Chapter 39

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When the team got back to the bunker, they took Beatrice to the cell that they had for people that they would hold for questioning. Oliver was off to the side getting ready to interrogate the woman when Emiko walked up to him. "Do you mind if I do this? Beatrice and I have a lot of hate for each other, and I would like to be the one to break her, so that she knows that I am better than her." Emiko said.

"Normally I would say no because there is no room for personal business in this line of work, but since I have been known to let things get to me every so often, I think I will let it slide this time." Oliver said.

"Thank you, brother. I wouldn't mind if you stayed in here though, to keep me from going overboard." Emiko said.

"There is no such thing as going overboard when it comes to saving the city. Do what you need to do to get the answers we need." Oliver said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to do something that would make the team look bad." Emiko said.

"Don't worry about that. The people of the city will look back at this and know that we did the right thing because we stopped a terrorist organization." Oliver said.

"Ok, this is your last chance to stop me." Emiko said.

"This is your demon to slay. Do what you need to. I will be with the others. You know where we are if you need any help." Oliver said as he left Emiko to interrogate Beatrice.

Emiko turned to Beatrice and said, "Hello old friend. So, how about you make this easy and tell me what Dante has planned for this city."

"I will never tell you anything. You will have to beat it out of me." Beatrice said.

"As much as I would love to beat the shit out of you, I am a better person than that. Although, that doesn't mean that I am not going to make you suffer." Emiko said as she went to a table and got a syringe.

"What is that? Get it away from me." Beatrice said as she tried to move away but her bindings were keeping her still.

"This is what we used on Virgil. It is called the Red Death. It brings back all the pain from all the old injuries that you have. From what I hear it is very painful. You have one more chance to tell me everything that Dante has planned for this city. If you don't talk, I will have no choice but to inject you." Emiko said.

"I can't tell you anything girl and you know you will never break me. The only reason that Virgil broke is because he is a weakling. He had no spin." Beatrice said.

"I guess we will find out if that is true then. I am going to inject you and then I am going to leave for a while to give the injection time to work." Emiko said as she walked over and injected Beatrice with the Red Death and then left to give the serum a chance to work at full strength.

Emiko walked back to where the rest of the team was waiting on her and Oliver asked, "So, did you get anything?"

"Not yet. I am giving the Red Death time to work. By the time I go back into that room, Beatrice will be begging to tell me what she knows.

"Oh, don't worry. She will be screaming before too long." Oliver said and just about as he said it, there was a loud scream from the other room.

"I guess that means that she is ready. I will go and see what she is willing to tell us now." Emiko said.

Emiko walked back into the room and Beatrice looked at her and said, "I will tell you everything. Just make this stop."

"Tell me what you know then I will help you with the pain. I can't do it before you talk though, because then you won't tell us what you know." Emiko said.

"Very smart Emiko. At least you did learn something from me." Beatrice said.

"Talk, or I will leave again." Emiko said.

"Ok. Dante is planning on destroying the city because you left us. It is the way the Ninth Circle works. You betray us, we destroy your home. Your team has stopped us from stealing the gas that we need to make the weapon that we need, so he will most likely just attack with all of our army and kill everyone who gets in the way." Beatrice said.

"Where can we find him so that he doesn't get that far into his plans?" Emiko asked.

"He is camped out in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It is easy to find if you are looking for it. It is the only one on the West side of town." Beatrice said.

"When will he attack?' Emiko asked.

"Two days from now. That is what he said was going to happen if your team was to stop us again which you did." Beatrice said.

"Ok. Thank you for giving us all the information that you had." Emiko said as she walked to leave the room.

"Wait. You said that you would help me with the pain." Beatrice said.

"Oh, I did, didn't I. There is no cure, you just have to wait for it to wear off. Have fun until it does." Emiko said as she left the room while hearing the screams still coming from Beatrice.

"So, what did you find out?" Oliver asked.

"Dante is hiding in the West outskirts off the city in a warehouse. According to Beatrice, it is the only one on the side of town. He will attack in two days, so I would say that we should go after him by tomorrow." Emiko said.

"I agree. Everyone goes home and get some rest. We will meet here tomorrow night and come up with a plan and then we will take the fight to the Ninth Circle and end them once and for all." Oliver said and everyone else nodded and then left the bunker going home for the night.

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