Chapter 2

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When everyone arrived at the mansion Oliver got his crate out of the back of Laurel's car so that he could take it in the house. As Oliver walked in, he was met by Tommy Merlyn who he was glad to see being that the last time he had seen him Waller want Oliver to kill him.

"It's good to see you buddy. I am glad you are home." Tommy said.

"I am glad to be home as well. So, how has everything been around here?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I kept an eye on your family and I tried to keep an eye on Laurel as well." Tommy said.

"And by that you mean that you tried to sleep with her. It's alright buddy, you thought I was dead. If she ended up with anyone else, I would want it to be you." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I did try to ask her out a few times, but she turned me down every time." Tommy said.

"I was too busy to worry about a relationship." Laurel said.

"Does that apply to us as well?" Oliver asked.

"No, it doesn't apply to us. It applied to everyone except you." Laurel said.

As Laurel finished her sentence Thea came walking down the stairs with a little boy. Thea ran to Oliver and hugged him. "Easy Speedy, don't want to hurt me on my first day back." Oliver said.

"You aren't that week. I mean, for someone stranded on an island for five years, you ended up coming home bigger than you were before you left." Thea said.

"Yeah, I had nothing to do but keep myself in shape." Oliver said.

"And who might this little guy be?" Oliver asked.

"Oliver, I would like you to meet our son. This is Conner." Laurel said.

"Hey mommy. Is that really my daddy? He is really here?" Conner asked.

"Yeah baby, that is your daddy. Why don't you give him a hug?" Laurel asked and Conner ran over and hugged Oliver around the legs.

"Nice to meet you buddy. Is it ok if I come and live with you and mommy?" Oliver asked.

"I would like that. Are you going to be home tonight?" Conner asked.

"That is the plan." Oliver said.

"I was hoping you would stay here for a while Oliver." Moira said.

"Sorry mom, but I have wasted enough time away from Laurel and now Conner. I need to make up for that." Oliver said.

"I understand. Is it ok if I at least set you up with a bodyguard? It will make me feel better." Moira said.

"I can deal with that. If it makes you feel better." Oliver said.

"Hey Ollie, can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Thea asked.

"Sure Speedy." They walked to the other room. "So, what's up?" Oliver asked.

"Um. I just found something out recently and I was wondering how to approach it, but now that you are back, I think we can do this together. I found information that dad has another child and he wanted her provided for and mom found the note that was left for Walter and hid it. I know we can't do much for providing for her, but we can bring her into the family at least." Thea said.

"I think that is a good idea. You are right though; we can't really provide her with money, but we can provide her with family. Why would mom hide this?" Oliver asked.

"You know her. Always wanting the family image to look good. When she found out that I knew about our sister, she tried to talk me out of approaching her because of how it might look." Thea said.

"That sounds like mom. So, when would you like to go and try to meet our sister?" Oliver asked.

"How about the day after tomorrow? I have a feeling that Tommy is going to want you to himself tomorrow." Thea said.

"You are probably right." Oliver said as they walked back out to the others.

"Ok, so what's for dinner?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I had Raisa make your favorites. How about we go in and eat now?" Moira said and they all went to the dining room.

"So, what do you have planned for tomorrow Oliver?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know of anything. What do you have in mind?" Oliver said.

"How about we tour the town. See what has changed since you were last here. You can come too Sara." Tommy said.

"I think that will be fun. I will join you." Sara said.

"So, will I. I took off work for the rest of the week." Laurel said.

"The old crew together again." Thea said and everyone laughed.

The group continued to eat and talk for a while until Oliver noticed how close his mother and Walter seemed to be. "Not that I am not happy for you mom, but why did you not tell me you remarried?" Oliver asked.

"Sorry Oliver, but I thought it would be easier to ease you into things." Moira said.

"No need for that. I am happy for you. I look forward to getting to know you better Walter." Oliver said.

"You too Oliver." Walter said.

"Anyways, I am kind of tired. I would like to get some sleep, so I think Laurel, Conner and I should head home. I will see you tomorrow Tommy and Sara." Oliver said as he, Laurel and Conner got up to leave.

Once they were back at Laurel's apartment, it was about Conner's bedtime, so Laurel went to get him ready for bed. Oliver waited at the door as Laurel told Conner a story and then he went to bed.

"So, are you ok with everything that you learned today? I mean it has to be tough that you have a new stepfather and a son." Laurel said.

"It is a little hard to see that mom has moved on, but I am happy for her. As for our son, I wish I could have been here for you and him." Oliver said.

"You are here now and that is all that matters." Laurel said.

"It also turns out that I have a sister that I didn't know about." Oliver said.

"Yeah, Thea told me about that. I was going to go with her until we found out that you were alive. Then she decided to wait until you got home." Laurel said.

"I am glad she did. I just can't believe mom treated this girl and her mother the way she did. Thea said she tried to stop her from going to meet her." Oliver said.

"Yeah, she did. I was there, but you know your sister, she is too stubborn for that." Laurel said.

"Yes, she is. So, what do you want to do tonight now that Conner is asleep?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I have something in mind. It is something that hasn't happened in five years now." Laurel said with a smile.

"I think I know what you are talking about and I think that would be a good idea." Oliver said as he kissed Laurel and they both walked while still kissing all the way to the bedroom where they made love for the first time in five years.

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