Chapter 4

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Tonight, was the night that Tommy was throwing Oliver and Sara's welcome home party. Oliver and Laurel were leaving the mansion after dropping Conner off with Moira for the night. "So, do you think your other sister will show up tonight?" Laurel asked.

"I am not sure. If she does, that means she wants to at least try to get to know all of us. I hope she does, but I can't blame her is she does not." Oliver said.

"I am sure she will come. After you told me what you and Thea both had to say to her, I don't think she will turn down the chance to get to know the both of you." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. So, are you ready for this party?" Oliver asked.

"It's not really my scene anymore but you know Tommy, he always has to do things big." Laurel said.

"Yes, he does." Oliver said as they arrived at the party and exited the car going inside.

When they got inside, they saw that Sara was already there and she was talking to Tommy.

"What do you think is going on between them?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know for sure, but I have been noticing them flirting a lot." Laurel said.

"Well, let's hope it turns out ok if they ever really do get together." Oliver said and Laurel nodded as they arrived at where Tommy and Sara were standing.

The party really started to get going now that both of the guest of honor were there. Oliver really felt out of place now because this just didn't feel like his scene anymore. Oliver was talking to Sara, Tommy, and Laurel when Tommy got a look on his face that he used to get when he was checking a girl out from across the room when they used to go to the clubs all the time. Oliver turned around to see who it was, and he saw that it was Emiko and a red dress, and she was also wearing just the right amount of make up for the occasion.

Emiko walked up to Oliver and he said, "Glad you could make it. These are my friends Sara and Tommy, and this is my girlfriend Laurel. Everybody, this is my sister Emiko."

"It's nice to meet you. I was probably going to come with Thea to meet you if Oliver hadn't come back." Laurel said.

"It is nice to meet you all as well. I thought I would take you up on your offer to come to this party and make sure that I could trust you." Emiko said and Oliver nodded.

"I understand. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your shoes." Oliver said.

"This is not really my scene. I just wanted to come to support you and your friend." Emiko said.

"I understand that too. After being away from this for five years, I have to say that this is not my scene anymore either." Oliver said.

"Just stick close to all of us and you will be fine." Laurel said.

"So, what do you do for work?" Sara asked Emiko.

"Well, I have a business degree, but I haven't been able to find anywhere to put that to use yet. Right now, I am kind of between jobs." Emiko said.

"Well, for right now the only one of us working is Laurel, but hopefully that will all change soon." Sara said.

"So, what are you going to try to do?" Emiko asked.

"Well, Ollie is going to open up a club and I am thinking about being a bartender there." Sara said.

"I am going to work there as well. I don't know what my job will be yet, but that is my plan anyways." Tommy said.

"Well, I wish you both luck with that." Emiko said.

"How would you like to work there as well? It can be like a family business. You can help me run the place." Oliver said.

"You don't have to do that Oliver. The money you gave us will last me for a while." Emiko said.

"I am not trying to buy you or anything like that Emiko. I am just trying to make it a family business, so that if something happens to me at any time, someone else will be there to run it." Oliver said.

"I will think about it. It does sound interesting though." Emiko said.

Just then Oliver's phone went off. "Is everything alright?" Emiko asked.

"Everything is great except for someone was supposed to do something for me and they didn't." Oliver said. "If you would excuse me. I need to make a call and straighten this out."

Everyone knew what was going on except for Emiko. Sara and Laurel needed to find a way to get away as well.

"Hey sis, how about we go freshen up a bit?" Sara said and Laurel nodded as they excused themselves as well.

Ten minutes later, Oliver shot a cord across the way so that he could enter Hunt's office. He slid across and knocked the window out and started to take out all of Hunt's guards but not killing them. He was about to set up his hacking arrow when some noise was being made in the hallway. He looked out the door where he saw too women in vigilante suits beating the shit out of all the men out there. This really helped him out because it kept those men busy while he did his work with the hacker arrow. Hunt was still tied to his chair trying to get lose so that he could stop the vigilantes from stealing money from him, but it was no use. He was stuck there.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the two women walked in and looked at what Oliver was doing. Once he was done, the police exited the elevator and were coming toward the office. "I think that is our cue to leave. I think I have everything I need here." Oliver said.

Sara went and jumped out of the window and used her bow staff to slide down the wire. Oliver grabbed the other vigilante by the waist, and he jumped on the wire using his bow to slide down it.

When they got to the other building, Oliver looked at the other two women and he had a suspicion who they were, but he had to make sure. "So, who are you two supposed to be anyways?" Oliver asked.

"We are White and Black Canary." White Canary said.

"No, I mean who are you really?" Oliver said.

"We won't tell you until you tell us who you are Green Arrow." Black Canary said.

"Green Arrow?" Oliver asked.

"I think it has a nice ring to it." White Canary said.

"Fine, but I am almost certain I know who you are. I just need to make sure." Oliver said as he removed his hood so they could see who he was.

"Now, I am pretty sure that Sara is the White Canary. I mean we did talk about working together. Which means that my beautiful girlfriend is the Black Canary." Oliver said.

"You are right on both accounts." Laurel said as she removed her wig and mask, and Sara did the same.

"How did you come to want to be a vigilante Laurel?" Oliver asked.

"We will explain that to you later. Right now, we need to get back to the party because the police will be here soon, and we need to find an excuse for where we have been when they do get here." Laurel said as all three of them changed quickly and got back to the party, so it looked like were never gone.

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