Chapter 11

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That night the whole Queen family was at the auction for Unisex Industries. While Walter was busy talking to some of the competition, Oliver and Laurel snuck away to go and take care of the assassin before he has a chance to take out anyone. They knew that he was most likely in the building across the street from them.

Tonight, they were going to keep the team small, so it was just going to be Oliver, Laurel, and Sara going after Deadshot. They went and search the building starting at the top floor. When they got two floors down, they saw the assassin. Green Arrow waited for Black and White Canary to join him before he went in. As they entered the room the floor squeaked, drawing the attention of Deadshot, who turned around and started shooting at them with his arm gun.

Team Arrow was able to dodge all of the bullets and mount their own attack with Green Arrow shooting a few arrows at him and Sara shooting her gun that she brought from the lair with her. With Green Arrow and White Canary shooting at Deadshot, he had to take cover which allowed Black Canary to charge and start to fight him hand to hand, which Deadshot was no match for them in that kind of situation. Deadshot managed to push Black Canary back which allowed him to be able to shoot his guns again. He just about hit Black Canary, but she was able to get to cover right in time.

At this point White Canary was able to get close and start to fight him. White Canary was able to take him down to the ground but Deadshot was able to get a shot off that he her in the arm. It was only a flesh wound, but it meant that she would have to leave the fight and get some of the herbs that Green Arrow had given each of them, before the poison spread through her body.

Deadshot was momentarily distracted by White Canary just leaving and this allowed Green Arrow to shot him with an arrow. Green Arrow and Black Canary walled up to the man and Green Arrow asked, "Who hired you to make the hit on this auction?"

"Like I am going to tell you that." Deadshot said.

Green Arrow grabbed the arrow that was in Deadshot's shoulder and twisted it. "I can do this all day long, so again, who hired you?" Green Arrow asked.

"A man named Patel. He is one of the men who is bidding tonight. I don't know much else about him." Deadshot said.

"So, what's with all the tattoos?" Black Canary asked.

"They are the names of all the people that I have killed." Deadshot said.

"Well, I hear you don't miss your targets and that is why you are always called for jobs like this. I guess you won't be getting as many calls now that you didn't get this target." Green Arrow said.

"People are starting to hear about the vigilantes in this city. They will know that is the only reason I didn't make the shot." Deadshot said.

"Well, it is too bad they won't be able to hire you anymore then." Green Arrow said.

"What do you mean by that?" Deadshot asked.

Green Arrow didn't answer the question. He just walked up to Deadshot and kneeled down and picked Deadshot up to a sitting position and grabbed him by the neck and snapped it. That way no one would be able to hire the man again.

"One less hitman in the world." Green Arrow said.

"Yeah, I don't always agree with killing but that was probably the right thing to do." Black Canary said.

"Let's go check on Sara really quick and then get to the auction." Green Arrow said.

The two vigilantes found a restroom that was on one of the lower floors of the building and found Sara there sewing her wound. "Did everything workout with the herbs?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I took them as soon as I got here. Now all I have to do it sew this up and I will be ready to go. You two can go on. I will be there soon." Sara said and the other two went to change and go to the auction.

Oliver and Laurel got there in time for the auction to start. They walked over to Quentin and told him about Deadshot and the fact that he was hired by Patel. They would have Thea hack the information that connected Patel to everything once the auction was over.

Sara then walked in and joined them and Tommy as they watched the auction and saw that QC won the auction. This meant that Malcolm's plan was coming together. They would have to start working on taking down members of Malcolm's group soon. That would slowly dismantle everything and then there would be a showdown between Malcolm and Team Arrow.

"Congratulations Walter. I am happy that you were able to get this company." Malcolm said as he walked up.

"Thank you, Malcolm. I was surprised that you were not in on the bidding as well." Walter said.

"Well, I am sure if I needed anything, we can always work together on it." Malcolm said.

"I am sure we can work something out." Walter said and then Malcolm walked off.

"So, Oliver, I turned around at one point and I saw that you and the Lances were gone. What was that about?" Walter asked.

"Oh, we just saw a friend on the other side of the room that we hadn't seen in while. Nothing to important." Laurel said.

"Well, that is nice that you got to see your friend." Walter said and they nodded back.

"Thea can I talk to you for a minute?" Oliver asked.

They walked to the side a bit and Oliver asked, "How are your hacking skills?"

"I am actually pretty good. I got a friend to show me a thing or two. How do you think I got straight A's while you were gone when I hardly went to school the past year or so?" Thea said.

"You are starting to be too much like the old me. I hope you will start to shape up now." Oliver said.

"Oh, I am. Don't worry. So, what do you need?" Thea asked.

"I need you to find the information that connects a man named Warren Patel to Deadshot and then send it to Quentin so that Patel can get arrested." Oliver said.

"I am on it. I will work on it as soon as we get to the lair after we leave here." Thea said.

"Good, because who knows if he will try something else being that he tried to kill all the other bidders at the auction." Oliver said and Thea nodded as they went back to join their group.

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