Chapter 3

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The next day Oliver, Laurel, Sara and Tommy were riding around the city looking to see what had changed the most since Oliver and Sara had been gone. They went down into the Glades first and Laurel showed them CNRI, where she worked. Then they went by the old Queen mill and everyone knew what Oliver was thinking but they didn't let him know that.

After riding around a little bit more they decided it was time for something to eat, so they stopped at the Big Belly Burger. While the men went to order the food Laurel and Sara sat down and talked while they waited.

"So, how was last night? Was it as good as you remembered?" Sara asked.

"First off how do you even know we did anything and second, why would it be any of your business?" Laurel asked.

"Because right now I am having to live through you so it would be nice to know some of the details." Sara said.

"Fine. Yes, it was as good as I remember, but it was just really good to have him with me more than anything else. I have missed him so much." Laurel said.

"I know you have. So, I need to find me a job once I am brought back to the land of the living in a couple of days. Have any ideas?" Sara asked.

"Why don't you work at Ollie club. I mean I am pretty sure that Tommy is going to and you were always good at making drinks. The three of y'all working together to get the place going should be fun. I mean back in the day the three of you knew everything about clubs so it should come naturally to you." Laurel said.

"That's not a bad idea. So, how long you think you are going to be at CNRI? I am sure the DA's office is trying to poach you as we speak." Sara said.

"Yeah, they are, and I am thinking about taking a job as soon as possible so that I can start working on that corruption problem. The quicker I get to working there the faster I can move up the ranks." Laurel said.

"Oh, I was wondering if you knew any scientists or anything that I could talk to." Sara said.

"Yeah, I know a few. What so you need?" Laurel asked.

"I found the mirakuru cure on the Amazo when I went back to Lian Yu to get back here. I could use someone to replicate it." Sara said.

"I know someone. We can call them this afternoon." Laurel said and Sara nodded as the guys showed up with all of the food.

"So, what does everyone have planed for tonight?" Tommy asked.

"I think Thea and I are going to meet our sister and see how that goes." Oliver said.

"I think that is a good idea. You should try to spend as much time with her as you can and maybe thing will turn out great." Laurel said.

"Yeah, well I think Laurel and I are just going to hang around her apartment for the early hours of the night and then I am kind of up for a little clubbing. Want to go Merlyn?" Sara asked.

"I think I like that idea. That brings up something that I needed to talk to you about. Where do you want your welcome home party to be?" Tommy asked.

"We don't really need one of those, but since I know you won't take no for an answer, just have it where you want it and tell us when and we will be there." Sara said although she knew that Tommy already knew where to have the party. The building right across from Adam Hunt's office.

"Ok, so I am supposed to meet Thea at four, so let's get the rest of this tour going so I am not late." Oliver said.

They all went and got back in the car and rode around for the next couple of hours until they dropped Oliver off at the mansion to meet with Thea.

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