Chapter 22

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Oliver and Laurel were finally able to get away for their honeymoon. They decided to just go to the Queen Family Beach House for a week. It had its own private beach so that they could have a week of privacy and no one would be able to bother them.

"It feels great to finally be able to get away from everything and just have time to ourselves." Laurel said.

"I agree. I have been waiting for this for a couple of weeks now. What are you looking forward to the most?" Oliver asked.

"Is that even a question? I get to spend all of my time with one of my two favorite people. What more could I ask for?" Laurel asked.

"Well, in that case, what do you want to do today?" Oliver asked.

"Let's go for a swim and then maybe we can just stay around the house and do something here." Laurel said.

"Sounds good to me." Oliver said as he started to walk to the room to change.

Oliver realized that Laurel was not following him, and he looked at her wondering what was going on. Laurel walked to the door that led out to the beach and Oliver was wondering why she was changing into a swimsuit.

"Laurel, don't you want to change into a swimsuit?" Oliver asked.

"Not really. I mean we are on a private beach after all, so therefore I don't think I really need one." Laurel said.

Laurel started to take her clothes off as she walked to the door. Oliver quickly followed her actions and as they both reached the door, they were naked.

"So, I never knew you were the type to go skinny dipping." Oliver said.

"All depends on who I am with." Laurel said with a smile.

"This person must be pretty special to get to see you with nothing on." Oliver said.

"He is. He is one of the most important parts of my life." Laurel said.

"Good to know. Let's go and hit the water for a why and then we can get back in the house and unpack everything for the week." Oliver said and Laurel nodded as they both ran to the water.

An hour later they were done in the water and decided it was time to get in the house and get something to eat. After they were done eating, they went into the living room and turned on the television and found a movie that they both liked, and they watched that for a while.

Once the movie was over, they unpacked everything, and Oliver went to see what else was in the refrigerator and cabinets. After looking around to see what kind of food they were stock with, Oliver turned to Laurel and said, "There is a lot of food here already, so we won't have to go to the store for at least a few days."

"Good because I like the idea of staying in for most of our trip." Laurel said.

"I like that idea as well. The only thing that I know we are going out for as of now is the restaurant that I got reservations at. That will be in a few days." Oliver said.

"Sounds good." Laurel said.

"Laurel, I hate to say this because I know that we are alone and all, but do you think it is ok if we put some clothes on. All I can think about right now is sex. Not that that is a bad thing being that we are on our honeymoon and all, I am just completely distracted by you right now." Oliver said.

"Oh, come on Ollie. We are on a private beach and we are actually in the house right now. Plus, it was my intention to not wear many clothes while we were on this trip." Laurel said.

"So, this was your plan all along? You seduce me with your constant nakedness." Oliver said.

"Sounds about right, and it looks like I have you right where I want you." Laurel said with a smile, as she walked over to Oliver and began to kiss him.

"Mrs. Queen, you are a evil person." Oliver said as he kissed her back.

They ended up in the bedroom for the rest of the night. The next morning, they both walked out of the room, while Oliver went to the kitchen to start the coffee maker and cook them both breakfasts.

"I am glad that you know how to cook. If you had to depend on me, we would both starve this week." Laurel said.

"Why don't you come over here and I will show you a few things. That way if I am ever too late to cook for dinner, you can start the meal until I get home." Oliver said.

"Ok, that sounds good. It is about time for me to learn how to cook a little bit." Laurel said.

"Yeah, so what's the plan for the day?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know. You know this place better than I do. Just point me in the right direction." Laurel said as they decided what they were going to do that day.

Back in Starling City, things were going pretty good for the team in Oliver and Laurel's absence. Barbara was at the computer trying to hack into a system that would allow her to cut the alarms in the building as Team Arrow entered.

They took down the drug dealers and left them tied up for the police. Once they were all back to the bunker, Barbara said, "This is a little bit harder than I thought. I am used to working with smaller groups. I think we might need another person like me that can hack."

"I know someone. We will split up the work evenly between the both of you, so that no one is to overworked." Oliver said.

"Thanks for this. I thought I would be able to handle all of you, but I am not." Barbara said.

"Don't worry about its Barbara. We will all help you out." Sara said.

"So, what do you need from me now?" Barbara asked.

"I need you to do a background check on Felicity Smoak and see if she is the kind of person we should recruit." Sara said and Barbara got to work on the background check.

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