Chapter 14

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"Moira Queen is putting her name in for mayor. It was just announced that she was going to run in the special election that will be held within the next month. No one trusts anyone in the current administration, so the city council said that they would be having a special election for the mayor. Will anyone else run against Queen? That is yet to be seen." The new anchor said.

"Well, it is out there now. Are you ready for this Moira?" Walter asked.

"Yes, I am ready for this. I will help this city become what I always thought it would be." Moira said.

Moira's phone rung and she saw it was Malcolm, so she answered it. "Hello, Malcolm." Moira said.

"Hello, Moira. I have to say it was a great idea for you to run as mayor. Now we still have someone in that office. If I may ask, who are you thinking on appointing as your DA?" Malcolm asked.

"Haven't thought about it yet, although I always thought that Laurel Lance would be a good pick." Moira said.

"Do you think you can control her. We need someone in that position that we can trust." Malcolm said.

"Don't worry about that Malcolm. We have enough people in that office that it won't matter anyways." Moira said.

"I guess you are right about that. Good luck Moira." Malcolm said.

"Goodbye Malcolm." Moira said as she hung up.

Oliver and Laurel just happened to walk into the mansion with Conner with them. "How is my favorite Grandson?" Moira asked.

"Grandma, I am you only Grandson." Conner said.

"Conner why don't you go and find Raisa. I think she was making cookies earlier." Moira said and Conner ran to the kitchen.

"What's up mom?" Oliver asked.

"Malcolm just called to wish me luck on running for mayor. I don't think he liked that I was going to put Laurel up for DA." Moira said.

"What did you tell him?" Laurel asked.

"I told him that we already have enough people in that office that even if I couldn't control you, it wouldn't matter." Moira said.

"That makes since. I will have to work on that once we get Malcolm out of the way." Laurel said.

"Anyways, let's go and get my Grandson so we can go to his birthday party. Where is it being held again?" Moira asked.

"He wanted to go to the playground in the park with a bunch of his friends. We will have a cookout while we are there." Oliver said.

"Sounds great. Come on Conner. It is time to go." Moira said as Conner came running.

"You ready to go to your party buddy?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah daddy. It is going to be so much fun." Conner said.

Conner had already opened the presents that he was getting from his parents and he got a lot of cool stuff. Mostly clothes but he did get a game system that Oliver said that he would beat him at.

Once they got to the park, they started to set things up for the party and then Conner's friends started to arrive. They looked like they were all having fun on the playground equipment. After a while it was time to eat. They had hotdogs and hamburgers. After that they all sang Happy Birthday and ate some cake. Finally, Conner got to the fun part which was opening the presents. He got a lot of stuff that he thought would be a lot of fun. Some of it he even got to use when all the kids went back to playing.

"He looks like he is having a lot of fun." Oliver said.

"He is. I can tell you have something on your mind. What is it?" Laurel asked.

"I just missed so much. I missed his first steps. His first words. I just wish I had been here." Oliver said.

"I wish you would have been here too, but you are here now, and when we have another kid, you will be there for all of their important moments." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I know I am being stupid. It is just they way I think of it though." Oliver said.

"It's not stupid and it is also not your fault that you were gone for five years." Laurel said.

"I know. So, you want to have more kids then?" Oliver said with a smile.

"I would say one more would be good. It would give Conner someone to play with." Laurel said.

"I bet it will be a girl and she will look exactly like you." Oliver said.

"I can confirm that." Sara said as she walked up to them.

"What do you mean?" Laurel asked.

"When I left the League our friends that showed us the future were there to take me to Lian Yu. One of them was different. It was a girl who looked exactly like you except she had Ollie's eyes." Sara said.

"So, things changed that quickly?" Laurel asked.

"Looks like it. She seemed to be great from the short time I was with her though." Sara said.

"Well, she would have to be with a mother like Laurel." Oliver said.

"Don't sell yourself short Ollie. You are a great father. I can already see Conner picking up things from watching you." Laurel said.

"I hope they are all good things." Oliver said.

"Even if they aren't, nothing is as bad as what you used to do with all the partying and stuff before the Gambit, so as long as he doesn't pick up on that stuff, we are good." Laurel said.

"I can agree with you on that. So, how is everything with you and Tommy going Sara?" Oliver asked.

"Things are great. I think we should do another double date again soon." Sara said.

"I agree. Let's try something sometime next week." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I will check the schedule and see what is going on next week." Sara said.

"Sounds good. Let's go over there with all the kids so that we can make sure that no one gets hurt while we are supposed to be watching them." Laurel said and they all nodded in agreement as they walked over to where the kids were playing.

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