Chapter 71

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It was now time for the battle against the Anti-Monitor. Novu looked around at the heroes and asked, "Are there any more people that you would like to bring along? Let me know now, because this will be the last time to do so."

"I think we should bring some of the League of Assassins as well. I have an in with the new Ras." Oliver said.

"Well, in that case, I will transport you to Nanda Parbat and once you have the people that you need, I will transport everyone to the Dawn of Time. The Anti-Monitor will start there, because he will wipe out this Earth and then go there to start over and make what would be known as an Anti-Multiverse." Novu said.

"Ok. Let's do this so we can get out of here before the Earth is destroyed with us still on it." Oliver said and Novu nodded and they both disappeared.

. . .

Oliver and Novu appeared in the throne room of the League of Assassins and saw that Talia was on the throne. She was surprised to see two people just appear right in front of her, but then she saw it was Oliver and the man that she knew as the Monitor from all of the books and journals she had read once becoming the new Ra's.

"Oliver. Not that it isn't good to see you, but what are you doing here?" Talia asked.

"The Crisis is upon us and we were here to recruit more help." Oliver said and Talia nodded.

"You will have it since you helped me to now be Ra's Al Ghul. I will come with you, along with Nyssa and a number of our best members. Probably twenty or so. Do you think that will be enough?" Talia asked.

"Yeah. That should be plenty. We already have everyone else gathered. Get your people together and then we will meet with the other and go to battle with the Anti-Monitor." Oliver said and Talia nodded as she went to go and gather her forces and got ready to leave with Oliver and Novu.

. . .

Novu transported Oliver and the members of the League of Assassins to meet up with the team that had been assembled. When they were all together, Novu used his powers to transport all of the heroes to the Dawn of Time, just as the earth was destroyed by the Anti-Matter Wave.

"Well, this place looks nice." Sara said as they appeared at the Dawn of Time.

"So, where is the Anti-Monitor?" Laurel asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we got here early." Oliver said and just as he said it, the Anti-Monitor appeared.

"You just had to say it, didn't you?" Laurel said, shaking her head at her husband.

"It is good that all of you are here. You get to see the new Anti-Multiverse get created as I destroy all of you." the Anti-Monitor said.

"Yeah, I don't think things are going to turn out to be as easy for you as you think they are." Oliver said.

"Oh really. I will let my shadow demons take you out while I work on creating the new multiverse in my image." the Anti-Monitor said.

"Let's test your theory, shall we." Laurel said as all the heroes readied themselves for battle.

The shadow demons appeared and started attacking the heroes. Oliver transported himself up to a mountain that was overlooking the fight and he was soon joined by the Anti-Monitor.

"Your friends will soon be overwhelmed by my forces. What was this all for anyways? Did you really think that you and your friends could win?" the Anti-Monitor asked.

"Yes. That is what I think." Oliver said as he and the Anti-Monitor both shot at each other with their powers.

When Laurel and Thea saw this starting up, they used their powers and appeared behind the Anti-Monitor and started using their powers on him as well. This took some of the strain off of Oliver and allowed him to only use a portion of his powers instead of all of them.

The Anti-Monitor was surprised when he was hit in the back with the women's powers. He had not expected this to happen at all and he could tell that he was losing this fight, but he still would do what he came here to do.

"This doesn't matter. I will still get what I want." the Anti-Monitor said.

"I don't think so." Thea said as they all upped their powers a little bit more.

Oliver took a quick look down at their friends and could see that the paragons were looking up at them while the others were keeping the shadow demons off of them the best they could. Oliver looked at Laurel and Thea and nodded. They all looked up at the sky and shot powers out of their eyes and could see the start of the new Multiverse forming. The Anti-Monitor looked up as well and saw what the heroes saw.

"How is this happening? This is not how it was supposed to be." the Anti-Monitor said.

Oliver, Laurel and Thea looked back at the man and focused their powers back on him now. The Anti-Monitor could feel like he had lost and he could also feel that he was dying. With all of the power hitting him, he knew that he would last much longer, and he was right, because the thing anyone heard was a deafening scream and the Anti-Monitor exploded.

The heroes that were down on the ground feared the worst for their friends, but then out of nowhere the three of them appeared in front of all the other heroes and everyone hugged and congratulated each other on the win against their strongest opponent yet.

The next thing everyone knew, they were back in their own time and were happy to see that not much had changed for them. Once everyone was back, they all dispersed so that they could go back to their own cities.

"Well, I am glad that all worked out." Oliver said.

"Me too. So, what do we do now?" Laurel asked.

"We take a break and then we go back to business as usual. Crime will never stop and because of that we will all need to be ready." Oliver said and the rest of Team Arrow nodded in agreement as they all went home to take the break that they all knew that they needed.

A/N: The next chapter will be the epilogue. I hope you all have enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading everyone.

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