ok, now it says they are stealing blood too." Barbara said.

"Can you pull up the camera's so we can see what is going on?" Laurel asked.

"Already on it. Here we go. It looks like one man with a weird orange and black mask." Felicity said.

"Slade is trying to make more like himself. We can't let him do that. Let's get to the hospital and shut this down." Oliver said.

Everyone finished suiting up and got ready to leave. Once they were at the hospital Oliver, Thea, Emiko, and Roy took out injection arrows that had the cure in them and got ready for a fight with Slade. Sara, Tommy, and Laurel all had syringes with them, and Diggle had darts in his gun that had the cure, so everyone was ready to take down Slade.

They walked through the halls of the hospital and it just so happened that Sara was the one to find Slade, she knew that she was no match for him in a straight fight, so she let Slade get the best of her and then he dragged her to where she would be in front of all of her friends. It wasn't where she really wanted to be, but it did put her in a good position to be able to use the cure on him.

"Look at this kid. You chose Sara over Shado, now I get to take her from you." Slade said.

"I didn't choose Sara, I chose to give myself up, but Ivo shot Shado anyways." Green Arrow said.

"That's a lie and you know it. Once I take care of Sara, I will take care of the rest of your team." Slade said as he was about to bring his sword to Sara's neck.

"You won't take anyone else from me Slade." Green Arrow said as he gave a discreet nod to White Canary who returned the gesture.

White Canary looked up at Slade and she saw her opening and reached up and jabbed him with the needle in her hand. The cure was injected into Slade's neck and he could instantly tell that something was changing inside of him. Slade dropped Sara to the ground and looked up at Oliver.

"What did she do to me?" Slade asked.

"She injected you with the cure. You no longer have the Mirakuru running through your veins." Green Arrow said.

"You may have taken my power from me kid, but this is far from over. I will find my way to get my revenge on you. I am a man of my word." Slade said as he threw a smoke bomb and was able to escape.

"Well, at least the next time we face him he will be at human strength and not superhuman strength." Black Canary said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"That is true. Let's get out of here. This place is too public, and we all know that the police don't like us very much." Athena said.

"I agree. Let's get back to the bunker. We have some interviews for the manger position at the club in a little bit." Oliver said.

Once they were back at the bunker Oliver, Sara, Tommy, and Emiko change into their club attire and go upstairs so that they can meet their prospective employees. When Oliver, Sara, and Tommy looked at the list of people interviewing they saw and old friend on the list.

They had interviews with three people and none of them were what they wanted for the job. The next person to come in was Mckenna Hall and she seemed to be just what they wanted.

"So, Mckenna, I thought you were training to be a police officer." Tommy said.

"I was, but everyone on the force was so busy going after the vigilantes that other crimes were being lost in the shuffle. I couldn't take it anymore, so I quit. Then I saw this job advertised and I knew you guys, so I figured, why not interview." Mckenna said.

"That makes since. So, what is your opinion on the vigilantes?" Sara asked.

"I think they are doing things that the police can't. They are getting results and I can say that now I am not a police officer anymore, I kind of agree with what they are doing." Mckenna said.

"Would you turn in the vigilantes if you knew who they were?" Emiko asked.

"No. Like I said, I think they are doing a good job cleaning up the city, so why would I do that?" Mckenna asked.

"Just checking. Well, I think we know everything we need to know. Stay around for a while. We are pretty certain that you have the job. We just need to talk to some of our other investors to make sure they are on board." Oliver said and Mckenna nodded.

"I will be here waiting for your answer." Mckenna said.

They went back down to the bunker and told the others that they thought Mckenna was the person they needed for the job.

"In order for this to work though, we need to tell her who we are and what we do so that she can cover for us." Oliver said and they all nodded in agreement.

Oliver walked back upstairs and told Mckenna the good news. "You are hired, but I need you to come with me. If you are going to work here, you need to know what is really going on here." Oliver said.

"Ok, you have me interested now." Mckenna said as she followed Oliver to a door, and he punched in a code and opened the door.

They walked down the steps and what she saw when she got to the bottom surprised her. Right in her line of sight was a setup with all the suits of the vigilantes and she could now see that Laurel Lance and Thea Queen were sparring on the mats while two men she didn't know were working out. She then turned to what looked like a room with lockers and saw Sara, Emiko, and Tommy exiting with workout clothes on as well.

"Now I see why you asked all the questions about the vigilantes. You need me to cover for you right?" Mckenna asked.

"That was our thought, yes. But if this is something that you can't do, we understand." Oliver said.

"Oh, I am in. I might not be on the team, but I can still feel good about doing something that is really helping the vigilantes. Because I am assuming that you don't have time to run a club and do this kind of work." Mckenna said.

"No. We don't. We will make appearances of course, but we can't be there all the time." Oliver said.

"Well, I am happy to help." Mckenna said.

"Good, well be here tomorrow night at six and we will get you started." Oliver said and Mckenna nodded as she walked out of the basement and back into the club. She was just happy that she would be able to help her friends save the city.

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