Chapter 31

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The team was still busy trying to find out where Slade would attack next. Felicity and Barbara were using face recognition and anything else that would help with that. All of the team was working out in the bunker when all of a sudden, the alarms went off and Oliver went over to see what was going on.

"What's going on you two?" Oliver asked.

"Looks like Slade finally made an appearance. He is at the STAR Labs facility in the city. I wonder what he would be looking for there?" Barbara asked.

"He might have had some of his blood with the Mirakuru in it and is looking for a way to reproduce it." Oliver said.

"Well, we can't let him do that. We need to get there and stop him." Laurel said.

"I am going to stop him myself. I want the rest of you there in case something happens, and I can't stop him." Oliver said.

"Are you sure that is the best idea Ollie. He has always gotten the better of you in the past." Sara said.

"He hasn't fought me lately. I know I have learned some things since we last fought." Oliver said.

"If that is the way you want to do this, we will follow your lead." Thea said.

"Thanks. So, let's head out before he gets away." Oliver said.

When they got to the STAR Labs facility the team entered the building and Oliver went to find Slade while the others searched for him as well and would tell Oliver where Slade was if they found him.

Luckily Oliver was the one who found Slade and Slade was not surprised at all that Oliver had shown up. "I have been waiting for you to show up kid. I think it is time that we finish our fight." Slade said.

"I agree with you, but it will be you who is losing and not me." Oliver said.

"And how do you plan on doing that? You have never beat me before and you can't beat me now." Slade said.

"Slade you haven't fought me in a long time, and I have learned a lot since we fought last. I am much better now than I was the last time we fought." Oliver said.

"I guess we will just have to see about that." Slade said as he charged at Oliver who dodged the attack easily.

The two men were fighting as hard as they could, and it looked like they were evenly matched. Slade was surprised at this. He didn't think that Oliver would ever be as good of a fighter as he was. He was wrong about that and he was finding out that Oliver might even be a bit better of a fighter than he is now. Slade tried to find a hole in Oliver's defense, but he couldn't find one.

"Where did you learn how to fight like this kid? You weren't this good the last time we fought." Slade said.

"I told you I have learned more, and it doesn't matter where I learned it. All that matters now is that I stop you, so you don't hurt anyone else." Oliver said.

"Do you really think that you can stop me kid?" Slade asked while still trying to find a hole to hurt Oliver.

"I know I can." Oliver said and he then found a hole in Slade defense and knocked him down.

Oliver then nocked an arrow and shot it at Slade, and it wrapped Slade up in cables. Slade tried with all of his might and he couldn't get free. "Looks like you won kid. So, what will you do with me now?" Slade asked.

"ARGUS has made me a prison that I think is well suited for you. I will put you there and know that you will never be able to hurt anyone again." Oliver said.

"You know I will get out and I will finish what I started. I will destroy you and everything that you love." Slade said.

"Good luck with that. I think you will understand once you see where we are going." Oliver said as he knocked Slade out so that they could transport Slade to his new home.

When Slade woke up, he saw that he was in a cell and he was wondering where he was. He looked outside to see Oliver sitting there. "So, where is it that you have me imprisoned now kid?" Slade asked.

"Somewhere that you and I know very well. Welcome back to Lian Yu Slade." Oliver said.

"So, that is where you send all of your enemies. It will be fun to recruit all of them once I get out of here." Slade said.

"You might get out of here, but you won't be able to get off the island." Oliver said.

"I guess we will find out. Just know that once I get out of here, you will never be able to stop me, and I will end you and all of the people you love." Slade said as Oliver turned to leave.

Once Oliver was outside of the prison, he saw that Laurel was there waiting for him, along with Sara. "So, we are done with Slade. Let's head home and see what comes next." Oliver said.

"That sounds good. Hopefully we can have a bit of a break right now. I think we could all use it." Laurel said.

"We sure could. It has been a while since we have had a night or two off." Sara said.

"It sure has. I think it might be fun to hang out with Conner for a while and also be there when he goes to sleep for a change." Oliver said.

"Yeah, we do need to do a better job with that. Either we need to bring him to the bunker so that he can get used to all of this or we need to take turns putting him to bed. I don't want him to think that we don't want him or something." Laurel said.

"I don't think that is possible Sis, but I know where you are coming from." Sara said.

"Yeah, I think Laurel is right though. We need to make sure that he knows that we love him, and I think we either need to make sure he comes to with us to the bunker or we are there when he goes to bed." Oliver said.

"Good, I knew you would see things my way." Laurel said with a smile.

"When have I ever won an argument with you anyways?" Oliver asked with a smile of his own.

"Never and I don't ever intend to let you win one." Laurel said and Oliver just shook his head as they headed back to the plane to go home.

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