Chapter 16

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The next day Thea and Tommy met Oliver outside of QC so that they could go see Lucious Fox and get measured for their suits. When they walked in, they were met by Moira and Lucious and they all went down to the applied sciences division. Once there, Lucious asked what kind of suits they were looking for. Thea told him what she was looking for first.

"I want a suit that looks just like Ollie's. I want the majority of the top to be blue with black pants and boots. I want a dark red, almost maroon, stripe down my sides and also down the sides of the pants as well." Thea said.

"I think that will look pretty good and it will keep you pretty hidden when you are in the shadows as well." Lucious said.

"Well, I do say that blue and red are my colors so why not use them here as well." Thea said.

"That makes a lot of since Miss Queen. Now how about you Mr. Merlyn?" Lucious asked.

"I would like my top to be a burnt orange like the Texas Longhorns and my pants to be black. I guess I will go with a hood as well, and a mask like everyone else has." Tommy said.

"I like the color scheme Mr. Merlyn. Is there anything else I can do while you are all here?" Lucious asked.

"What kind of vehicles do you have here? The team is getting bigger, and it is getting expensive to keep by motorcycles for everyone. I was wondering if you had anything like a motorcycle here?" Oliver asked.

"Well, we do have a version of a motorcycle that can be used. We also have vehicles that can fly and also vehicles that resemble cars. What would you be interested in?" Lucious asked.

"Just give me a flash drive with everything on it and I will talk with the team about it, and we will decide from there." Oliver said.

Lucious downloaded everything to the flash drive and gave it to Oliver. "Is there anything else today Mr. Queen?" Lucious asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you knew anyone that could run computers and comms for us. With Thea and Tommy going in the field soon, we will need someone to take their place." Oliver said.

"I think I have just the person for you. She works in the IT department here at QC. She used to work with Mr. Wayne as well. She followed me here when Wayne Enterprises was closed down, and she will definitely be able to keep your secret being that she was a vigilante herself. Her name is Barbara Gordon, and I can call her and tell her to expect you if you want." Lucious said.

"I would appreciate that a lot. Thank you, Mr. Fox." Oliver said.

"I will get to work on these suits and get them to you as soon as possible." Lucious said as he turned around and got to work.

"I am going to meet this girl. You two can leave if you want." Oliver said.

"I think I will go with you. I want to know if she is as good as Mr. Fox said she is." Thea said.

"I will see you guys later. I am supposed to be meeting Sara at the club so that we can put some of the finishing touches on a few things." Tommy said.

"Alright, I will be there soon." Oliver said as he and Thea went to the elevator to get to the IT department.

When they got to the IT department Oliver and Thea found Barbara's office and knocked on the door. Barbara looked up and was surprised who she was seeing standing at her door.

"Mr. and Miss Queen, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Barbara asked.

"Well, Miss Gordon, Lucious Fox told us to come up and talk to you about a problem we are having at the moment." Oliver said.

"And that problem would be?" Barbara asked.

"Well, we need someone who is good with computers to do some projects for us. Most of the time this will be at night. We were wondering if you would be interested?" Oliver asked.

"I am intrigued. I will need to know more though." Barbara said.

"First we need to know how good you are. We need you to hack something that no one else would try to hack." Thea said.

"Let me see. Would the Starling City Bank work for you?" Barbara asked as she turned her screen to them, and they saw that she had already pulled up all of the bank accounts that belonged at that bank.

"Wow, that was quick. I think she is what we need Ollie." Thea said.

"I think you are right. How would you like to know what would be required of you Miss Gordon?" Oliver asked.

"I will hear what you have to say." Barbara said.

"We need someone to run the computers and comms for us." Oliver said.

"Ok, but why?" Barbara asked.

"Because I am the Green Arrow and Thea was one of my computer people, but she will be going out in the field soon and we need someone to take her place." Oliver said.

"I'm in. I have been in this business before, and I know all about what goes on." Barbara said.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but is the wheelchair because of an injury you sustained while being a vigilante? Fox said you used to be one." Oliver said.

"Yes, it was. I was known as Batgirl in Gotham until I was injured. Then I took the name of Oracle and work the computers and comms for Batman and Robin." Barbara said.

"So, do you know where my new club is going to be?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, I have heard about it. Why?" Barbara asked.

"Be there tonight. Our bunker is located beneath it. We will introduce you to the rest of the team then." Oliver said.

"I will be there. I look forward to working with you all and I would like to thank you for this opportunity." Barbara said.

"No, thank you. You are really helping us out here, because otherwise we would have to vet someone else and make sure that they were trustworthy." Thea said.

"Well, I hope I live up to your expectations. I will be there tonight at say 8:00. I might need some help getting to the basement though." Barbara said.

"Don't worry. We have a back entrance that leads right into the basement." Oliver said.

"Ok, I will see you tonight at 8:00." Barbara said.

"See you then Miss Gordon." Oliver said as he and Thea left the office and then left the building so that Oliver could get to the club and Thea could get to school. Her free period was just about over with anyways.

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