Chapter 19

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Moira had now been voted in as mayor of Starling City and she was making some changes that needed to be made. She decided that she was not going to stick with Donner being the DA and she replaced him with Laurel. She also needed to replace the police commissioner. She decided to promote Frank Pike to that position, and she moved Quentin up to captain. They now had the pieces in place so that most of the city officials weren't corrupt anymore. Moira had also told them that they needed to look into everyone that worked for them so that they could get rid of everyone who was dirty in their offices. It would be hard work but, in the end, it would make it so that some power-hungry individuals could not come in and take control of the city because everyone is corrupt.

The only thing that was left to do to make sure that the city's leadership was no longer corrupt was to take out the two city council members, which would be what the team was going to do tonight. They had one thing that they had to do before they went out to take care of the member of the city council though.

"Everyone gather around. I have an announcement to make before we go out into the field tonight. Thea you have done well with your training and you have done everything that any of us and Nyssa have told you to do, so I am proud to say that you are officially field ready." Oliver said and everyone cheered and clapped Thea on the back.

"Thank guys. I just wish my suit was ready so that I could go out with you guys tonight." Thea said.

"About that." Oliver said as he pulled out a box and handed it to Thea.

"Are you serious? It is ready for me to wear?" Thea asked.

"Yeah, go and suit up and then we will talk about what we have to do tonight." Oliver said and Thea went to change into her new suit.

"Tommy, I want you to train with Nyssa here tonight. She said that you will be ready very soon to get out there with us." Oliver said.

"Can't wait. I will do whatever it takes to get out there with y'all." Tommy said as he went to change into workout clothes and started to train with Nyssa.

Thea walked back out with her suit on, and everyone looked at her. "That is a sweet suit Speedy." Sara said.

"It is pretty sweet isn't it. I like that it is mostly blue with red down the sides and black pants and boots." Thea said.

"So, what is your codename going to be? We don't need to call you Speedy. It might draw attention to you." Laurel said.

"I have thought about this for a while and I want to be called Athena, who was a great warrior and also the Goddess of War. After seeing what I become, I thought it was kind of fitting." Thea said.

"I agree. It is a great name for you. I mean you did take down Talia in the future." Laurel said.

"Ok, so Athena it is. Now let's talk about our plans for the night. We are going after Councilman Kullens and Councilwoman Pollard. Once we take them down all of the city infrastructure will be clean." Oliver said.

"Ok, so who is going after who?" Thea asked.

"Sara, Emiko, Roy and Diggle are going to go after Kullens and Laurel, Thea and I are going after Pollard. Are there any questions?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, what kind of security are we looking at?" Diggle asked.

"Both have security systems and security cameras. They also have four guards each, which are probably being paid for by whoever is heading this group up. They just don't know that four people are not enough to keep you from getting in." Barbara said.

"Ok, so anything else we need to know?" Sara asked.

"I have already hacked into their computers and have the information we need on both council members on these flash drives. Just leave them with the tied-up council member for the police to find." Barbara said.

"Damn, I am glad we found her. I would have had to have someone give me physical access to the computer to get that information." Thea said.

"It's ok Speedy, we knew that wasn't going to be your permanent job. Let's move out." Oliver said as the team left for their different missions.

Oliver's team arrived first, and they used the device that Barbara had given them to shut down the security in the apartment before storming in. Green Arrow and Black Canary were the first two through followed by Athena. Green Arrow took on two men while Black Canary and Athena took on one of their own. Black Canary finished her man off first and then went to take on the extra man that Green Arrow was fighting. It didn't take Athena long to take down her man and then she went to find Pollard. Once she walked into the living room so saw Pollard sitting there looking very frightened.

"What do you think you are doing in my apartment?" Pollard asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. We know you are corrupt, and we are getting rid of every corrupt person that is working for this city." Athena said.

"Well, then you better go after the new mayor. She is just as corrupt as anyone else." Pollard said.

"Maybe so. We will have to look into that." Athena said as she nocked an arrow and shot it at Pollard. The arrow wrapped her in steel cables making sure she wouldn't be able to move, and the Athena put the Flash drive beside Pollard.

The team left and headed back to the bunker after they heard police sirens approaching. On the other side of the city Emiko was using the device to disable the security system so that they could get into Kullens' apartment. Once everything was disconnected White Canary busted the door open and went to attack one of the guards while Spartan, Arsenal and Artemis took on the other three. Once they had taken down the guards, White Canary found Kullens looking like he was going to try and escape out of the window. White Canary grabbed him and brought him back in the room and pushed him into a chair and Arsenal tied him down with one of his bola arrows.

"Why would the vigilantes come after me? I have done nothing wrong." Kullens said.

"That's not what this drive says. It has all of your illegal dealing on it that we got from hacking your computer." White Canary said.

Kullens decided that he wasn't going to say anymore to dig his hole any deeper. "I hear sirens. They sound like they are pretty close. Let's get out of here." Arsenal said and everyone nodded and left the building heading back to the bunker.

Once everyone was at the bunker, they turned on the news to see if the word was out about the city council members. It had made it to the news outlets which was a good thing because now everyone would know how corrupt the city really was. Now that they had the council members out of the way, that only left Frank Chen before it was time to take out Merlyn.

"Ok, that was a good night. Let's see what we can do tomorrow to make it an even better night for us." Oliver said.

"Yeah, what should we do? Take out some people on the list?" Thea asked.

"That is my thoughts. Or we could just go after Chen and see what Merlyn does then." Oliver said.

"We can decide that tomorrow. I think we have done enough for tonight." Laurel said and everyone nodded in agreement as they all went to change into their street clothes.

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