Chapter 40

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The next night the team met up and came up with their plan to hopefully put an end to the Ninth Circle. Oliver was going to let Emiko take down Dante if she thought she could do that.

"Emiko. Being that you are the one who has a connection to the Ninth Circle, you should be the one to take down their leader." Oliver said.

"I would agree with you Oliver, but right now I am not a match for Dante. He will beat me easily." Emiko said.

"In that case, it will be the both of us then. It is only fair that you have something to do with taking down their leader." Oliver said.

"Ok, I can get on board with that." Emiko said.

"The rest of you will keep any of the foot soldiers from interfering with the fight." Oliver said and everyone nodded.

"Ok, let's get ready so that we can end this tonight." Sara said as everyone went and changed into their suits.

Once they left the bunker, they went to the warehouse that was near the edge of town that Beatrice had told them about. They scouted the area out and they found that nothing was going on outside, which made them wonder if they were at the right place. Green Arrow and White Canary went to look in a window and saw a group of people inside.

"We are at the right place." White Canary said.

"Ok. Emiko and I will go after Dante. The rest of you clear the way for us." Green Arrow said and the rest of the team agreed over the comms.

When the team broke into the building, it caught the Ninth Circle off guard because they didn't think that Team Arrow would be coming after them. Because of being caught off guard, the foot soldiers didn't have their weapons which made them have to fight Team Arrow in hand-to-hand combat. They were good, but not as good as Team Arrow.

Dante seemed to be the only one who had weapons because he always had his sword and knives on him, just in case something like this were to ever happen. Green Arrow and Artemis were attacking Dante and he was able to hold his own because he was a great fighter.

"Well Emiko, this is a surprise. I thought that we would be coming after your team first. At least now we don't have to worry about finding you, because you came to us." Dante said.

"The only difference is that you won't be winning because you are the ones at a disadvantage because we caught you by surprise." Artemis said.

"I do have to admit, I was not expecting you and your team to show up here. Let me guess, Beatrice broke and told you where we were hiding?" Dante asked.

"Yeah, she did. She told us everything that had to do with what you had planned for the city." Green Arrow said.

"I have to ask, how were you able to break her. She was trained to resist torture." Dante asked.

"It was a serum called red death. It brings back all of the pain that you have ever had in your life." Artemis said.

"I have heard of that. It is a very effective tool. Maybe I should invest in some." Dante said.

"You won't get the chance to use it." Artemis said.

The fight was starting to get good now. Dante was able to get some hits in on Green Arrow and Artemis, but they were able to get more shots in on him. After a while you could tell that Dante was starting to slow down a bit because of all the hits that were landing that Green Arrow and Artemis were throwing. Artemis finally took charge which let Green Arrow to stay in the background and when he saw that Dante was paying more attention to Artemis, he hit Dante in the back of the head which sent him to his knees. This allowed Emiko to take an arrow out of her quiver and put it to Dante's throat.

"So, are you going to kill me now Emiko?" Dante asked.

"I have no choice. You are too dangerous to be left alive." Artemis said as she moved the arrow across his throat and slit it, causing Dante to fall to the ground and bleed out.

Green Arrow and Artemis turned around to see if any of their team needed any help and saw that the team was there watching them which meant that all the foot soldiers were out of action and looked to be tied up as well.

"Let's head back to the bunker. Barbara call the police and tell them where to find all of these guys." Green Arrow said.

"On it. They will be there soon." Barbara said.

When the team got back to the bunker Laurel was waiting for them. She had been worried about how this night was going to go and it was tearing her up that she couldn't go out with the team, but she knew it was what was best for the baby.

"Did everything go ok? We couldn't tell much over the comms." Laurel said.

"Everything went fine babe. It was a hard fight against Dante, but with Emiko and I going up against him, we were able to take him down easy enough." Oliver said.

"That's good. So, what else do you guys have planned for the night?" Laurel asked.

"We are done for the night. This was the plan. Now that we have finished the Ninth Circle, we can go and do whatever we want to." Oliver said.

"Good. I am ready to go home. Let's get there and spend some time with our son." Laurel said.

"I like the sound of that. The rest of you can do what you want. You can go on patrol or go home. It is up to you. I will see everyone tomorrow night." Oliver said and everyone nodded and went their separate ways. Some of them going home and some of them going out on patrol.

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