Chapter 68

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Emiko and Diggle had been in Coast City for a day and they were trying to catch sight of this Green Lantern guy that the papers in Coast City had been talking about. They weren't having any luck so far and they had decided that they would give it a few more hours before they decided to go back to Star City. As luck would have it, there was a chase on the freeway and Emiko and Diggle caught sight of the man they were looking for flying towards the scene. That was their cue to follow the action and see if they could catch up with this man.

"So, what do you think this guy's deal is?" Diggle asked.

"I don't know. I don't know of much stuff that could make a man fly, so he is probably an alien of some sort or at least has some sort of alien tech if I were to guess." Emiko said.

"That makes sense. I hope we get there in time to make sure we can talk to this guy." Diggle said as he continued to drive.

They pulled up to the scene where they saw that Green Lantern had already caught the guy that was on the run from police and handed him over. Diggle and Emiko went back to the car quickly and changed into their suits and went back to the scene. This helped them catch the eye of Green Lantern.

He walked over to Diggle and Emiko and asked, "Not that it isn't good to see other heroes here, but what are you two doing here?"

"We need to have a word with you in private. It is of great importance." Diggle said.

"Alright. Follow me. I will lead you back to my base." Green Lantern said as he waited for the two other heroes to get into their car and follow him back to the base.

. . .

When the three heroes arrived at the base they entered and then Green Lantern got right to the point. "So, what is it that you two need to talk to me about?"

"We are recruiting all of the heroes of this earth for a Crisis that will be coming in about six months. If we do not win, not just our world will be destroyed. It will also destroy the whole multiverse." Diggle said.

"Well, when it comes to things like this I am in because the world will need all the help that it can get. It is my duty to protect earth and all of the inhabited planets in this sector." Green Lantern said.

"Ok. Well, it is good to know that you are in. So, what is your deal anyways?" Emiko asked.

"I am a Green Lantern. We are a group of what you would probably call Space Cops. There are many of us out there and we all have a sector that we guard. This is my sector." Green Lantern said.

"Are you human?" Diggle asked.

"Yeah, I am. I am the first human to ever get this honor though." Green Lantern said.

"Do you mind if we know who you are? We will tell you who we are as well." Diggle said.

"My name is Hal Jordan." Hal said.

"It is good to meet you, Hal. I am Emiko Queen, and this is John Diggle." Emiko said.

"It is nice to meet you as well. Let me guess, being that you are a Queen and Diggle is Oliver Queen's bodyguard, I would have to guess that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow." Hal said.

"You would be correct, and the rest of our team is pretty much family in most ways." Diggle said.

"That is cool. So, how do I know when to meet up with you guys for this Crisis?" Hal asked.

"Give us your number and we will let you know when and where we need you." Diggle said and Hal did that while also getting Emiko and Diggle's numbers as well.

"Well, we need to get back home. We will be in touch." Emiko said as the two heroes left Hal so that they could make their flight.

. . .

Once Diggle and Emiko were back in Star City, the team met back in the bunker. They discussed what had happened with their trips and if the people that they went to meet and recruit were going to join them.

"So, how did everything go on your trips? Laurel and I got the help of all of the heroes in Gotham." Oliver said.

"We had good luck with Wonder Woman. She said she would join us to fight the Crisis." Sara said.

"Yeah, Aquaman was the same. That was an interesting conversation though. He is from Alantis and he is the King there. He said that he and his people would come when the time came for the Crisis." Thea said.

"Wonder Woman said something similar about the Amazons." Tommy said.

"Well, it would be good to have all the help that we can get." Laurel said.

"What about you Emiko and Diggle? Did you find out anything?" Oliver asked.

"Green Lantern said that he would join. He is a part of a group of Space Cops and I am sure that being that the whole universe will be in trouble once the Crisis begins, they will be willing to help as well." Diggle said.

"That would be great. Anything else interesting happen while we were gone?" Oliver asked and all of the other heroes shook their heads in the negative.

"Ok, well let's train for a while and then we can go out on patrol just to make sure that nothing is going on in the city right now." Oliver said as he and everyone else went to get changed and started to work on their talents so that they were ready when the Crisis did finally arrive.

Once they were all done with their patrols, they all arrived back at the bunker and got ready to go home for the night. They were all getting ready for the next big event in their lives, which was going to be Tommy and Sara's wedding which was going to be within the next couple of weeks.

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