Chapter 56

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It was now Saturday and Thea thought that she would be nice and take the kids for the day so that Oliver and Laurel could go and do something for just the two of them and not have to worry about kids. She decided that she would take the kids to the park and then they would see what else they could find to do.

"Aunt Thea, can I go and play on the jungle gym over there?" Conner asked.

"Sure you can buddy. Just make sure that you stay where I can see you." Thea said and Conner nodded.

Thea then looked down at her niece who was only one and said, "You will be able to do what your brother is in a couple of years, but for right now we are just going to sit here and watch him have fun." Thea said to Olivia.

"You know, you are really starting to look like your mom, other than your eyes of course, which you get from your father." Thea said and that caused Olivia to smile.

"Well, it looks like your brother is having fun. Do you want to go and try one of the kiddie swings?" Thea asked and Olivia nodded. "Ok, let's go and try it. I think you will have fun."

Thea walked to the swingset and put her niece in one of the swings and started to push her. She knew that Olivia was having fun from the way that she was giggling. Conner came over to the two of them and Thea let him push Olivia for a while. She did keep a watchful eye on everything so that Conner didn't push too hard though.

After they finished playing on the swingset, Thea put Olivia back in her stroller and they all took a walk through the park so that they could waste some more time. "What do you want to do with the rest of your day, Conner?" Thea asked.

"It would be fun to go home and watch a movie. I don't know which one yet, but that would be fun." Conner said.

"How about we go to my place so we can leave your parents alone for a while. I am sure that mom would love to spoil the two of you for a while as well." Thea said.

"Sounds good to me." Conner said as they all headed to the car and went to the Queen Mansion.

. . .

"I am really glad that Thea took the kids for the day. I do miss them, but I am glad that we finally got a break." Laurel said and Oliver nodded.

"Yeah, it is good to have a day off with nothing to do. The team is even letting us have the night off, which is really good." Oliver said.

"It is. So, what do you want to do with the rest of the day?" Laurel asked.

"I was thinking that we can just sit around and do nothing and then tonight we can go out somewhere good to eat and then we can head to the club for a while and just enjoy the night." Oliver said.

"I like that idea, except for the fact that Thea is only keeping the kids for the day." Laurel said.

"Well, I will call her and see if she is ok with keeping them for the night as well." Oliver said as he took his phone out to call his sister.

"Hey Ollie, what's up?" Thea asked over the phone.

"Laurel and I were hoping that you could keep the kids for the night so that we could go out on a date night and have a little bit of fun." Oliver said.

"I am fine with that. You two have fun and I will talk to you tomorrow." Thea said as she hung up.

"Well, that is taken care of. Let's decide what restaurant we want to go to and get a reservation." Oliver said as they sat down and discussed where they wanted to go.

. . .

"Looks like you are stuck with me for the rest of the night buddy." Thea said to Conner.

"Where are mom and dad going?" Conner asked.

"They want to have a date night, so that means that we get to have fun together until tomorrow." Thea said.

"Yay. This is going to be so much fun." Conner said.

"I hope so. So, what movie did you decide that we were going to watch?" Thea asked.

"I thought it would be fun to watch Peter Pan. I haven't seen that in a while." Conner said.

"I always liked that movie. Let's put it on and watch it." Thea said as they put on the movie and sat down to enjoy it.

. . .

Oliver and Laurel had decided to go to the new Italian restaurant and give it a try. They had both liked it and they knew that they would be coming back there again. After they were done with their meal they went to the club and tonight Oliver would not have to work because it was his night off after all.

When they walked in the first person they saw was Sara. "I should have known you two were incapable of taking a night off."

"We are not here to work. We are here to let loose and have some fun." Oliver said.

"Good to hear. Well, go and have some fun then." Sara said.

Oliver and Laurel went out to the dance floor and started dancing and they stayed out there for a while and then they decided to go and get some drinks and just sit down and watch all the drunk people making fools of themselves that were in the club.

"I always wondered why people would want to get so drunk that they could hardly even function." Laurel said.

"Well, talking from experience, it is fun while you are drunk, but it definitely isn't fun the next morning." Oliver said.

"Well, I am glad that you got over that phase in your life. You know, I think it is time to go home. I have some things in mind that I think we can do that will be fun." Laurel said with a smile.

"I like the way that you think. Let's go." Oliver said as the two left to go home and have their fun.

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