Chapter 41

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The next couple of weeks had been quiet for team arrow so they all had some off time. Every night two members of the team would go out patrolling while the rest of the team could do what they wanted to do. Tonight, happened to be Oliver and Sara's night to be out in the field.

They were both working together because there was no reason to check anywhere but the Glades right now. They were jumping the roof tops when they saw something or someone standing there waiting for them.

"It is good to see you two. I know that I have been gone a while and it could not be helped. Father wanted an update." Nyssa said.

"It is good to see you as well Nyssa. So, what is your father up to now?" Oliver asked.

"Let's just say that he is really empressed with what you have done lately. He is glad that he will never have to worry about the Ninth Circle again." Nyssa said.

"So, what you are saying is that I might have put an even bigger target on my back by beating the Ninth circle when it comes to you father?" Oliver asked.

"That would be correct. I think he really thinks of you as a worthy heir. I don't think it will be long before he comes for you. We need to continue to train until that time comes though, so you will be ready." Nyssa said.

"I agree. We have done enough for the night. Let's go back to the bunker and we can do some training there." Oliver said and Sara and Nyssa both nodded.

"You know Emiko is going to be glad that you are back. I think she has missed you." Sara said.

"I missed her as well. I would have taken her with me, but you know how father is around new girls." Nyssa said.

"Yeah, I do. Is it ok if I train with you two as well? If something happens to Ollie, someone else is going to have to take on your father to make sure he doesn't destroy the city." Sara said.

"That is actually a pretty good idea. I never really thought about it. What does happen if I lose Nyssa?" Oliver asked.

"Father will destroy your city and everyone that you love." Nyssa said.

"If something does happen to you Ollie, I will make sure that Ras doesn't destroy our city and family one way or the other." Sara said.

"Good. That is why you are my second in command now, while Laurel is out on pregnancy leave." Oliver said.

"You know how much she hates being at home while we are out here doing this right?" Sara asked.

"Yes, I do. I hear it every night. I will take it though, because I know a lot of it is the hormones talking." Oliver said.

"I wouldn't say that to her though. We might be attending a funeral later this week if you do." Sara said and they all had a laugh at that.

The three of them trained for the next two hour, and Nyssa could tell that they had both been practicing even though they both had been working hard to take down the Ninth Circle. Oliver was able to take down Nyssa a couple of times which was no small order.

"You are doing well Oliver, but you will need to start beating me more often so that we will know that you can compete with my father." Nyssa said.

"Yeah, we won't let that happen. I have seen what happens when Ollie is not prepared. We will make sure that he ready." Sara said and Nyssa nodded.

"So, how is Mr. Merlyn? You and he still together?" Nyssa asked.

"Yeah, we are. Don't flirt with me. You have a girlfriend now." Sara said.

"Ok, I won't. I need to go and see Emiko. I will see you guys tomorrow." Nyssa said.

"Well, she seems to be happy. I just hope that what happens with the League doesn't change that." Sara said.

"I know what you mean. I think she will be ok though." Oliver said.

"Ok, I think it is time for us to go home. I have Tommy waiting for me and I am sure that my sister is at home waiting for you as well." Sara said.

"Most likely. So, you think that you and Tommy might ever get married?" Oliver asked.

"Well, that would be a hard question to answer. I mean I do hope that we can do that one day. We are just having fun right now though." Sara said.

"Don't have too much fun or you will turn out how or you will end up like Laurel right now." Oliver said.

"I am on the pill. What difference does it make to you?" Sara said.

"That's good because if you were to get pregnant, I think Laurel would kill both you and Tommy." Oliver said.

"I know she would." Sara said as they both laughed.

"I am getting tired. I need my sleep. I will see tomorrow Sara. Oliver said as he walked out of the bunker and then Sara was on his heels.

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