Chapter 66

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Sara and Tommy had just landed in Washington DC and were now looking for any information that they could find that would help them in locating Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, this was not going to be easy because they had no idea what Wonder Woman did when she was not being a hero. If they had known that, they would be able to find this woman easily.

"So, any ideas on how to find Wonder Woman?" Tommy asked.

"I think we just need to keep our eyes open and also listen to the scanners and see if anything comes up about her stopping any crimes." Sara said.

"That makes sense. So, I will watch the tv and you can listen to the scanners." Tommy said with a smile.

"That's right. Leave me with the boring job. I will make you pay for that Merlyn." Sara said with her own smile since she knew that Tommy was a little scared now.

. . .

They went and rented a hotel room and Sara set up her scanner equipment and got to work on listening for any signs of Wonder Woman. She knew that this might be a long day or two so she decided to make the best of it.

A little while later, Sara looked up and smiled as she saw her fiance watching tv. "Anything come on the news that looks like we need to look into?" Sara asked.

"No, not yet. Don't worry, I am paying attention. Even though it might not look like it." Tommy said.

"At least you get to watch tv. I have these earphones on and nothing to do but write stuff down that might be of interest to us. And no, I haven't found anything either. Thanks for asking." Sara said.

"Didn't want to make you mad, so I thought it would be better not to ask right now. Looks like I was wrong about that." Tommy said.

"I am not mad or anything like that. I am just bored." Sara said.

"Well, hopefully we will find something soon and then we can get out of this room." Tommy said and Sara nodded as she went back to listening to the scanners.

. . .

"Hey. I think I have something." Sara said as she took her earphones off and went to start getting dressed in her suit and Tommy did the same.

"So, where are we headed?" Tommy asked.

"The Capitol Building. It looks like someone was dumb enough to go after the polititions. Let's get going. We don't need her to leave before we arrive." Sara said.

"Good thing we decided to get a room near all of the big things that are in the city. We are only about ten blocks away." Tommy said as he was finishing up getting into his suit and then they left to see if they could find Wonder Woman.

. . .

When they arrived at the Capitol Building, they saw all of the police waiting for the call for them to breach. White Canary and The Magician snuck into the building and went to where they could hear fighting and they saw Wonder Woman taking care of most of the guys that were attacking the capital. The two heroes decided that it would help their chances if they got in on the fight and helped Wonder Woman out.

It caught Wonder Woman by surprise when she realized that someone had joined in on the fight and they were actually helping her and not working against her. When she looked at the two people that had joined her, she couldn't help but smile at the two other heroes, since she knew who they were because of the news that had been coming out of Star City for years.

With all three of them fighting, it didn't take long to take down all of the people that were attacking the capital. Once they made sure that all of the bad guys were tied up and waiting for the police, Wonder Woman looked at them and said, "Thanks for the help, but I have a feeling you are here for another reason. Come with me and we can talk privately about why you are really here."

They followed Wonder Woman and they ended up outside of her apartment building. Wonder Woman looked around and made sure no one saw them and then she grabbed the two other heroes and flew them up to her balcony.

"Sorry about that, but people don't know who I am, so I can't just walk into the front door with myself dressed as Wonder Woman and two other heroes with me as well." Wonder Woman said.

"Don't worry about it. It's cool. So, let's take a seat and we can get to why we are really here." Sara said as they all took a seat and got comfortable.

"We are here because we were tasked with forming a team that consists of all of the heroes that are on Earth. There is a crisis coming and we need everyone to be prepared when it arrives. From what we know, it could happen at any time, so we need to be ready. Right now all we know is that we have six months, but we all know that if something happens and the timeline gets moved up, we will need to be ready." Sara said.

"That makes sense, and I will be joining this team that you are forming. I have heard of this crisis when I was growing up. I didn't know exactly what it was, but I have always been willing to help when it did arrive. I might can go and find the rest of my kind and get them to help as well." Wonder Woman said.

"That would be a lot of help, and we will gladly take it. So, I was thinking that now that you know what is going on, we should introduce ourselves. I am Sara Lance and this is Tommy Merlyn." Sara said.

"It is nice to meet you both. My name is Diana Prince." Diana said.

"Nice to meet you. So, if you could give us all of your information so that we can get in touch with you when it is time to assemble the team, we will be able to contact you." Tommy said and Diana did just that.

The three talked for a bit longer and then Sara and Tommy announced that it was time for them to go so that they could get back to Star City.

"It was nice to meet you both. Let me know when you need me and I will be there." Diana said and Sara and Tommy nodded as they got up and found the fire escape so that they could leave the building.

"That went better than I thought." Tommy said.

"Yeah, I was expecting to have to fight a bit harder to get her to join." Sara said and Tommy nodded as they made their way to their hotel room and changed. They then went to sleep so that they could get up early and make it to the airport and get back to Star City.

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