Chapter 32

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Since defeating Slade there had not been a lot going on around the city, so it gave Oliver and Laurel a lot of time to spend with Conner. They had also decided that they were going to bring Conner to the bunker on most nights and that they were going to start to train him how to fight so that he will at least have known the bare minimum for self-defense. They were also able to spend more time by themselves as well, which led to the reason that Laurel was at the doctor on this day.

She had been feeling sick for the last couple of days. She was sure that she knew what was going on, but she wanted to know for sure and she also didn't want to tell anyone until she knew for sure.

"So, I hear you aren't feeling to good Mrs. Queen. Mind telling me what you are feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm pretty sure that it is morning sickness, but I just want to confirm it." Laurel said.

"Ok, we will take some blood and we will let you know what we find out. I can also give you some anti-nausea medicine if you want." The doctor said.

"Thanks. So, how long should it be until you get the results?" Laurel asked.

"We should probably know something by tomorrow. I will give you a call as soon as I find out." The doctor said.

"Thank you." Laurel said.

"I there anything else while you are here?" The doctor asked.

"No, that all I need for now. Thank you for your time." Laurel said.

"I will let you know as soon as I know something." The doctor said and Laurel nodded and left the office.

Laurel had decided to take the day off from work. It was near the end of the school day, so she went to pick up Conner and they both went to the bunker. She started working on with Conner on some basic with punching and kicking some the pads. He had been working on this for a while and he was getting very good at it. Sara came down from upstairs in the club and saw her nephew training.

"You know, when I left Nanda Parbat, you and your sister were there waiting for me. You took me back to Lian Yu to meet up with your dad so that we could come home. You were a very skilled warrior by that point, and you had taken over for your dad." Sara said.

"Really? I can't see myself every being as good as dad." Conner said.

"Don't sell yourself short kid. With all of us here to teach you, you will probably end up better than all of us." Sara said.

"Sara stop putting ideas in his head. I don't want him out there anytime soon." Laurel said.

"I understand sis. I am just telling him what I know." Sara said.

"Thanks Aunt Sara. I will keep on learning so that maybe one day I will be able to beat you." Conner said with a smile.

"You wish kiddo. Anyways, I am going to work out some. If you want me to show him anything, let me know." Sara said to Laurel, and she nodded.

"Maybe later. We are just teaching him the basics for now. Once he has those down, we will teach him the more complicated moves." Laurel said.

"That's smart. Well, let me know if you need me for anything." Sara said as she went to change into her workout clothes.

Oliver was down in the bunker later on that night and he saw his son was there doing his homework. "How's it going buddy?" Oliver asked.

"I did some training earlier and now I am doing my homework. Mom said that the only way I am allowed to come here and workout with you guys is if I get all my homework done every night." Conner said.

"She is right. You need to do your homework. You need to be like you mom when it comes to that. She always made good grades and was able to go on and get a good education." Oliver said.

"Did you ever go to college?" Conner asked.

"I went to a few, but I was more worried about partying then I was able studying and because of that I never finished college. That is why you need to be more like your mom than me." Oliver said.

"I will do my best." Conner said.

"I know you will buddy. So, have you seen your mom?" Oliver asked.

"She and Aunt Sara are working out in the weight room area." Conner said.

"Thanks buddy. I will see you later." Oliver said as he went to meet the sisters.

"So, not much going on tonight I don't guess." Oliver said as he walked up to his wife and sister-in-law.

"No, but Felicity and Barbara are watching things for us and will let us know if anything comes up." Laurel said.

"Are you sure you feel well enough to go out there tonight?" Oliver asked.

"I feel fine right now. If I feel any different, I will not go out." Laurel said.

"Ok, I was just making sure." Oliver said.

"Never thought I would see the day that Oliver Queen would be so sensitive to something that didn't really involve him." Sara said.

"Hey, she is my wife, and I don't want to see her sick." Oliver said.

"I am fine Ollie. I went to the doctor today and he gave me some anti-nausea meds. That is really helping." Laurel said.

"That's good. I am going to see if Felicity and Barbara have found anything that is worth me going out there for." Oliver said and the two girls nodded as they got back to working out.

Once Oliver talked to Barbara and Felicity and found out that nothing was going on, he decided that he would go and workout as well. Once they were done working out Oliver and Laurel went and got Conner and they all went home so that they could put Conner to sleep.

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