Chapter 6

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The next day Oliver, Tommy and Sara were at the Queen Factory so they could see what they had to do to turn it into a club. They waited outside for Emiko to show up and when she did, they all entered the old building.

"You know, there is plenty of space here. We can do a lot with this." Tommy said.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. You have any ideas Sara?" Oliver asked.

"I can see a lot of potential here. We can put the stage for the bands here, the bar here and then if you want you can have some private rooms in the back for whatever the hell people want to do in there." Sara said with a smile.

"Sara, you never change. Sex is always on your mind isn't it?" Tommy asked.

"Sorry Tommy, but do you know how long it has been since I have had any that wasn't a strap on?" Sara asked.

"I am guessing over five years." Tommy said.

"You would be right." Sara said.

"So, Emiko, what do you think? We could use someone with a business mind since none of us have it." Oliver said.

"I think there is a lot of potential here. I don't know much about clubs because they were never really my scene, so I will leave the positioning of everything to you three. I will take care of the books and give you ideas of what would be good to have like promotions and stuff like that." Emiko said.

"I like that. So, what were your thoughts on the vigilantes last night?" Sara asked Emiko.

"I don't know yet. From what I hear the hooded one stole money from Hunt, but if what they said he was doing is true, I see no problems with it." Emiko said.

"That's good. Do you have any form of training? You look like you are in good shape." Sara said.

"I have training in four different arts, and I have a black belt in each of them. Why do you ask?" Emiko asked.

"Well, I think It is time to check out the basement, don't you?" Sara asked as she looked at the boys, who nodded.

They walked into the basement and turned the lights on, and Emiko saw three suits on mannequins. "So, Oliver is the green hooded guy, which makes Sara which one?" Emiko asked.

"I am the White Canary and Laurel is the Black Canary. Ollie is known as the Green Arrow." Sara said.

"It all has a good ring to it. If I am going to join your team, I have to confess something though. I am a member of a group called the Ninth Circle. I joined them because it was the only way I could find to make money as a young kid, which we needed since dad cut us off." Emiko said.

"I understand. Are you willing to get out?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I just don't know if there is any way to do that without them killing me or my mom." Emiko said.

"First things first, we need to find a way to get you out. After that we can deal with what comes. Does that sound out? I also think that you should move to a better apartment using some of the money Thea and I gave you. It will give better security." Oliver said.

"I was already thinking about doing that. I also thought about paying them to get out, but I don't think that will work with them." Emiko said.

"I have been looking for a good fight for a while. Let them come." Sara said.

"Ok, I will leave and be a part of your team. I already have a suit. It might be good to have some new suits make. Mine is not that good with protection." Emiko said.

"Oliver probably does need one. Laurel and my suits are made to stop just about any type of weapon. Of course, nothing is one hundred percent." Sara said.

"I can probably get QC to work on something for us since mom is going to back us." Oliver said.

"Yeah, and we will also have two more joining us. Roy Harper and John Diggle. They already have the same kind of suits that Laurel and I do. Thea and Tommy will be training for the time being." Sara said.

"So, when do we start?" Emiko asked.

"We are having the first official meeting here tonight at eight. Mom probably won't be happy, but I don't really care. I want you around. We missed so much of each other's lives. I don't want that to happen anymore, no matter what she has to say." Oliver said.

"I like the sound of that. I always thought that you and Thea would be like you mom and dad. But you're not at all like them." Emiko said.

"I can't say that I wasn't before the island. That place changed me." Oliver said.

"Well, I am glad it did because now I feel like I finally have the family I always wanted." Emiko said.

"So, Sara, I was wondering if you would be interested in going out on a date tonight before the meeting?" Tommy asked.

"I would like that Tommy. So, what do you have planned?" Sara asked.

"Just dinner, nothing else." Tommy said.

"Sounds like fun. It will be good to have a meal before I go out on patrol tonight." Sara said.

"Emiko, make sure to bring your suit. We will all be going out tonight after the meeting." Oliver said and Emiko nodded.

Oliver and Tommy were left behind in the basement as the two women went to look around upstairs and see what else they could see would look good for the club. "So, you are trying to get into Sara's pants, aren't you?" Oliver asked.

"Not exactly. I have always had feeling for both her and Laurel. I really want to see where this goes." Tommy said.

"That's good Tommy, but you know she will kill you if you just use her for sex." Oliver said.

"I know, and I wouldn't do that. Sara and Laurel aren't like the other girls I have been with. The other girls didn't matter to me, where Sara and Laurel do. Laurel is taken so I will be happy to be with Sara." Tommy said.

"Good, I will call Laurel and we can make it into a double date unless you want it to be a private date." Oliver said.

"Might as well. We are all going to the same place afterwards anyways." Tommy said and Oliver nodded as he made his call to set things up with Laurel.

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