Chapter 70

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It had now been six months since Mar Novu had paid his visit to the team and told them that they had that amount of time to prepare for the Crisis that was coming. The team was ready for this fight and they all knew what they had to do for this to be a successful mission. They just had to wait for Novu to come and then they would know when the fight was to begin.

Unfortunately, that was not a long time at all, considering that Novu had just entered their bunker with all of the heroes that would be fighting this Crisis with Team Arrow. There was Team Flash, Team Superfriends, Team Bat, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, along with a team that they had never seen before, but had heard whispers of over the past few months.

"So, I am assuming that the Crisis is about to begin?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, that is correct, Mr. Queen." Novu said.

"We know everyone here except for the new kids. Aren't they a bit young to be fighting crime?" Laurel asked.

"This is a new startup team. Meet Stargirl and her team." Novu said and the kids on Team Stargirl waved at them.

"It is nice to finally meet all of you. This is a dream come true. Maybe you can all give us some tips when this whole situation is over with." Stargirl said.

"I think we can help you out with that, but like you said, we have more important things to worry about now." the Flash said and all of the heroes nodded in agreement since they were willing to help these kids so that they didn't die earlier than they were supposed to.

"Good. Now I must tell you what is going on." Novu said and all of the heroes turned their attention to him.

"The Crisis started a while ago and I was able to see multiple futures and made the decision to take the course that we are all on now. Unfortunately, this is the last surviving earth in existence now. This is the only way that we will be able to win this fight and I hate the fact that I had to let all of the other Universes die, but they will come back once the Anti-Monitor is taken out." Novu said.

"And how will that happen?" Oliver asked.

"The Specters will do it because they have the power to reform the rest of the multiverse. You will also have paragons that will help with that as well." Novu said.

"Who are these paragons then?" Kara asked.

"The Paragon of Hope will be Supergirl, the Paragon of Love is the Flash, the Paragon of Courage is Stargirl, the Paragon of Destiny is White Canary, the Paragon of Honor is Batman, the Paragon of Humanity is Spartan, and the Paragon of Truth is Superman." Novu said.

"What do the rest of us do then?" Frost asked.

"While the paragons and Specters do their work, the rest of you will fight the army that will come with the Anti-Monitor and give the others the time that they need." Novu said and all of the heroes nodded.

"If you don't mind, I would like to have a word in private with Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Athena." Novu said as he and the three heroes walked off to the side, away from the rest of the heroes in the bunker.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Oliver asked.

"The three of you will be the Specters. Fortunately, I have found a way to make it so that you don't have to die to get your powers. I will give you these powers, but they will only last for as long as the Crisis lasts. Once you have done everything that needs to be done, the powers will disappear and you will go back to not having the powers anymore." Novu said.

"That's good. I don't like the idea of having powers anyway. No offense, Laurel." Oliver said.

"I know what you meant Ollie." Laurel said.

"So, we won't have to die to do this. That is a good thing. So, when do we get these powers?" Thea asked.

"I am giving them to you now. You must keep them from everyone for the time being. We don't need the Anti-Monitor to know that you have these powers until it is too late." Novu said.

"That makes sense. We won't use the powers until it is time." Oliver said.

"Ok. So, I will give you these powers and then you can go back and get to know the rest of the team that you will be fighting with in the Crisis." Novu said as he used his powers to give the three heroes their new but temporary powers.

They walked back over to the rest of the group and Barry walked up to them. "So, what was that about?"

"Just something that Novu wanted to talk about strategy wise. We hope that it will work, but there is always a chance that it won't." Oliver said.

"So, we need to come up with other contingency plans then. That is always a good idea in any situation." Barry said and the other three nodded in agreement.

"What is the plan guys?" Sara asked as she and a few others walked up to the three Specters as well.

"Can we have everyone's attention please?" Oliver said loudly, getting everyone's attention.

They all turned to look at him and knew that it was just about time to fight for their lives and the lives of everyone on the planet. "We have a plan. We will be transported to the place where the fight will take place, but before that happens we need to make sure that everyone knows what is expected of them. The plan is not that hard to understand. While the paragons are helping the Specters, everyone else will fight off the army that is there. I know we already know this, but we need to make sure that everyone is certain of what they need to do. We cannot let any of these things get through to the paragons and the Specters or our cause will be lost." Oliver said and the other heroes nodded in agreement.

"So, when do we leave?" Sara asked and the others couldn't help but laugh since this was Sara's attempt to bring some laughter into the group before they went out and fought for their lives and the lives of the people that they loved.

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