Chapter 8

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As the team got to the docks, they looked at what was going on so that they could see what they needed to do. Oliver turned to the rest of the team and said, "Emiko, Sara, Roy, and Diggle, I want the four of you to take out all of the guards outside of Sommers' office. Laurel and I will go in and get the information we need from Sommers."

Everyone nodded since they knew what they needed to do, and they split up to go do their jobs. Oliver and Laurel burst into Sommers' office and the guards that he had in the office went and attacked the two vigilantes. Oliver and Laurel took them out quickly and then approached Sommers.

"Martin Sommers, you have failed this city." Oliver said through his voice modifier.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I just run the docks." Sommers' said.

"You had Victor Nocenti killed because he was going to turn you in for working with the Triad." Laurel said through her voice modifier.

"That was the Triad. I had nothing to do with that." Sommers' said.

Oliver took out one of his arrows and put it to Sommers' neck and said, "Want to try that again? We know the Triad killed Nocenti, but who told them to?" Oliver asked as he pushed the arrow a little tighter to Sommers' neck so that he started to bleed.

"I did it. Please don't kill me. It was me. I told them to kill Nocenti." Sommers said and Laurel walked up and knocked him out.

When they walked out of the office, they saw that the rest of the team had taken out all the guards and had also taken out some Triad that had shown up as well. Oliver was a little disappointed that China White wasn't one of them though.

"Damn, I was hoping to take down China White as well." Oliver said.

"She was here, but she ran when she saw that we were taking out everyone else so easily. She knew she didn't stand a chance against the four of us." Sara said.

"We need to stay around until the police get here then. She will try to get to Sommers because he is now a lose end." Oliver said and the rest of the team nodded as they went to keep watch from the shadows until the police arrived.

When the team got back to the lair, they changed out of their suits and decided to train a little bit since Oliver didn't know what Emiko, Diggle and Roy could really do. He wanted to know their skill level.

Oliver had Emiko and Sara go against each other and Emiko held her own for the most part until Sara started to wear her down and then Sara was able to beat her.

"Emiko, you are trained well. You just need to work on your endurance. You did well until you got tired then Sara was able to beat you." Oliver said and Emiko nodded.

"Ok Roy, you fight Laurel." Oliver said.

Roy had skills but her was still very raw. He needed a lot of work. Oliver would be sure to have everyone that has any experience work with him so Roy could learn many different styles as well.

"Roy you are good, but you are still very raw with your skills. I want you to work with everyone here to learn new skills. It is always good to have as many different styles as you can." Oliver said and Roy nodded.

"Ok Diggle, you get me." Oliver said.

They fought for a while. Diggle was skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He seemed to be a boxer more than anything. He could use more styles as well, but he should be fine. He was very resourceful it seemed.

"You are good. You might could learn a few more styles though." Oliver said and Diggle nodded.

"So, what's the plan now?" Emiko asked.

"Well, for now we go home. Emiko, I want you to meet me at QC tomorrow morning so that we can go in and get them working on our new suits." Oliver said.

"I will be there." Emiko said.

"Let get to the mansion and pick up Conner so that we can get home and get some sleep." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

The next morning Oliver and Emiko met at the front door of QC and entered to see Moira standing there with a man that Oliver didn't know.

"Oliver, this is Lucious Fox. I picked him up from Wayne Enterprises when Bruce Wayne left Gotham and his company started going downhill. He should be able to help you with what you need." Moira said.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Fox. Do you have someplace quiet that we can talk?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, come with me to my office." Fox said and Oliver and Emiko followed him.

"So, what do you know about what we are going to request of you?" Oliver asked.

"I know it is considered Top Secret in QC and that no one is to know about it but me. I have been paying attention to the news lately, so I have an idea what this is about, and I want you to know that you can trust me with this because I have done this kind of work before." Fox said.

"So, what do you mean that you have done this before?" Emiko asked.

"I worked with the Batman." Fox said.

"Well, that certainly is helpful." Oliver said.

"So, what can I help you two with?" Fox asked.

"We need new suits. What we have now are not made for protection. We were hoping you could help with that." Oliver said.

"What are you looking for and I will see what I can do?" Fox asked.

"We would like something that is like cloth that is easy to move in and is not heavy to wear. The problem is that we need it to be resistant to most any kind of weapon." Oliver said.

me and we will take a look at it." Fox said.

They arrived down in Applied Sciences and Fox went to a drawer and pulled it out and showed them the cloth.

"This cloth is bulletproof except for armor piercing rounds, knife proof, and also fireproof. I think this is exactly what you are looking for." Fox said.

"I think this is what we are looking for. How soon can you have our suits made?" Emiko asked.

"I can have it done by the end of next week. I will get your measurements today and you can give me the color schemes that you want, and I will get to work on them as soon as possible." Fox said.

"Thank you, Mr. Fox. I hope to work with you more in the future." Oliver said and Fox nodded as he got to work on get the measurement for Oliver and Emiko's suits.

A/N: I know in the Arrowverse Bruce didn't leave until around Oliver's 4th year back or around that time. I just decided to make that happen earlier in this story. Let me know what you think of everything so far. Thanks for reading.

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