Chapter 23

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Oliver and Laurel were now back from their honeymoon and it was time for them to get back to their Team Arrow duties. When they got down to the bunker, they could see that Barbara was doing a background check on someone.

"What do you have there Barbara?" Laurel asked.

"Sara got me to do a background check on a couple of hackers that might can help us out down here. I am having trouble keeping up with all of you." Barbara said.

"That makes since. Do what you have to do and then let me know what you come up with." Oliver said.

"Will do, do you want to see what I have so far?" Barbara asked.

"Yeah, so what do we know about this Felicity Smoak?" Oliver asked.

"Well, she seems to be a very good hacker. Mother lives in Las Vegas, Father is not in her life but is a famous hacker know as the Calculator. She made a program when she was in college that could have caused a lot of problems. Her boyfriend used it and got arrested. She also works a QC just like me." Barbara said.

"She sounds like she could be trouble." Oliver said.

As Oliver said that Sara walked in with the rest of the team and walked over and gave Laurel and Oliver a hug. "Don't worry about her. I will take care of her if she gets out of line." Sara said.

"You know about her?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, we do. She was your hacker in that future we saw." Laurel said.

"So, she must be pretty good. What problems does she have?" Oliver asked.

"She is very good and for the most part she isn't any trouble. She just lets her emotions get the better of her sometimes and that can work against the team at times. Like I said, I will be in charge of her, and she won't cause any problems." Sara said.

"Ok, if you think it is best to bring her in then I will go along with it." Oliver said.

"Are you sure about this Sara? You know she will fall in love with Oliver again. I just hope he doesn't follow suit." Laurel said.

"He won't. He is in love with you now and from what I saw in those videos, he was always in love with you if that alien dreamworld was correct about our perfect lives." Sara said.

"I guess you have a point. Let's get to work on getting her down here then." Laurel said.

"Do we know where we can find Felicity, Barbara?" Sara asked.

"Looks like she is still at QC. So, you might be able to find her there." Barbara said.

"Ok Laurel let's get you back out in the field. We will go and visit Felicity." Sara said and Laurel nodded as she went and got changed.

When the Canary Sisters arrived at QC, they waited in the parking garage for Felicity to exit the building and head to her car. They snuck up behind her and put a bag over her head and put her in the van that Diggle was driving and head back to the bunker. Once they arrived, they got Felicity out of the van and took her inside the bunker. Once they got her inside, they tied her to a chair and then they got ready to question her.

"Felicity Smoak, what are your impressions about the vigilantes in this city?" White Canary asked.

"I think they are doing good things for the city. It seems that way to me anyways." Felicity said.

"Would you like to work with them?" Black Canary asked.

"It would be an honor. I think I could be a big help to them with computers and stuff like that." Felicity said.

"So, you wouldn't turn them in if you found out who they were?" White Canary asked.

"No. I think they are doing good thing for the city. They wouldn't be able to do that if I turned them in." Felicity said.

"Sounds good to me." Black Canary said and White Canary nodded.

They took the bag off of Felicity's head and she was now able to see that she had been talking to the vigilantes all along. She didn't know what to say to this because it seemed like she just had an interview of sorts and They were asking her if she wanted to join them.

"Felicity, we have one hacker, but we have to many members for her to keep up with so that means we need another hacker. You will be helping half of the team while our other hacker helps the rest. Are you interested in doing that?" White Canary asked.

"It would be my honor. When do I start?" Felicity asked.

"You will start tomorrow night. You will meet everyone tonight and we will tell you who we all are. It is only fair." Black Canary said.

"Ok, so can you untie me now?" Felicity asked.

White Canary walked over and cut the zip ties that were holding Felicity to the chair she was in. Once she was lose, she walked over to the computer and saw her friend from work, Barbara Gordon.

"Barbara, you are a part of this?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah, I have been here for a couple of weeks. So, you are in I am guessing." Barbara said.

"Yeah, I just have to meet everyone. I guess they are going to wait until everyone else is here though." Felicity said and Barbara nodded.

Thirty minutes later the rest of the team walked into the bunker and saw that Felicity was there. They knew that it was time for introductions.

"Miss Smoak, it is nice to meet you. I hope you will be a good addition to this team. I guess it is time for introductions." Green Arrow said.

"I guess we will start since we picked her up." White Canary said as she pulled off her mask and said, "I am Sara Lance." Sara said.

Laurel then took off her mask and said, "I am Laurel Queen."

Emiko then lowered her hood and took her mask off and said, "I am Emiko Queen."

Thea did the same and said, "Thea Queen."

Diggle took his helmet off and said, "John Diggle."

Roy lowered his hood and mask and said, "Roy Harper."

Tommy walked over not having his suit yet and said, "Tommy Merlyn."

Then finally it was time for the Green Arrow to unmask and he did while saying, "I am Oliver Queen."

"So, this looks like it is a family operation except for a few people. Are you sure I will fit into that kind of dynamic?" Felicity asked.

"That is on you to fit in. We can't help you with that, and one more thing before you start tomorrow. I will be the leader of the team that you will be communicating with. This is a dictatorship. What I say goes. If you cross me, you will be done here. Is that understood?" Sara asked.

"I understand. You are kind of scary." Felicity said.

"Things that I learned from the League of Assassins. Welcome to the team Felicity. We will see you at our club in the Glades tomorrow night at 8." Sara said.

"Why come to the club?" Felicity asked.

"Because we are below it." Sara said.

"Oh, I guess that makes since. Can someone give me a ride back to my car?" Felicity said and Sara nodded as she got on her motorcycle and gave Felicity a ride back to QC.

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