Chapter 59

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The next night all of Team Arrow was scouting out the warehouse that they would find Diaz in. He wasn't there when the team arrived, but it didn't take him long to show up and now the team was going to put their plan into motion.

"So, are we all clear on the plan?" Green Arrow asked and the team nodded as they went to their positions.

Green Arrow and Black Canary were together at the front entrance, the Magician and White Canary were at the back entrance, leaving Arsenal and Spartan to take one of the side entrances each, while Artemis and Athena took up their positions on the top of the warehouse.

"Is everyone ready?" Green Arrow asked through the comms and the team all responded yes.

"Then let's breach." Green Arrow said as he knocked an explosive arrow and fired it at the door.

Once the explosion was heard the rest of the team entered as well, seeing that all of the bad guys were trying to escape but had nowhere to go since they were surrounded. With the team coming in from all sides, this caused all of the bad guys to funnel into the middle of the warehouse. Once the team saw that everyone was in front of them and the men started to attack them, the team was having a pretty easy time with taking all the bad guys down. Green Arrow made his way to the center of the crowd and found Diaz was using his thugs to protect him.

"From what I have been told, you are supposed to be a good fighter. Why don't we see if that is true?" Green Arrow asked as he attacked the men that were surrounding Diaz and taking them out easily.

"I am a good fighter. I am also smart. I knew that if I hid in the middle of my men it would cause you to work hard, which would cause you to be worn out by the time that you got to me." Diaz said.

"I don't get tired. And if you paid attention, the only guys that I have fought were the ones that were just surrounding you. So, I am more than ready to do this. So, get your ass over here and let's see how good you are." Green Arrow said as Diaz decided to attack.

Green Arrow held back for a while, trying to make sure that Diaz thought that he was actually in this fight. He was getting bored with this though, and that caused Green Arrow to pick up his pace in the fight, which made Diaz realize that he was truly overmatched in this fight against the Green Arrow. Green Arrow finally got the upper hand for good in the fight and knocked Diaz to the ground.

"What are you going to do now? Kill me?" Diaz asked.

"From what I have heard about you, I think that is the only choice. You are too dangerous to be left alive." Green Arrow said as he pulled out his sword and stabbed Diaz through the heart.

Green Arrow looked around to see if any of the team needed any help with the remaining thugs and saw that they had everything in hand so he just watched as they all finished off the rest of the thugs.

Once the fight was done, Green Arrow looked at the team and said, "Get all of these guys tied out and put them outside. We are going to set this place on fire so that this drug can not be replicated. We will leave Diaz in here and let him burn with his product."

"Sounds good. So, let's get to it so we can get out of here. I am sure the police are on the way." Black Canary said as the team dragged all the thugs out of the warehouse and tied them up for the police to take care of.

Once that was done, Green Arrow went back inside with an explosive arrow and fired it at some of the drugs, which caught on fire immediately, and soon the whole warehouse was on fire.

"Let's head back to the bunker and see if there is anything else that needs our attention tonight." Green Arrow said as the team left with him and headed back to the bunker.

. . .

Once the team was back at the bunker, they went up to the command center to see what Barbara and Felicity were up to.

"So, what are you two up to?" Oliver asked his computer geniuses.

"We are just listening to what was going on with the police at the scene of the warehouse you guys just left." Barbara said.

"Anything interesting?" Sara asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Had to call in more cars to take all of the guys that you took down to the jail. They also called the fire department because of the fire. They are just arriving now. They don't think that they can save the warehouse though.

"That is probably a good thing, since we don't need any of that drug to survive this." Laurel said and the rest of the team had to agree with that.

"Anything else going on out there that needs our attention tonight?" Oliver asked.

"Nope. Nothing that the police can't take care of anyways." Felicity said.

"Good, I think I am going to change and go upstairs to see how McKenna is doing." Tommy said as he went to shower and change and then get up to the club.

"Sounds good. I think I might join you up there." Oliver said.

"I might make an appearance as well. I guess people need to see my face every once in a while." Sara said and Emiko nodded in agreement as she decided that she would join the rest of the owners of the club as well.

"Ok, I will see you later Ollie. I am going to go home and make sure the kids are ok. Don't be out too long." Laurel said as she walked up and gave her husband a kiss and then went to change so that she could go home.

The rest of the team did the same and then headed home or either up to the club to have a little bit of fun after their big take down that they made tonight.

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