Chapter 72

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Over the next several weeks things had really calmed down in Star City. What criminal would want to mess with the heroes that defeated a cosmic being while keeping the world safe, after all. So, the team was taking a couple of weeks off and staying on call in case something happened that needed their attention. Tonight the team was going to be having a get together at Oliver and Laurel's place. Oliver had set this up because he knew that something was going to happen but he had been sworn to secrecy. Laurel didn't question them having a party with the team since it was something that they tended to do normally anyways.

Oliver had been out getting the food for the get together while Laurel was cleaning up and doing what little decorating that she had to do. "How is everything coming?" Oliver asked as he walked into their place.

"There wasn't much to do. The place was already pretty clean and you haven't given me much heads up on if I needed to decorate for anything, so there is not much to do there either." Laurel said.

"What are the kids doing?" Oliver asked.

"They are in Connor's room playing a board game. He is really good with Olivia. I think he lets her win most of the time." Laurel said.

"I seem to remember that I used to do the same for Thea and you doing the same for Sara as well." Oliver said.

"Yeah. You do make a good point there. I guess it is an older sibling thing. So, why don't you tell me what is going on tonight so that I can decorate more?" Laurel asked.

"Sorry, I have been sworn to secrecy." Oliver said and he made the sign for he was zipping his lips.

"Fine. I think I know what it is anyways." Laurel said.

"Well, you will either be right or you will be surprised. It still doesn't mean that I am telling you." Oliver said.

"Ok. I give up. Well, why don't you help me finish getting ready. We need to do this before the kids get bored in there." Laurel said and Oliver nodded as he went to help his wife finish getting ready for the party.

. . .

About two hours later the whole team was in Oliver and Laurel's place and they were having a good time. Quentin and Moira were even there as well. It soon became time for dinner so they all went and sat at the dining room table and ate. Once the meal was done Roy stood up and used his fork tapping it to his glass to get everyone's attention.

"You know I always wanted a family like this when I was growing up which is what makes me so happy right now because I have all of you as my family. This team means everything to me and I am glad that Oliver decided to train me when he got back from his five years away. I am glad that Thea took a chance on me and showed me love unlike anyone else in my life had done up until that point. That brings me to my point for this speech." Roy got down on one knee in front of Thea and continued. "Thea you have shown me so many things that I didn't know were missing from my life over the years. I am so grateful for that. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Roy asked and Thea squeaked out a Yes for an answer.

Everyone in the room was clapping when both of the heroes stood up and began kissing. "Sorry guys, but there are children here." Laurel said with a smile and the two stopped kissing and were blushing slightly.

"Well, being that we are telling good news right now. I might as well tell everyone this right now as well." Sara said as she and Tommy stood up.

"What's going on Sara?" Quentin asked.

"Well dad, you are going to be a Grandpa again." Sara said, smiling at her father.

Laurel got up from her seat and walked around and hugged her sister. Everyone was now up now hugging the newly engaged couple and also the new parents in the room. Once they were all done giving out their congratulations, everyone sat down again and Oliver now stood up.

"Don't tell me that Laurel is pregnant too." Quentin said.

"No, or at least not that I know of." Oliver said. "I just wanted to say that I am happy for all of you and I know you will all have happy lives with either your new child or getting married. Anyways, the reason why I am up now is that I am glad that all of you have been so loyal to me over the years. I couldn't have asked for a better team and I am glad that you stood by me over the years. I don't know what the future will bring for us but from what it looks like right now, we might have a lot more time off than we have had in a while, which will be a good thing since there is a new baby on the way and planning for a wedding. Anyways, all four of you know that we are here for you whenever you need us and for whatever you ever need help with. Just let us know and we will all be there for you." Oliver said as he sat down.

"Nice speech Ollie. How long have you had that one prepared?" Thea asked her brother with a smile.

"I only prepared it for you and Roy so I had to change a bit of it, but I have been preparing for a week now." Oliver said as Thea's mouth dropped wide open.

"You have known about this for a week and you didn't let it slip to anyone." Thea said.

"Thea, I have to live being a vigilante and keeping it from people. I am rather good at keeping secrets." Oliver said.

"I guess you have a point there." Thea said and everyone laughed.

The rest of the night was spent talking amongst each other and everyone being happy that the Crisis was finally over and everyone could truly go on and live their lives now. At the end of the night everyone said their goodbyes, leaving Oliver, Laurel and the kids to get ready for bed. Once the parents had put their kids down they walked into the hall and looked in on their kids and couldn't be happier with the way that their lives had turned out and were looking forward to what the future was going to bring to them.

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