Chapter 65

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Oliver and Laurel were the first to make it to their destination. When their plane landed there was a limo waiting for them. They got in and made their way to their first location which was a bar that their friend Kate Kane owned. When they arrived they got out of the car and went into the bar so that they could talk to their friend.

"Oliver and Laurel Queen. What are the two of you doing here?" Kate asked.

"Well, it is not a social visit. It has to do with business. Do you have anywhere that we can talk in private?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, sure. Follow me." Kate said as she led the two Team Arrow members up to her apartment.

"So, what is it that you need from me?" Kate asked.

"This is going to be hard to believe, but an individual known as Mar Novu or the Monitor paid us a visit yesterday. He told us about a Crisis that is coming and it will destroy the multiverse if we don't stop it. We know that you will help us, but we were hoping that you could help us talk Bruce into helping as well." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I see why you came to me first now. You knew I would be able to talk sense into Bruce." Kate said.

"That is pretty much the reason. So, will you help us?" Oliver asked.

"Normally, I would tell you to do it yourself, but if what you say is true, you are going to need all the help you can get. I don't think that you will have to work as hard to get Dick and Jason to help out though." Kate said.

"Thanks. Let's get to the mansion so that we can get this over with." Oliver said and Kate pulled out her phone.

"Let me call and let them know that we are coming though. It would be bad to get there and they have already left for the night." Kate said as she made the call and they left the bar to go to Wayne Mansion.

. . .

When the three heroes arrived at the mansion, they went and knocked on the door and Alfred answered. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Queen and Kate. I will take you to Master Bruce right away." Alfred said.

"Thanks Alfred." Kate said as they were led to Bruce's office.

When they were shown into the office, Bruce was sitting there waiting for them. "So, what do we owe the visit of Team Arrow to our city?" Bruce asked.

"We are here to talk about a very serious event that is going to happen in six months. We have been tasked with bringing all of the heroes on this earth together to fight against this event. So, we were the ones to come here and convince you. Will you join us?" Oliver asked.

"What is this event? It depends on how serious it is as to whether I will help. I told you before that I am in when the event is serious enough. So, tell me how bad it is." Bruce said.

"It is the end of the multiverse bad. We got a visit from a man known as Mar Novu. He monitors the multiverse and his opposite, the Anti-monitor is trying to destroy it. We will need all the help that we can get to win this fight." Laurel said.

"So, I am guessing that you believe what they are saying?" Bruce asked as he looked at Kate.

"I do. They have never lied to me before and the fact that this could possibly be true is enough for me to fight with them." Kate said.

"I agree. We can't take the chance because if this is true that means that everything that we know will end. I can't let that happen. We can't let that happen." Bruce said.

"No we can't. So, I am guessing that means you are in right?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I am in. Jason will come as well. I will talk to Dick and make sure he is ready to fight as well." Bruce said.

"Thanks Bruce. We will let you know when it is time to fight." Laurel said and Bruce nodded.

"Well, we need to get back to Star City. All of the team is gone to talk to other heroes around the country. We can't leave the city unprotected for too long." Oliver said.

"No you can't. It was good seeing you both. Tell Barbara I said hello when you get back to town." Bruce said.

"We will. See you two later." Laurel said as she and Oliver left the mansion and headed back to the airport so that they could get back to Star City.

. . .

When Oliver and Laurel got back to Star City they saw that none of their teammates were back yet, so they headed out on patrol and then made their way back to the bunker so that they could train for a while. When they were done training, they went to where Felicity and Barbara were sitting at their computers.

"So, how did it go with Bruce?' Barbara asked.

"It was surprisingly easy to talk him into helping. I think that the fact that we went to Kate first helped us out." Laurel said.

"Yeah, he always seems to believe things easier if Kate believes them as well. It has always been that way. So, is he bringing anyone else?" Barbara asked.

"That was really subtle Barbara. He said that he was going to talk to Dick, so yes, your ex will be here, along with Jason." Laurel said.

"Good. We can use all the help that we can get." Barbara said.

"Anyways, have you heard anything from the rest of the team?" Oliver asked.

"Not yet. We do know that they have all landed and are finding out what they can right now. I am sure we will hear back from them soon." Felicity said and Oliver nodded as he and Laurel went to change so that they could go home for the night.

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