Chapter 13

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The next day the team meet at the lair and they also brought in Moira and Quentin. Moira was going to tell them who the members of Malcolm's group were so that they could start on working on taking them down so that the organization would be se weak by the end that Malcolm would have to come forward and fight.

"So, who is in this group that we are going after Mom?" Oliver asked.

"Pretty much anyone with any power in the city. The mayor, the police commissioner, the DA, a few city council members, Frank Chen, Malcolm and myself." Moira said.

"So, that means that people who work close with these people could also be dirty. Laurel said.

"Yes, that would most likely be true." Moira said.

"If we cut the heads off the snakes that are in charge, the underlings might give up though." Diggle said.

"I would hope so, otherwise we have more work to do to stop this attack then we thought." Oliver said.

"So, who should we go after first?" Sara asked.

"I was thinking that the mayor would be a good place to start because with his power, if we take him down, people will know that it doesn't matter who you are, we can still get to them." Oliver said.

"That makes since, and plus if the mayor is taken down it would cause the people under him that might be dirty to maybe stop following the course that they are on right now." Quentin said.

"Thea, find everything that you can on the mayor that will prove that he is dirty, then send it to Quentin." Oliver said.

"I will do what I can, but I will probably need direct access to his computer in order to get everything that we need." Thea said.

"Good thing I was planning on paying the mayor a visit anyways." Oliver said.

"We don't need a whole team for this so, I was thinking that maybe we could take down two people tonight. I will take Laurel and Emiko with me and Sara, you will take Diggle and Roy with you." Oliver said.

"Who do you want us to go after Ollie?" Sara asked.

"The DA. That will get to of the most powerful people off of the streets and maybe we will be able to control who gets those jobs next." Oliver said.

"What do you mean by that?" Moira said.

"I heard you ran for mayor in the future mom. I think you would do a great job and once you are appointed, we already have someone inside of the DA's office." Oliver said.

"That actually makes since, but we would have to wait for a special election for it to be official." Moira said.

"I know, it was just an idea." Oliver said.

"Ok, Sara and I both have a flash drive that we need to get the information to you Thea. Let's head out and get these two and then we can see who we want to go after next." Oliver said.

Oliver, Laurel, and Emiko arrive at the mayor's residence and they break in and take down all of the guards who seemed to be guarding the mayor's office. Oliver broke the door down and shot an bola arrow at the mayor to tie him to the chair.

"Mr. Mayor, you have failed this city." Green Arrow said.

"I haven't done anything that deserves you breaking into my house like this." The mayor said.

"Oh really. So, if I check this computer right here and find information regarding Tempest, then it doesn't belong to you." Black Canary said.

"How did you know about that?" The mayor asked.

"We are just smart like that." Black Canary said as she walked over to the computer and plugged in the flash drive.

After about ten minutes they had everything that they needed to send the mayor away for a long time.

"Is that everything you need Speedy?" Green Arrow asked over the comms.

"Yep. That will take care of it." Speedy said.

Green Arrow turned to the mayor and said, "Your men will be out for the next hour or so. Don't worry though, once we find all the illegal business that you have been doing for Tempest on your computer, we will send it to the police, and they will come and release you."

The vigilantes left the mayor screaming to be released but they didn't care, because he was going to be where he belonged by the end of the night. In jail.

On the other side of town Sara, Diggle, and Roy were staking out the DA's home. She had a few guards, but no where near as many as the mayor would have. The vigilantes took out the guards and then they found the DA's office that was within her home. Sara walked to the computer and plugged in the flash drive.

"The information she be on its way to you right now Speedy. Let me know when it is done." White Canary said.

"Will do White Canary." Speedy said.

Roy went and found that the DA was in her bed in her room. He busted the door down and shot a bola arrow at her so that she was restrained to the bed. He also did the same with all of the guards, so they weren't able to get free until the police were there as well.

"Everyone is all tied up. You should have all the time you need right now." Arsenal said.

"Good, because it looks like this computer is full of information that can be used to take the DA down." Sara said.

About fifteen minutes later the information was finally finished and the team was able to leave so that they could head back to the lair. Once both teams were back, they found out that Thea had already sent the information to Quentin so that he could arrest the mayor and the DA.

"So, how did it go Speedy?" Oliver asked.

"All of the information has been sent to Quentin and he will be making the two arrests very soon." Thea said.

"That's good. So, who do we need to go after now?" Laurel asked.

"As much as I want this to be over quickly, I think we need to be smart about this. We will take a break from this for a while so that it looks like the mayor and the DA were the only ones we were after. That will lull the rest of them into thinking that they won't be taken down, which will make them think that they are free." Oliver said.

"That is a good idea. So, what do we do in the meantime?" Sara asked.

"We work on the list for a while." Oliver said.

The team turned on the news and watched as the mayor and DA were being led out of each of their houses by the police. It looked like this was a very productive night for Team Arrow against Tempest.

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