Chapter 48

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It had been a few months since Ras had been taken down. It was now also getting close to Laurel's due date. She had taken off from her job as the DA because the doctor had put her on bedrest and she was getting fed up with not being able to do anything. She would be glad when the baby was finally born and she could at least leave the house without Oliver getting upset because he thought something might happen to the baby. She loved Oliver but he had gotten really overprotective in the past few months.

Oliver walked into the apartment late that night and found that his wife had fallen to sleep on the couch. He walked over to her and picked her up so that she could sleep more comfortably in their bed. This caused Laurel to wake up a bit.

"Not that it isn't nice to be carried around, but you could have woke me up and let me walk to the room by myself." Laurel said.

"I know you like being independent and doing things yourself, but I am here to help this time around, so let me help you when I can." Oliver said.

"Ok, I can do that, but I need you to stop being so overprotective. It is really getting to me and don't forget that I have been through this before." Laurel said.

"I know and I am trying to work on it. Just give me some time. I will try to get better at letting you do things on your own." Oliver said.

"Thanks. Now, how about you get me up to bed so that I can go to sleep for good this time." Laurel said.

"Your wish is my command." Oliver said as he carried Laurel to their room and put her on the bed and pulled the covers around her so that she could go back to sleep.

. . .

The next morning Laurel didn't feel quite right when she woke up. She saw that Oliver was still sleeping so she got up to go and use the bathroom and then go downstairs and get something to eat. As she was walking out of the bathroom something happened that she wasn't expecting. Her water broke. She walked over to the bed and shook Oliver awake.

"Hey. Is everything ok?" Oliver asked.

"Everything is fine, but my water just broke, so we need to get to the hospital." Laurel said.

"Shit. Ok, I will get the bags and wake up Conner. You just relax until I have everything ready to go. It shouldn't take me longer than a few minutes." Oliver said.

"It's no hurry. I haven't had any contractions yet, but I would like to get to the hospital before they start so that I can get an epidural." Laurel said.

"I will do the best I can. I am going to get Conner up, then we should be ready to go." Oliver said.

After Conner was ready to go Oliver grabbed the begs and the three of them went out to the car and left for the hospital. It didn't take them long to get there. Once they had checked Laurel in and she was taken to a room, Oliver got on the phone and told everyone what was going on. He was just calling family right now. He would worry about the rest of the team later.

About thirty minutes later, all of the Queen and Lance families had arrived at the hospital. "So, how are things going?" Sara asked as she walked up to Oliver

"They are getting her ready in a room right now. She hadn't even started contractions when we got here, so it is going to be a while before the baby is born." Oliver said and Sara nodded as she went to take a seat next to Tommy.

A few minutes later a nurse walked out and said that two people could go back to the room where Laurel had been situated. They chose Oliver and Dinah to go back and be there when the baby was born, so the two of them went to be with Laurel.

"So, how is everything going Laurel? Have you started your contractions yet?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, probably about fifteen minutes ago. The good thing is, everything is moving pretty fast right now. I have already dilated to four centimeters, and we haven't even been here that long." Laurel said.

"That's a good thing right? That means that you won't be in pain for too long." Oliver said.

"Yeah, it is a good thing. I just want to get this over with so we can meet the new member of the family." Laurel said as she had a contraction, which both Oliver and Dinah coached her through.

. . .

About three hours later, it was time for Laurel to push. The baby was ready to be born and she would be in the world and get to meet her family soon. Laurel was pushing and screaming while Oliver and Dinah were coaching her along.

"This is the last time I let you get me pregnant. You better be glad that all of this pain is worth it. I would hurt you if it wasn't." Laurel said as she looked at Oliver with a look that he only saw when she was really mad.

"I know you would. You don't have much to go. The doctor said she can see the baby's head, so just a couple more pushes and this should be over." Oliver said.

Laurel continued to push and after about fifteen minutes Olivia Queen was born. Laurel held her while Dinah went out to get the rest of the family to come and visit the new member of the family. Moira, Thea, Emiko, Quentin, Sara, and Tommy entered the room and were all smiling at the cute little baby that Oliver was now holding.

"So, don't keep me waiting. What is her name?" Thea asked.

"Everyone, we would like you to meet Olivia Laurel Queen." Oliver said and everyone came closer to get a good look at the baby.

"Oh, she is so cute, Oliver. I am so happy that you were here this time around." Moira said.

"Me too mom. Would you like to hold her?" Oliver asked and Moira nodded as she took the baby from Oliver.

After everyone had the chance to hold the baby, it was time for the guest to leave so that Laurel and Olivia could get some rest. Oliver was walking to the door when Laurel asked, "Where are you going?"

"I am going to let you rest for a while. I am going to check out the club for an hour and make sure that everything is going ok, since all of us were here for most of the day. Just want to make sure everything is ok with McKenna." Oliver said.

"Ok, but don't be too long. This little baby needs to get to know her father and the only way for that to happen is if you are around." Laurel said.

"I will be back in an hour. You will be able to rest, and so will Olivia." Oliver said as he gave his wife a kiss and left the room so that Laurel and Olivia could get some sleep.

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