Chapter 36

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The next day Oliver and Laurel decided that they were going to tell the team and the rest of their families that they were going to have another baby. That is why everyone was in the bunker, including Quentin and Moira.

"So, what is it that you needed all of us down here for? I mean, you never usually have Moira and I down here." Quentin said.

"Well, Oliver and I have some news for everyone that is down here, and we thought it would be easier to have this conversation only once. I hope we didn't take you away from something important though." Laurel said.

"I don't know about Quentin, but I was about to head home from the office anyways, so no you aren't bothering me." Moira said.

"Me either. I was about to head home as well. So, what is going on?" Quentin asked.

Oliver and Laurel looked at each other and then turned back to the group that was in front of them and Laurel said, "I am pregnant. I just found out a few days ago."

"That's great. I am so happy for the both of you." Thea said as she ran up and hugged Laurel first and then her brother.

"Yes, this is great news. We should have a party." Tommy said.

"Tommy is that all you ever think about. Why would they want to have one of your big parties?" Sara asked.

"I just thought it would be fun." Tommy said.

"Well, being that I can't drink, I think I am going to turn this one down Tommy. Sorry bud." Laurel said.

"It was worth a try. What about a small shower or something? You know, closer to when the baby is going to be born so you can get all of the supplies that you need." Tommy said.

"I think we will consider that because we could probably use some help with all of the stuff that we are going to need." Oliver said.

"Yeah, definitely. I sold most of the stuff that I used with Conner because I didn't think I would be having another baby. I couldn't do it without you again Ollie." Laurel said.

"I am glad to hear you say that, but I am going to be here this time. I don't plan on ever leaving you again." Oliver said.

"You better not." Laurel said as she leaned in to kiss Oliver.

The rest of the team gave their congratulations to the parents to be and then they continued to talk about the baby and what would happen to the team during the pregnancy.

"So, the Black Canary won't be out in the field for a while? How are we going to cover that up so that they won't start to suspect that it is Laurel since the Black Canary will probably take about ten to eleven months to return and that will coincide with Laurel's pregnancy and her maternity leave?" Sara asked.

"That is a good question and to tell you the truth, I really don't know right now. We will figure it out though." Oliver said.

"So, am I right guessing that you are done with field duty for a while then?" Thea asked.

"Yes, you are Speedy. I will not be going out in the field for a long while. I really hate not being out there with you guys though." Laurel said.

"We will be fine. Maybe I can wear your suit sometime so that no one will know that you are missing all the time." Thea said.

"We will think about it but that is not something that we need to think about tonight." Oliver said as he went over to the refrigerator in the bunker and pull out a bottle of Champaign and a bottle of sparkling grape juice so that everyone in the room could celebrate.

Once their glasses were full Tommy said, "To Oliver and Laurel. I hope this pregnancy goes well for the both of you and we will have a new member of the family in the very near future. Cheers."

"Cheers." The rest of the people in the bunker said in unison.

Emiko then walked over to a chair and sat down. "You look like your mind is on something. Mind sharing?" Oliver asked.

"I was just thinking about how when this baby gets to be my age, they are going to be in such a different world than what we live in because of what we are doing now as a team. I wish that could have happened for all of us though." Emiko said.

"I know what you mean. The world is just so dark right now and I don't know if there is a way out of it or not. All we can do is keep on trying to find a way out of it." Oliver said.

"I know. You are right. It just, sometimes things just seem so hard, and sometimes I wonder if all of this is worth it." Emiko said.

"It is, and when it is all said and done, we will all be the better for it. This city will be clean of all the villains who come here trying to pick a fight with me and the rest of you will be in prison." Oliver said.

"Thanks for the pep talk, brother. I didn't think you had that in you." Emiko said.

"I guess I am full of surprises. Let's go back over with the rest of the group." Oliver said and Emiko nodded as they both stood up and went to join everyone else.

"So, what was that about?" Laurel asked.

"I think she is feeling guilty because she brought the Ninth Circle here. She says it is hard to keep fighting, but she knows that she needs to make this city safe for our kids and whoever else might ever have any." Oliver said.

"I guess that makes since. So, this all went well with everyone." Laurel said.

"Yes, it did, and now we just need to go and celebrate this new baby with the rest of our family." Oliver said as he stopped talking and went to join the rest of their family which was what Oliver was choosing to call the team now, because that is what they were because they fight with each other while out in the streets at night, but they are also all there for each other in their civilian lives as well.

Laurel just sat there for a second looking at the group, think of how lucky Conner and this baby were to have such loving family and friends that would all be there for them no matter what.

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