Chapter 20

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The next night the team was in the bunker changing into their suits getting ready to take down the last of the people who were part of Tempest. Oliver thought that it would be best to do that tonight so that Frank Chen couldn't run back to China before they could get their hands on him. After Chen is taken down, Malcolm will become desperate and that is when they would take him down.

"Ok, so we are going to have three groups tonight. Does everyone know what to do?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, let's get this done." Sara said.

Green Arrow, Black Canary, Athena, Artemis, and Spartan all showed up at Chen's house. They had to be careful because Chen was able to pay for good security, so he had twenty men guarding his home. The team started taking down the guards as quietly as possible so they would not bring any suspicion upon themselves. Soon they were down to three more guards outside and seven that were watching the inside of the house. Green Arrow and Athena used grappling arrows to get up to the second level to take the snipers out so that it would be easy for the others to get in the house.

Once they were in the house, they found that there were five guards' downstairs and two upstairs. Green Arrow and Athena took the two down that were upstairs and made their way downstairs to help with the rest. Once the guards were taken care of, they went and found Chen in his office. They tied Chen to a chair and interrogated him.

"Frank Chen, we know you are part of Tempest. We are going to give you a chance to do the right thing here. We need you to out Merlyn as being in charge of the Undertaking." Green Arrow said.

"I can't turn on Malcolm. He will kill both me and my daughter." Chen said.

"If you don't turn yourself into the police and tell them everything, we will find you daughter and torture her until you do." Green Arrow said. He had no intention of actually bring Chen's daughter into this, but he had to make everything sound legit.

"Ok, Ok, I will do it. Just don't hurt my daughter." Chen said.

"We won't as long as you do what you say." Black Canary said.

"I will. I will go to the police right now and tell them everything." Chen said.

"Good now go, and remember, if you don't do what we say we will go after you daughter." Green Arrow said as he cut Chen loose and let him go to the police station.

Now at the same time at the Queen Mansion there was a man in all black League of Assassins clothes waiting for the right time to move. He went and took care of the two guards at the front door and entered to find two more guards inside. He knew that these were the only guards that were on duty tonight.

The man entered the living room to see that Mrs. Queen was sitting there with Mr. Steele. He went and knocked out Mr. Steele and said, "Moira Queen, Mr. Merlyn sent me to get you because he thought that if he had the mayor of the city hostage, he would have control over the police because they wouldn't want to hurt you. You will be staying with us until the Undertaking is done." The man in black said.

"Ok, I will go with you. Just don't hurt anyone else here." Moira said and the man dragged her outside into the van and took off.

Once they were somewhere with no cameras, the man took off his mask and revealed that it was Roy the whole time. "Let's hope that worked. I made sure that I was in the camera's viewing and audio range so that the police could hear what I said." Roy said.

"Yes, you did well Roy. With that being said about Malcolm and also with Chen turning himself in, that will make it so people will know what is going on and cause Malcolm's plan to end." Moira said.

"Let's hope it all works out like we need this too." Roy said and Moira nodded as they went to the bunker and waited for the others.

The last team member, who was White Canary was now outside of Unidec Industries looking for a way in. She got to the roof and went in through the vents. All of the scientists had gone home for the night so everything should be pretty easy for her. White Canary walked up to the computer and put in a flash drive that would erase everything off of the computers that had anything to do with the Undertaking. It went to the servers as well and deleted it there. Once she was done with that, she found both of the earthquake machines and put explosives on then that were set to five minutes. Once she started the timers, White Canary escaped back to the roof and then got to the ground where her motorcycle was and rode off. A few miles away she pulled over and pulled out her phone and pulled up the security footage to the room she went into and watched as the earthquake machines were destroyed. Now it was time for White Canary to head back to the bunker to meet up with the others and see how everything went.

"So, how did everything go?" Sara asked as she walked in.

"Everything is good. Chen turned himself over to the police. The Dark Archer supposedly kidnapped mom and left information about Malcolm being in charge of it all. You destroyed the devices and erased all data on them. Once Malcolm hears about all of this, he will either call us out or we will have to find him." Oliver said.

"This was a great night for all of us. I am wondering what Malcolm will do now that his back is against a wall." Laurel said.

"He will most likely lose his cool and come after us in some way. Oliver said.

"Yeah, I have to go and talk to Chen in the morning as the DA. I am going to see what he has to say, and if it is enough, I will either give him immunity or a shorter sentence." Laurel said.

"I hope you can get everything that you need out of him. I don't think he is a bad man. I just think that he was scared for the safety of his daughter. You might want to see about getting them into witness protection." Oliver said.

"I will look into that. So, do we have anymore plans for the night?" Laurel asked.

"No. Not unless someone wants to do some training." Oliver said and everyone shook their heads because they were worn out from what they just accomplished tonight.

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