Chapter 46

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The next day Oliver was working at Verdant to get it ready for that night when he heard the door open. "Sorry, but we don't open until later tonight." Oliver said without looking at who just walked in.

"Is that any way to talk to the person who has come here to help you take down one of the most dangerous men in the world?" Talia asked as she continued walking over to where Oliver was working.

"Sorry about that Talia. I just had a lot of work to do and didn't have time to turn and see who was walking in." Oliver said.

"It is no problem Oliver. I am just glad that you let me know what was going on here in your city with father. I would have misunderstood if you didn't have Nyssa reach out to me and then I would have come after you for what you are planning to do to father." Talia said.

"So, I am assuming that you are here to help us now?" Oliver asked.

"Yes. I am here to help you. I know that father has lost his way and he is not using the League in the way that it should be used." Talia said.

"I am glad that we are of the same opinion then. After I am done here we will go down to my base and we will introduce you to my team and then we will come up with a plan to stop Ras." Oliver said and Talia nodded and went to sit down and wait for Oliver to finish his work.

. . .

An hour later, Oliver and Talia were walking down the steps to enter the bunker where they would be meeting the rest of the team and come up with a plan of attack to use against Ras and his minions. As Talia got to the bottom of the steps she couldn't help but be impressed with what she saw.

"This is a nice base of operations that you have here Oliver. I can see why you and your team work so efficiently now." Talia said.

"So, you have been keeping an eye on me and my team?" Oliver asked.

"I always keep an eye on my best students in case I see that they need help and then I will send a team to help them. That is why I am here now. I would have come even without Nyssa's call, it was just convenient that she called anyway." Talia said.

"Good to know. So, now we are going to introduce you to the team." Oliver said as he walked to the area where the team was waiting.

"Hey guys, this is Talia. She trained me while I was in Russia. I know that some of you already know this, but some of you might not." Oliver said.

"It is nice to meet you all, I just want you to know that I am here to help." Talia said.

"Thanks for coming. I am Laurel, Oliver's wife and also known as the Black Canary. This is my sister Sara, also known as White Canary." Laurel said as she introduced herself and Sara.

"Hi. I am Thea, Oliver's sister, also known as Athena. This is my boyfriend Roy, also known as Arsenal." Thea said.

"I am Emiko, Oliver's other sister, also known as Artemis." Emiko said.

"I am Tommy, also known as the Magician." Tommy said.

"I am John, also known as Spartan." Diggle said.

"Then we have our computer specialists who are not here right now. They are Barbara or Oracle, and Felicity or Overwatch." Oliver said.

"It is nice to meet you all. I am looking forward to working with you for the next couple of days and maybe at times in the future if I am needed." Talia said.

"So, how about we talk about this plan to stop Ras now. We need to iron out any issues that it might have so that this plan can run as smoothly as possible." Sara said and everyone nodded as they got to work on planning their attack.

. . .

After the plan had been discussed most of the team left and now it was just Oliver, Nyssa, and Talia remaining. They were going to train for a while before taking the night off and getting some rest before the big fight that was coming.

"So, do you think this plan will work?" Oliver asked, because he wanted to know their honest opinion on the matter.

"I do. Father will never expect me to be here so I will remain hidden until the time is right while Nyssa will be making a show of working with father and then she will turn on him. He will never think that Nyssa would have the guts to turn on him. It will be his downfall for not thinking of it." Talia said.

"As long as you are sure, I am good with all of this. So, how about we train for a while and then we can go and spend time with our families. I am sure you two would like to catch up alone." Oliver said.

The three warriors got their swords and started to train. Talia was actually surprised at how good Oliver had become sword fighting.

"I am impressed Oliver. You have picked up a lot from Nyssa. Maybe I can teach you some skills that I have worked on over the years as well." Talia said.

"I would appreciate that. I am sure that Nyssa would like to learn some new skills as well." Oliver said.

"That I would. You can never know enough skill when it comes to training. I am willing to learn anything new that I can." Nyssa said.

"Yes. It is good to learn new skills, because that might make you know something that your opponent does not." Talia said.

They got back to work on their training and once they thought that they had done enough for the night, Talia and Nyssa decided to stay in the bunker and get to know each other once again while Oliver decided it was time for him to go and check out the club for a while.

"If you guys don't mind, I think I am done for the night. I am going to go up to the club for a while and get something to drink. Let me know if you need anything before I go home. I will see both of you tomorrow." Oliver said and the women nodded as Oliver walked up the stairs that lead to the club, leaving the two sisters alone.

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