Chapter 34

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A couple of days later the Ninth Circle finally made their move and went to steal some gas that was scheduled to be destroyed by the military. Team Arrow new that they had to stop this from happening or something bad was going to end up happening to Star City. The team got to where they thought the Ninth Circle would try to intercept the shipment of gas and they were right to be there because they finally caught sight of some of the members of the Ninth Circle.

"Athena, Magician, Black Canary, White Canary, Arsenal and Spartan take out all of the members of the Ninth Circle that are standing guard. Artemis and I will enter the truck and take out the leaders." Green Arrow said.

"We are on it Green Arrow. Just make sure that you end this tonight if possible." Black Canary said.

"I don't know if that will happen, because I haven't seen Dante or any other leaders here tonight other than Virgil." Artemis said.

"Well, I will make sure that he lives so that we can get the information that we need from him." Green Arrow said as he and Artemis moved to get inside of the truck to stop whoever was inside from getting and of the gas.

As they entered the truck, they saw that the Ninth Circle had about ten men in there, not including Virgil. Green Arrow and Artemis went on the attack to take care of all the Ninth Circle foot soldiers. It didn't take long and then all that was left were the two vigilantes and Virgil.

"Virgil, come with us peacefully and you won't get hurt. Hold on, let me change that statement, you won't be hurt too badly." Artemis said.

"Why would I go anywhere with you Emiko?" Virgil asked.

"Because if you don't. Dante will think you talked, and he will kill you. If you come with us, you will live." Artemis said.

"You really expect me to believe that. I have heard stories about the infamous Green Arrow and how he tortured people when he was in Russia with the Bratva." Virgil said.

"I am not that man anymore, but to protect my city I am not afraid to go there again though." Green Arrow said.

"Well, I am not going to tell you anything willingly, so you both can go to hell." Virgil said.

"Have it your way." Green Arrow said.

Green Arrow knocked an injector arrow and shot Virgil with it, and he passed out because of the tranquilizer in it. They picked him out and put him in the van so that Diggle could drive it back to the bunker. Once they were at the bunker, the team put Virgil in the cell that was waiting for him and then waited for him to wake up.

"What the hell is going on here?" Virgil asked.

"We brought you here to answer our questions, Virgil. You will do this whether you like it or not." Artemis said.

"And why would I do that. Right now, I can at least prove to Dante that I didn't betray him. That is more than I can say about you Emiko." Virgil said.

Green Arrow walked into the cell with a substance that pretty much all of Team Arrow had seen used before. He jabbed Virgil in the neck with a needle and said, "You will tell us what we want to know. It is just a matter of time."

"What did you just give me?" Virgil asked because he feared the answer.

"It is known as Red Death. I am sure you have heard of it." Green Arrow said.

"So, how long do I have before the pain starts?" Virgil asked.

Green Arrow looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Right about now."

Virgil started to scream in pain, which was the indication to Green Arrow to start asking his questions.

"What is the Ninth Circle's plan and where are they located right now?" Green Arrow asked.

"The plan was to release the gas on the city as payback for Emiko leaving us. That is how it works, when a member of the organization quits, we try to destroy the city that they live in and there is no way they can stop it. Then the person themselves will die by our hands as well." Virgil said.

"Ok, and where are your friends located?" Green Arrow asked.

"I don't really know the answer to that one because they move around very often, and the fact that I have been captured, they will move somewhere, and it won't be in the same order as I knew the locations to be in case you did get me to break." Virgil said.

"That makes since, so where are all of your safehouses in this city?" Green Arrow asked.

"I will need to write that down because it will take to long to say them to you and then you have someone to right them down." Virgil said and Green Arrow nodded and went to get a piece of paper and a pen and then gave them to Virgil.

About five minutes later Virgil was finished with the list and handed it back to Green Arrow.

"Can you make the pain stop now, please?" Virgil pleaded.

"Sure." Green Arrow said as he threw a gun in the cell and locked the door as he and Artemis left to go and talked to the rest of the team.

"So, you are just going to let him kill himself?" Laurel asked.

"Yes. He is too dangerous to be set free and this way I won't have to do it myself." Oliver said as they all heard a gunshot and checked the video footage to make sure he didn't do what Oliver did when he was dosed with Red Death and escaped his cell. Virgil was dead.

"Ok, so what do we do now?" Sara asked.

"We go and scout all of these locations and see if he was telling the truth. Do not engage anyone by yourself. Make sure to contact everyone else and then wait before going in." Oliver said as everyone nodded and then they all went to scout out the area that they were given.

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